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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Bought myself new copies of Gradius V, Fatal Frame II & III. Just awesome
  2. Be careful with that statement... There are those that play such jrpgs and can go through masochistic play-throughs, such as myself, on games like "Imperishable Night" on lunatic mode or "Dante Must Die" mode on the original DMC 3 before they re-released the "special version" with one issue being to re-balance the difficulty among other things. (A friend gave me his copy of the older DMC3 version because he said it was "too hard") That said, as I look back on the vids and noticed how some of the attacks can easily miss due to how the enemies are hit, it makes me think back on Valkyrie Profile and that problem with missing your target is much more apparent in the latest game in that series. Just have to attack the enemy with timing.
  3. happy birthday ya old sonofabrick you... Good memories...
  4. ---- So hey yeah to those living in North Carolina, USA... In particularly Wilson City... It looks like TWC is trying to screw you guys over by outlawing Community broadbands...
  5. That's just it though, you're more than welcomed to allow yourself to be trampled but I rather not settle on standing for such bullshit when I see it. Grandstanding surely isn't going to do one any good, but neither is simple accepting things that are deplorable if not harmful to many. In this case, a school and students lost a good teacher...
  6. From what it seems, the school may have either not known, or did and didn't care until some one boohoo'ed all the while shitting on every one... I was amazed at the absolute bullshit High standards my ass as it's all revenge Thing is it was the coach's choice as a fucking adult. They are not forcing students to become models or posers for playboy.
  7. That's fine and dandy but when no one bothered you about it till some one complains about something entirely different I call bullshit on that... Along the lines, that's like saying I should be very hesitant of hiring some guy who once worked at a mcdonalds as a cashier for a job working with databases with on-site training thrown in... (Oh no I'm not gonna allow some shmuck who worked at a greasetrap touch my delicate hardware...) No one should care so long as the person is capable of doing the job regardless of such previous jobs/occupation; however I know that's not the reality of things.
  8. You downloading something on the PS3 and trying to use the internet on a PC at the same time and you happen to have dsl or bad cable speeds..?
  9. It's sad but true... Hell this cheerleader coach was fired because of a previous stint on working with playboy before becoming a coach. Funny thing is, NO ONE COMPLAINED until... From what I've read elsewhere she was an awesome coach... So... WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT?! Not even just "irresponsible activities" but a previous job/occupation can get you screwed over...
  10. At first I thought you meant like driving around the countryside and such but then I saw Now I just don't even
  11. I must be living under a rock as I've never seen an "official" tpb t-shirt unless you count those guys that print out a decal and iron them on a blank shirt. Then again perhaps I've only looked at obscure trackers... But still I don't regularly see trackers hocking wares like mugs or t-shirts. Even then that's not on the actual service's of using the tracker. With the advent of tpb using a privately paid system, I'm more likely to agree with ya on it being a "questionable" commercial service... Also I'm glad we can agree on paypal... I fuckin hate paypal with a passion of a thousand suns flaring (horrible first hand experience)....
  12. Trackers are a dime a dozen. Any one with a bit of surplus cash on the side can set up a tracker. A well educated owner can have it up and running just like TPB. Edit: Any body with access to surplus servers & awesome internet access can have a tracker set up just like TPB. eBay is a commercial depot, trackers are not... Side note: paypal ought to be scrutinized as a shapeshifting money trader and be regulated like a bank but it's not... 2nd edit: Seems like the UK is experiencing an idea that is helping to curb it. In this case its the isp simply blocking off access to the site in general.
  13. Basic communications is all that is needed to operate something like TPB and it would continue on as if nothing has happened. Once again unless there are headlines that show the owners/operators going in prison, they will probably not see time done at all and just take this as a minor annoyance. NOW if the punishment involved torture on a daily basis, MAYBE it will do it and cause the owners to shut down TPB in name only... However that's very doubtful of ever occuring. Still jail time won't do shit to the problems of piracy, forcing/extorting cash via court penalties won't stop it either. I'm seriously having a hard time finding a "meaningful" punishment to such ip piracy without resorting to drastic physical violence. I'd really like to see an idea that actually works stemming piracy without punishing the general populace like draconian DRM or underhanded tactics.
  14. Off topic, but I didn't think you Nekofrog went to that site where I've seen that facetros... Does the following line... mean anything to you..?It is a giant purple octopus possessed of an all-arming intellect after all... Aww did I kill the thread now..?
  15. Identity Thievery is always changing but getting caught for that can get real ugly compared to simple downloading. Plus that's something worth fighting for as things can get fixed, albeit over time... However screw regulation on the internet and my computers. If there's anything that needs regulation its those that think making laws frivolously will some how fix a "problem". Perhaps I have no need to worry... It just not going to happen any time soon, especially if you have that ISP like the one up in sweden defying the recent IPRED laws by simply destroying logs/data information. There are better ways to combat piracy, however just altering the law to work against the general populace rather than directly at the bootleggers isn't very conducive to the goal; unless of course all of Internet/PC competent humanity are labeled as "pirates".
  16. Okay so yeah I decided to rebuy Fatal Frame II & III for the ps2 since a couple of former associates had "lifted" my copies and ran off. I remembered there was going to be a fourth title for the Wii. Turns out while it did come out in Japan, seems like NoA (Nintendo of America) decided to not release it in the US Normally I wouldn't have too much of an issue if it was available for the 360/PS3 US as well, but since it's not. I can't find an appropriate rage.jpeg image to truly show my rage...
  17. Depends on what you're looking for and what you already have.
  18. They're not gone just yet. They probably won't even see jail time assuming the posts on the first few links are accurate; something about there being a queue line to even go to jail in Sweden. (with the most violent/treason types getting bumped ahead to go in faster) Besides... Pirate Bay is only one of the most popular hubs for torrents, nothing more than a piece of an iceberg 's tip chipped off.
  19. I too main vega... If you're on the PS3 version I go by the same name on the PSN as I do here - "Schwaltzvald"
  20. Not to mention when you try importing (particularly online shops), either the import shops don't sell whatever you're looking for or they do but gouge out more than your wallet could handle. There's a good chance of one finding a fairly priced item and import it but it shouldn't be THAT difficult to find things like that... Then again they're not nearly as bad as Amazon's shops asking for $159.99 or so dollars for a new/fresh copy of say, Valkyrie Profile for the Playstation.
  21. Oh for fucks sakes I've already posted the vids earlier yesterday on this thread. Nice to see my posts be ignored. >:L But I'm more amazed of the doom and gloom I'm reading here. If you honestly think you won't enjoy it at all, simply not buy it; especially based on what I'm reading here as of late most plan on buying it and expecting it to be shit.
  22. At least for now... yeah....
  23. So like... that recently came out on for the DS yes..?something like $45 in retail VP:Silmeria is also worth it.
  24. I'm rather surprised that it has not been released on PSN yet. Unless you have the PSP be ready to shell out a lot of cash for a PS copy of the game...
  25. Madden doesn't count... It NEVER fucking counts... okay..? can you tell how much i despise it..?
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