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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Just saying he can take some elements from it if it helps work out the animation. I doubt he would want to go all ultra-realistic, however there are some concepts that were created in the I, Mario project where it could work with the animation if he chooses to.
  2. You're thinking of the old "I, Mario" project which for the most part is in developement hell if not dead more or less... http://specter24.proboards44.com/index.cgi I do however still visit their forums to read up the mythos they have created for all the characters.
  3. You're not far from the truth, as alot of them are rather bad. From the semi-siezure inducing clips to the downright inane ones. However I still stand by my earlier statement that there are some actually good ones that can induce laughter. I will say though they'd have a hard time one-uping good youtube memes. edit: John your sig is obnoxiously huge shrink it man.... >:L
  4. There is such a thing as quality youtube poops that are truly funny. Heck I recall there was a youtube-poop miniseries which had me laughing all the time.
  5. Usually always enjoyed the boxing events as well as the occasional gymnastics events. Especially since the events just make me think of Samus's flexability... Same with strippers but not in the same spirit. Heck I always liked the martial arts and yet I despise the UFC
  6. Pretty much summed it up for me.
  7. The memo I got was that Russia was the new Nazi-Germany, what with the rampant racism, heavy nationalistic emotions from nearly 50% of the population and the country in ways is heading towards the shitter...
  8. I find it sad some are already trying to compare this Olympics with the 1936 Olympics. >:L Nonetheless I'm looking forward to the fencing, boxing and shooting
  9. That does well for me in the case of music playing, music composing I agree isn't always a result of musicians being good at playing instruments.
  10. I have a problem with this part of your post because that's saying as if a toddler actually makes good music just smacking around some pots and pans... The sad thing about that is the toddler making all the noise actually sounds BETTER than the screamofgts as they do not bitch and moan about bullshit problems people can find strength in to surpass... >:L Skillful musicians usually do equate to good music, the real issue is personal preference.
  11. That's your biggest problem rigth there.... That is not a client used by torrent files.... Make a search for bit torrent clients such as Vuze or utorrent. Bit Tornado's not bad either.
  12. The first one was actually not bad till they started to scream... >:L The last one just makes me think of a really bad megaman remix done by a 13 year old... That said... I'm a sucker for this... I think it has to do more with the singers being women than simply the content. However I enjoy them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDUsLje5UY8&feature=related
  13. Actually offtopic, but Russia's been getting worse rather dicreetly, if not slowly... Before this it was the racism in Russia http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1304096,00.html While the article is two years old, it's still prevalent based on what I'm hearing from friends over there... I love me some Russian women but god damn the country's going to the shitter again... >:L
  14. My sarcasm detector's broke so I couldn't tell if you were being serious with that statement. Had to fix it in case you were. Sorry Tensai, I bludgeon any one who goes for screamo with any screamo album they got to where they see the light on what a waste of time and resources it is. That said, I usually enjoy anything and everything oh yeah... RUSSIA TO BAN EMO! http://www.nme.com/news/my-chemical-romance/38392 I loled super hard :lol:
  15. I did forget to type in the fact that it's been out since May, my bad... But in relevance to r-type dimensions...... BOOOOOOO it's not even being made by Irem >:L Also considering its being put on xbla.... Not even gonna bother... unless I manage to find it conveniently as a PC version/port
  16. Pisses me off not because Final was supposedly the last of the R-Type games, but that the latest title is on the PSP >:L I will say though I loled hard on the intense strategic gameplay statement I better see something to come out on the ps3/wii/ds >:L
  17. In the case of the Demon Wall, you WILL want to carry as many phoenix downs as possible before facing it as it WILL destroy you utterly at a certain point. Just have rydia spam summons, cecil hit it as well as kain using his jump in the case the wall does a cheap move and kain being left alive. Don't bother using raise/arise as they take too long to cast, even with the wall hit with slow. Use phoenix downs in place and have rosa heal right after when needed.
  18. I enjoy using Ashlotte, then again I've always had fun using Astaroth Sadly only at a friend's PS3 :L
  19. The best news though is that they releaseed Splatterhouse 2 . THEY BETTER GET SPLATTERHOUSE 3 ON THE VC >:L
  20. few times I actually agree with him
  21. The thing is that in that vid, it was on hardmode. I don't think I can imagine the next step of difficulty (Lunatic Mode) would look like. I wasn't expecting to be hit by kamehameha waves along with all the crap trying to hit me. Hell I think Hibachi was more fair in that regard as he only did curtain barrages.
  22. He is beatable, done it myself though only once... Ever since that time I fuck up >:L And while no where near as difficult as Hibachi, this boss is on the same vein in terms of being in a shmup. While not as huge as Hibachi, BULLSHIT at 3:49. Didn't see it coming when I got to that point the first time... Still have trouble with it later on... >:L http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cANmleJ1Ye8
  23. Makes me glad I've gone for the PS3 version Don't have a PS3 just yet as I'm waiting for the 80GB version coming out in August
  24. Question... When she's all packed in, does she lose weight gradually like a deflating balloon or does she stay the same throughout the round..?
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