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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Such as The Birth of Venus and the Adonis statue tasteful nudity..? edit: Damn gollgagh beat me to it...
  2. Just stick with winamp for them as iTunes is aweful in this regard... I say this only because of bad personal experience and grudge against iTunes; among other things...
  3. To be fair, the west were just getting into the swing of "super-deformed" art styles and well... yeah... Remember it was an evolution in progress. Remember the covers for MM1 and 2..? At 3 they were getting closer to the Megaman we know as of today. Heck the cover for Megaman 6 Is the closest they were with the blue bomber today before his image was finalized... Of course MM9 cover is a joke image but still... Also even as a child it always bothered me how the perspective in the cover of MM4 was fucked up. Pharoah man in the image makes Dr. Cossack's Castle look like a toy or a carved out pedistal that he happens to try take advantage to hit Megaman(Rock) And yet Rock's not even paying attention... What the fuck? :lol: also.... WHY YOU ASSHOLES CAN'T DO SOME AWESOME SHIT LIKE THIS?! EVEN IF IT'S SIMPLE DO SOMETHING DAMNIT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFxpFWH3_jo Also to put more salt on the wounds... This is pretty fucking sweet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0TaaD_fj4M&feature=related
  4. SH1 though technically you're not unarmed.. at least a little after the intro you're not. Same with SH3 and hell in SH4 they thrust the trusty old pipe to you to beat the tar out of your enemies before you even get to their territory (get the god damn axe it's a real life saver). Give them a try some day... Also technically you're not alone when in Silent Hill You've also forgot Clock Tower 3. Oh sure you got a "weapon" but the damn thing is barely useful in which in all practicality you're truly unarmed. To make matters worse if you're panicing not only do you become much easier prey but also you start panicking in real like because you can't seem to control the protagonist correctly when she's panicking in the first place; least till you get to a boss fight. Edit: In fatal frame you had a weapon which came in the form of a camera. I've not played Haunting Ground but I'm familiar with the whole, immortal creatures that keep coming after you, in particularly the Victims from SH4...
  5. You really shouldn't be too scared to just play it, and what better way to deal with your fears but to face it head on... You've at least played the older titles right..?
  6. When I get my grubby mitts on it I'll let ya know. But I do hate how they tease with the music... I also have to agree that Hornet Man's stage music gives a lot of flexibility for remixing.
  7. It's worth getting RE3 for the GC, especially from Nekofrog...
  8. I'm not about dismissing the robot master's stage music, I'm just referring to the Wily Stages as I didn't find them to be as memorable except for the few that I mentioned... As for comparing MM2 Wily Castle 1 versus Cossack Stage 1 + 2. I'd say it's fine to compare the two.
  9. Got it for $20 off amazon... But go with Nekofrog as he's trustworthy Also Gamestop is shit, had always been shit, always will be utter shit...
  10. Hey the guy that sent me the PM, I replied, Also... for those who haven't heard the track, it's already on Youtube, but the actual song sounds better than there... Silent Hill: HC - The Sacred Line http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHCHthibd64 Another track that moved me but didn't bring on the waterworks is "Okami - Rising Sun". I often listen to it whenever I get back after a long work week and I see home coming into view.... Okami - Rising Sun
  11. Possible re-releases with updated (NES-esque) graphics, Megaman9 retooling (mapping/difficulty ect ect) for said re-releases of the old GB games..? I can only hope...
  12. I cried when I realized that she died ALONG WITH SOME OF THE GOOD MATERIA ON HER!
  13. That's a real shame if that's the case... As I recall Gecko you had a wip remix of Dr Cossack Stage 2, something along the lines of a eurodance version or something. I remember having it played on loop back in the day when I found it... (VGMix forums?) It's still sitting on my hard drive to this day Another shame it was never completed... FOR THE UNWASHED MASSES >:L Dr. Cossack Stage 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZFC0G_f5Lw&NR=1 Dr. Cossack Stage 2
  14. Aside from Megaman, MM2 & MM4 the others, imo, were not as memorable except for one other track in MM3. Heck I even like Dr. Cossack's stage music better in MM4 than the Wily Stages...
  15. Recently was moved by SH:HC's - "The Sacred Line" It was those bonus tracks that you were given a link to if you preordered... I had to fake sleeping on my way to work to hold it back as I didn't expect the track to be THAT good. Enjoyable sure but not THAT amazing to me. very good. The rest of the "bonus tracks" are on par as well but only THAT song caught me off guard...
  16. Which bothers me even more, not about whether I would play it or not, but how their reviews are based on. Resident Evil 4 was very different in regards to the earlier RE titles yet was lauded to being one of the best games of its time despite the changes. I can understand wanting the odd camera angles back but still, I would imagine SH:HC does have its moments. Plus, imo, the original saga of SH had ended with Heather long ago where as Henry's story technically was a prelude to how far the town, or the OTHERSIDE, is willingly trying to intrude into reality. Feeding off the surrounding population's psyche.
  17. Dystopia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thvhyUQRiMM A very well accomplished HL2 mod with a lively community; especially since the creators are still making improvements and making new content along side with the Dystopia community.
  18. I find it funny that big top reviewers make claims that thanks to Shepards' military background, the game's way too easy... Silent Hill always needs to be played on hardmode otherwise it wouldn't be fulfilling of an experience. Same with any survival horror game... I'm also surprised some of the reviewers bash on the game being way too different from the past titles. Soon as they left out SH4 I knew they screwed up on choosing the guy/gal to review Silent Hill HC.. I will get it myself, though for the PS3 version...
  19. I'd like to call bs on the techies at your college not knowing what Bittorrent is. I was a tech for my college at one point and took advantage of the position quite well... They got to be hicks not to know about torrent technology... I'd be wary of them, especially if they try to pin something on you to distract others from their "activities"...
  20. You mean this..? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoKMZXnsF4k I'd get both either way as both are bound to feel quite different from each other...
  21. It better be more awesome than this entire scene alone
  22. To get you started... Securom - Of the six known big "controversy" involving securom, I FUCKIN ROFLED at the Sacred 2 article which refers to a "customor friendly DRM"... So what the flying fuck were the other past five, shakedowns!? Starforce Left 4 Dead system requirements: OS: Windows Vista, XP or 2000 CPU: 3.0 GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 or AMD64X2 (or higher) RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista Disc drive: DVD-ROM Drive Hard drive: At least 7.5 GB of free space Video: Direct X 9 compatible video card (Video card must be 256 MB or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with support for pixel shader 2.0) Sound: Direct X9.0c compatible sound card
  23. What we're seeing is the once humble and decent DS becoming corrupt and turning into the PSP's long lost twin.
  24. I died here man, I just fuggin died . Same with the Mercenaries 2 ZP review.. Thank goodness for my resurrecting ability but still. :lol:
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