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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. Server is down
  2. If you guys wanna explore my cave system I found head on over to my Mining Emporium due W of Abadoss's place. Just go all the way down my mines till you see a sign that says Obsidian Caves or something like that and follow the signs~
  3. Merry Christmas! I mean Happy Birthday!
  4. No just making sure
  5. My handle is NeoForte
  6. lol it's NeoForte like my name here
  7. Awesome bridge! I can't seem to log into the server. Says I'm not on the whitelist ; ;
  8. Yea I voted for Just cause my love for the Zero series and it's awesome Art Work.
  9. Shuyuo Geirmund and yes. I have an LS already but I don't mind getting one from ya.
  10. I'm on Figaro as well. Want an LS invite to a friend's recently started one give Shuyuo Geirmund a tell later on tonight. Or if not tell Talon Xavier I sent ya
  11. They don't. They are still using Direct X9.
  12. He basically saw the tutorial battle and just called it a night. Can't blame him by the way the reps treated him but trust me the game isn't as bad as he says it is. The game is no where near perfect but I've had a blast. The cities and areas are populated, the combat is slightly slow at the start but as you get more abilities it becomes faster and more engaging. Mobs don't just stand there being stupid. Only reason that video showed that Jellyfish stand down like that was because it's the tutorial battle that's suppose to be easy so you can figure out the controls and how to engage and kill enemies. Now about it looking generic, well that's matter of opinion. I don't think it does personally. And yea SE should have made the demo on the show floor part of the open beta so it would look more populated. It was a weak show but I think he's being a bit unfair. Also he stopped the trailer before it got to the more actiony parts of it at the beginning. The beta is filled with lag in menus, areas and other places, there's still some crashing problems but it has stabilized a bit since it started. Also there's a few design issues SE has done that we'll see if they make it to the final release. There's not a whole lot of content in but that's expected since it's a beta. I will admit though Guild Wars looks very cool and I can see why he was wowed.
  13. So far there's been a lot of hiccups and questionable decisions on this game but I'm having a blast in the beta! The CS are amazing (though slightly glitchy), the music is awesome, the battle system is fast (compared to XI) and pretty nice. I haven't run into the surplus system yet. Then again I switch jobs constantly. Have I mentioned how awesome the music is?
  14. Awww, hope you have a good time Bahamut. You shall be missed
  15. Awesome show Sephfire! As a avid FFXI player (Hey! Where was the logo for that in your movie?! ) and MMO player for the past 10 years or so, I like hearing about what people think the evolution of the modern MMO would be like.
  16. Class 4. A retake cause I suck so much lol.
  17. who is this???:o

  18. Awesome dude! Also holy crap you are in Animation mentor as well?!
  19. Also let's not forget outside of bosses, most enemy sprites were just basically carbon copies of their SoTN self (Circle of the Moon being one of the few exceptions). Actually would be Rondo of Blood since SoTN used sprites from it as well lol
  20. Wish I had been. Still waiting on my email :/
  21. I dunno, Neo Arcadia (though better on the second one), Crash, Fake (Final battle) were very memorable to me. But yea starting with the 2nd one the music gets a ton better.
  22. OOoo we share birthdays? lol Happy Birthday man!
  23. Nintendo should send me one....since it's my Birthday lol I can't wait to get a chance to try one of them out. I'm really interesting in seeing how the 3D looks.
  24. Patapon 3 was shown....in the montage of PSP titles. Yea it was just there...
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