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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. I'm enjoying it. I just replayed the SNES version this past Summer because I got tired of waiting for this port. Yeah, the sound gets pretty crummy sometimes. I'm always excited to see what they did to the sound when I know a new track is coming up. Just jumped the falls and Gau showed up. Sounded much better on SNES, but I still have the OST CDs so it's all good. Difficulty has rarely been an issue for me - I always do the level up trick on the Lete. Driving back from Kansas City on Sunday, I put on my .MP3 player, pumped some Malcos, and held down the "A" button for the duration of the drive. I like to get 'em all just over 1,000 and then press on. I'm not much of a gamer in that regard. Anyway, I'm enjoying it and have heard a lot of good things about the Opera so I'm looking forward to that. Mostly, I want to get to those special additions because I thought the new palace in FFIV was fun as hell. If you love this game, you should get it. That's all there is to it. This doesn't erase time - it's not like the old version isn't going to be there once you pop in this new one. And if you haven't played it yet, you shouldn't complain. Check it out, it's a lot of fun. Translation is much better. Despite having taken out the Celes beating and some of the more "violent" lines, it seems more mature to me. I vote yes.
  2. Wish more of you guys could've been there. It was all old people who weren't all that into it. But they liked it and wanted to buy CDs. Just older folks who don't like to dance so much. But we made up for it on Saturday when we played a private party and rocked the entire place for hours upon hours. Got more gigs out of it - unfortunately they're private gigs. Pretty nuts that a video game cover band keeps getting private parties and corporate gigs... New Web site coming - more show dates as they come.
  3. We will this Summer. Get ready!
  4. The OneUps Live at Blayney's Blues of Westport 415 Westport Rd Kansas City MO 64111 (816) 561-3747 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. $5.00 cover Ages 21+ Come say WhatsUp if you can make it out. Gonna be fun. Music from Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Bomberman, The Legend of Zelda, Mega Man X, Paperboy, Dr. Mario, Final Fantasy, EarthBound and more.
  5. Sample quality will get you rejected fast I bet. But I just don't like how the theme is handled here. To me, this is one of the top five most beautiful themes to come from a video game. And this dark, dissonant version just isn't appealing. That's how you wanted to arrange it so I don't know what to tell you. I would just prefer something more upbeat. Also, I bet people will say this sticks too close to the original form of the song. Keep on truckin'.
  6. ChicoRay.net Chico Ray is an artist that I produced on my original music label, MP Records. Music samples are on the MySpace page. Thought some of you guys over here might get a kick out of it. Some pretty ridiculous stuff. Thanks for any love! Hearts and Lazerbeams, -m
  7. Great stuff. Sick track. Love it. Added it to my sleep list, and to the CD I take with me when I get massages. My therapist plays the VGM mix CDs I give her for other people too and they're always complimenting. Keep 'em comin' - this is great.
  8. I'm listening to it right now.
  9. No idea. Sorry.
  10. So sad. I really loved this track. Where are you, Antisheep?!
  11. Dale said he didn't Auto-Tune it. He Manually Tuned it. That's the end of the discussion on that.
  12. Really can't tell you why, but I like this mix. I listened to it on loop for a few hours while I did work on the computer. Very... chill. Nice work!
  13. Best posts ever. I totally agree with both somehow. Which doesn't make sense. But I love them.
  14. http://www.oneupstudios.com/music/Chrono%20Trigger%20-%20Joshua%20Morse%20-%20Guardia%20Forest%20Vibe.mp3
  15. Xenon: I have that CD. And I have the live DVD of the show. It's good. But it'd be cool to hear a version without all of the Japaneseness, dig? CHz: GOOD FUCKING CALL! Darkwing Duck needs some lovin' and I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Awesome music. I have some unfinished version of the boss music somewhere... But yeah, it's a soundtrack that would lend itself to a big band very well.
  16. Why would something from Zelda be an obvious choice? When I think of Zelda music, I think of a big orchestral score. I don't think of a swinging big band. "Bob-Omb Battlefield" was the first thing that came to mind for a swinging big band.
  17. Super Mario 64 - Bob-Omb Battlefield
  18. Not necessarily. You're still taking a copyrighted work and using it for your own purpose and then giving it away, which infringes on that copyright. A parody is Space Balls to Star Wars. They didn't actually use any of the Star Wars names, any of the same ships, actual Lightsabers - anything from the actual movie. That's a parody. What Weird Al does isn't a parody - he actually has to license the masters from the publishers and the record companies and then puts his own spin on it.
  19. Well, I'm just gonna chime back in again to say I got my Dell that I use as my DAW for $300 bucks. Dell's refurbished outlet or whatever, and I paid $399 (got $100 back in the mail later). Came with a mouse and keyboard. No monitor. I haven't had a single problem with the computer itself - the only problems I've had are my Echo MIA MIDI breakout cable frying, and SONAR being the bitch that it is sometimes. I run a studio, do music for serious clients (e.g. MTV2), and I'm happy with it. I think here in a year or so, I'll get a new machine by the same means that comes with Vista and hopefully SONAR and Windows'll have worked out the bugs. The good thing is, that no matter what you get, we know you're going to keep making nice musics.
  20. I see your point, but do you realize kids are hearing that music and think it's totally original? It reminds me of the time my buddy brought over his kid sister and saw me playing the OG Donkey Kong on NES. She saw me get the hammer and said, "They stole that from Smash Brothers." I asked him and her to leave. I find it far more interesting and respectable when people make their own music. I very very very very rarely do sampling with any of my clients - I prefer to make everything myself. That said, I also don't mind remaking a song from scratch, just like we do here at OCR, and then putting their vocals on that. Just show me you can actually write something on your own. To me, that's respect.
  21. I say you go with the Dell deal. EVERYONE that has built their own PC that I know has had problems with it - major problems at times - in the past. Personally, I purchase packaged stuff, drop the stuff that I need into it (bigger HD, Sound Card, RAM) and leave it at that. That is also good for warranty stuff. And Dell is awesome about customer service. I think most people would disagree with me, but this is the course of action I strongly suggest. As for the OS, you'll probably end up with XP - I actually don't know what's going on with Vista and if the music app companies are already working on converting their programs to Vista. Plus there are the bugs to think about and I'm worried about past projects converting over to Vista... So there's my take. Best of luck. Oh, and don't use it for anything other than music. No Internet, no chatting, no gaming - nothing. You don't want to get a virus and you want the computer to only know your music software. That's how I roll. Then shoot it over to the laptop here and put it online. Yay.
  22. Well, I am. I've been dealing with copyrights for five years now. Thanks!
  23. No, not really. But thanks.
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