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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. It's not a matter of being brave. I drive around listening to original NES stuff all the time. Today I was listening to Busta Rhymes, The Strange Fruit Project, and the Super Dodge Ball Original Soundtrack. Don't let people look at you weird. Have confidence. About the track, the more I listen to it, the more I like it. But the more I wish Kunal hadn't of gone with the lo-fi record route. Maybe a release down the road? Watch for another EP from the Bad Dudes sometime soon. www.OneUpStudios.com
  2. dittoed mustin (at) pair.net
  3. Not sure why things are getting so heated. Things are pretty cut and dry with the laws, and the only thing to really get bothered about is whether or not Timbaland stole the tune as source material. There is some crazy chance in hell that it's a coincidence that it happened like this. Afterall, there are only 12 notes. But most people are in agreement that the work was stolen and that would be an infringement on the copyright of the owner. The owner seems to not have made a statement or anything (did I miss that?) so there's not much to be done. Cool your collective jets, peeps.
  4. Yeah, basically.
  5. First, Nintendo would sue Adrian Holovaty for infringing on their copyright. Then OCReMix for making the song publically available. Then Adrian and Nintendo would both sue American Auto Finance for using the track without permission of the arrangement or the copyright in their commerical. Maybe OCR could sue as well because the music here is not to be used for financial gain. So the short answer is, "No, don't worry about it." It'd just be nice for Adrian to see this since he made the arrangement. I'm workin' on it.
  6. Timbaland is not a good producer. He's a good sampler and borrower. If he would stop that and just make everything from scratch, it'd be a lot more respectable.
  7. My housemate, drummer for The OneUps Jared, says he saw a local commercial yesterday three times. It was filmed at his work (Lokomotion Family Fun Park - Games, Go Carts, Mini Golf) and it features Adrian Holovaty's "Gypsy Jazz" arrangement from Super Mario Bros. 2. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to try to get it recorded and then get it online. I'd like to know if anyone has any contact information for Adrian so we can send it to him once online. Pretty weird, no?
  8. Sounds pretty good. Honestly, I don't think it's very interesting overall, so hopefully the live group will breathe a lot of life into it. Do you have the charts ready?
  9. oh snaps son Guitar shits is a nice touch. This is rockin'! I think you've got it from here on out. Good times.
  10. Wow, serious love for the Bad Dudes EP today. Thanks to djp and the judges! I agree with BGC on the compression. I didn't realize it until I was listening to the compilation in my truck - the overcompression really crackles at those loud points. I came home and called Kunal - he seemed to not realize it was there. Either way, this is a rad track. Not really what I expected from Kunal, but totally appropriate for the EP. Watch for another EP from the Bad Dudes soon...
  11. Awesome! Thanks for voting us the winner, folks! I gotta thank Lisa, Jennifer, and Tim for performing on the track. Also, thanks to everyone involved in the contest! I'll be finishing the mix pretty soon and sending it to zircon for the project. It'll be a tighter mix with more cool stuff so watch for that when the projct is released. Thanks again! You've all made my morning!
  12. Nice! I didn't know you submitted this. But you already know that I love this. When it all comes together in the middle - I have to clench my butt cheeks together or I'll crap myself every time. Love it.
  13. Hopefully on a plate with more OCR pizza.
  14. It's also a little unnecessary. I don't think the Judges need to let people know what they're using to listen to the music or what music they like. Seems irrelevant. It might be a nice little factoid, but I think people would want to use it as an argument for groove bias. And I don't think you need to run an OCR submission through a "fancy graphic equalizer" in order to pass judgement on it. It is still, admittedly, an opinion that they're offering afterall.
  15. Damn, I wasn't on there. Ah well. Maybe one day I'll be cool. I can't wait to get started on the project!
  16. "Hi, my name is Larry. I work at GloboGym. I like long walks on the beaches of Koholint..."
  17. hahahaha Nice.
  18. No way, that was totally Apocalyptica! Nintendo hired them to do that arrangement and put it on their Nintendo CD. Also, John Williams and the Boston Pops orchestra wrote and performed the original Super Mario Bros. Theme Song and then Koji Kondo just turned it into a chip tune and put it into the first SMB game. Okay? *This post was total sarcasm
  19. I'm taking the job.
  20. Yeah man, cool stuff. One of my favourite game tunes ever. I say you do something a little outside of the box on this one to add some spice. Say, some ripping guitar shits over the awesome beat you have. But yeah, I like the start of it. Go crazy with it.
  21. Yeah, you don't even have to spend any money if you don't want to. Go for it. Check the ReMixing forum on this site to get started. Patience and Persistence required.
  22. Jake did walk in knowing he was in there - he asked me to introduce him since I was neutral. I told pixie to get the camera ready and then bam.
  23. Thanks for a fucking RAD weekend, nerds! I had a blast running sound with norg and SnappleMan for all of the freakin' concerts (so many!!!). There were so many awesome moments (pixie, where's the virt, Mustin, djp pic?!?), but my favourite would have to be after the last concert on Saturday - Joe_Cam taking myself, Richter, Snapple, norg, etc. to get McD's and just getting back to the hotel to sit down and eat in slow motion (like the end of Harold & Kumar). It was just so good and a great time to reflect on all of the awesomeness (I had been up and working for close to 24 hours at that point, which is something I don't usually do). Thanks again. It was great to buy djpretzel a beer after all of this time. Can't wait to see you all next time.
  24. I sure hope so. Or at least a rip. I want to arrange the "You are dead" screen. Love that harp and cello!
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