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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Email title was "failed tetrisphere project, ITT jjt please vote on this mix" - did he not get the memo? - LT hey all. (i didn't bother tagging it because no matter what i put it'd likely have to get adjusted again by someone for something i missed anyways...sorry if it's an inconvenience) so, i started a one-man remix project for tetrisphere ages ago, and just lost interest. haven't played the game in probably twelve years, so it's not like i had any really personal stake in it, it just had cool music (yeah neil voss!) i don't even own an n64 anymore to play it on anyways =( i've got six finished songs, a few of which might wind up with slight makeovers, that are going to be submitted in coming weeks. if there's some way i can just send more than one every three, that'd be fantastic - most of these haven't been touched in like two years or something. they're all pretty weird, reflecting voss's soundtrack as it is, and most reflect my current trend towards instrumental rock and the like. the first one i'd like to submit is actually a second take on the original theme. the original is called 'magic fluter', and my cut of it is called 'funky fluter'. for those who don't recognize the instruments used, i did a lot with ueberschall's elastik player. most of the instruments that aren't the melody or the organ are from ueberschall's 'the resource' pack. fantastic stuff there, i did several of these tetrisphere songs using clips from them. the organ is the native instruments b4 II organ, and the lead is done using rob papen's fantastic synthesizer Blue 1.01. i realized after the fact that i had v1.7 of the synth, but i already had all my presets worked out and didn't feel like porting them. the piano is (i don't really remember, actually) probably just fl keys. it was made in fl 7. i tried to just bring out the natural groove of the piece and integrate it with some really laid-back background parts. i feel i accomplished this pretty well. the elastik packs really play in the pocket, and it was a simple matter to get the phunk worked out with the melodic line. i feel i did a lot better at the one thing that continually is a problem with my mixes - production - and made a mix that is a lot clearer and more enjoyable to listen to than some of the trash i've submitted in the last three or four years. enjoy. don't rip it too hard. let's see if i can get by without rejection number fourteen (holy shit, fourteen? gawd i'm terrible). NOTE: jjt please vote on this mix and thank me that i didn't do a lengthy tribute to statutory anal rape - i really almost did a mix with that phrase in it just for the lulz (from my junkie mix, if you forgot) see you all at magfest (hopefully) this year! i might be a vendor with some custom computers on display (can we say OCREMIX MOD JOB possibly), so i'm looking forward to it. ... ok, the boring part. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: the prophet of mephisto (if i could get my name in lower case in the database, that'd be awesome) * Your real name: Brad Burr * Your email address: bradley.burr@gmail.com (needs to be updated in the contact info, i know) * Your website: www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 8761 (i didn't realize it was so low!) Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: tetrisphere * Name of individual song(s) arranged: magic fluter * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrisphere * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) : i can upload it if you really want it and can't find it * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : read above extensive introduction. ... BRAD ---------------------------------------------------------------- Syrupy source tune for the chilluns. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12228 - "Magic Fluter" Feeling the intro, though I didn't hear much connection to the original. Once things picked up at :31, the soundscape felt cramped, IMO. The piano at :39 finally referenced the source melody overtly. The sequencing was on the mechanical-sounding side and could have been refined; exposing it like that from :47-:50 wasn't good. The rigid sequencing of the lead at :50 was also jarring on the first listen. Very swanky dropoff at 1:21, with the guitar at the forefront. IMO, I thought the synth handling the melody at 1:38 should have been positioned more in the front with the bass behind it more. Picked back up at 2:09. Though the soundscape sounded crowded, I still thought the percussion didn't quite fill out the background enough and drive the track forward. I liked 3:13's final section, but felt like it sounded too thin at the end. Definitely a really good track, and I'm probably being too tough on it, but while the arrangement is hot, I wouldn't mind some tweaks to polish up the production and get it sounding as strong as the writing. Better separation of the parts and refining some of the sequencing a little would put this over the top. I could definitely be outvoted here, because I'm feeling this a lot, Brad, but I think it could still use that extra push over the cliff. [/Nigel Tufnel] Good luck with the rest of the vote. NO (refine/resubmit)
  2. In recognition of the Doom 2: Delta-Q-Delta remix project, I hereby submit my personal favorite mix from that project, to be added to the site whenever. --- Title: Silent Healer Description: Arranged for the Delta-Q-Delta project, this is based on "The Healer Stalks," Map 2, redone in a style homage to the Silent Hill games. I've always been a big fan of those soundtracks, and I thought fusing that style with the dark nature of Doom would be a cool combination. I am very pleased with the results. The original theme was extremely boring and repetitive, and quite a challenge to spice up. The metallic nature of this arrangement, combined with the funky backwards strings and the bizarre ambient pads all mix together in a stylistic mimic that is still unique on its own. And, the metallic clanking was recorded personally, by me banging on the railing that leads up to my condo door. --- Mazedude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://doomdepot.doom2.net/music/doom%201%20&%202%20midis.zip - Doom II: Map 02 ("The Healer Stalks") I really enjoyed the deliberate pacing, the sound of the lead, and the piano sprinkled in at 1:05. The soundscape was really expansive and full compared to the original, with some great industrial stuff and Chris's trademark sound, which isn't so much a particular set of sounds as much as an overall quirkiness and mood that's found in all of his stuff. I think a comparison to EarthBound "See Sixty Funk" is valid, as it's another of example of Chris taking a very plain theme that's not particularly melodious and giving it a lot more depth and character. A really awesome part of Delta-Q-Delta, I'm lovin' it. YES
  3. Good luck breaking it down! - LT Hi, hope you're well. I finally got round to finishing a third of the marathon mixes I sent you last year. Like the others, it's a bit unstructured; after the transition in the middle it becomes mostly a wash of harmonies without a clear lead, which probably renders it more suitable for background/in-game music than as a standalone piece. It uses the themes Flowers in Heaven from Marathon, and A Walk in the Woods and The Maw from Halo. The main tune is from Flowers from heaven, with a more Halo-style instrumentation and emphasis on the three note rhythmical motif- this then surges into a section based on the chords from A Walk in the Woods, which may not be so easy to recognize because of the slower tempo. The harmony from The Maw then takes us through a bridge and back to an understated version of the Flowers melody.Sorry to be brief but I'm off to LA.. spending a few days with Harry Gregson-Williams.. then popping into the GDC in Austin. So got a lot on my plate! The Halo themes can be found on itunes and the marathon theme is linked below: http://www.eigenhat.com/midi/flowersinheaven.mov all the best, Nick (Nicholas SInger) http://www.nicholassinger.com EDIT (6/10):
  4. I hit Sam with the votes to cover the conditional issues, and he definitely hooked it up. This is now good to go. Smack CHz and Malcos to weight in on his Chrono Trigger mix:
  5. It's so obvious we'll never, ever do official album art or wallpapers given how often this comes up. We really need to do a contest.
  6. Yeah, direct post from half a decade ago. Just not representative of what's acceptable now, just in case anyone would interpret it that way.
  7. Limiting direct sampling isn't strictly to avoid legal problems, it stressing that the most critical parts of source usage and interpretation have to be built from the ground up, not sampled. In this case, most of the connection to the source track is the vocals, not the music, which was mostly (not completely) unconnected to the source melodies. Taking an a capella and structuring a brand new original song around it that fits like a glove is outside the scope of what we're aiming to do. That doesn't make it bad music (wouldn't be pimping it if it did), it just means it wouldn't be posted.
  8. Thanks to Jimmy for providing YouTubes of the sources. HALO Original Soundtrack - (26) "Halo" HALO 2 Original Soundtrack Vol. 2 - (06) "Unforgotten" HALO 3 Original Soundtrack - (215) "Never Forget" Opening drums sounded weak. Plus, they didn't mesh with the guitar that came in the later, and the pattern was placeholder-ish and on complete cruise control for 6 1/2 minutes. Sorry, but it sounded lazy as hell, and you can hook it up better. Make it more varied, progressive and interactive with the rest of the music. :22-:57 arranged the classic "Halo" theme on geetar, and I agreed with Palp that the lead was way too quiet and really needed to be brought into the foreground. Was feeling the guitar tone at 1:28 for a liberal usage of "Unforgotten" (the piano at 1:02 of the source again) from 1:28-1:32, 1:37-1:42 and 1:46-1:51, conncted with some original ideas of yours. "Unforgotten" more overtly from 2:15-2:51, followed by the "Halo" chorus showing up from 2:51-3:28, all with the guitars way too quiet again. 3:37-4:13 switched back over to "Unforgotten", then 4:13-4:18, 4:22-4:27, 4:31-4:36 arranged a different portion of "Unforgotten" (the piano at 1:02 of the source again), with more liberal stuff connecting things together until 5:10. For the other judges, there's plenty of Halo source material, more than 50% even being skimpy with the credit like I've been. For John, we can usually pick stuff out, but the onus is on you to provide info on the connections, because we'll generally won't give the benefit of the doubt. You really have to give more specifics on how you used the themes throughout the track. There was nothing inherently wrong with 5:10's original section winding things down, BUT...not for a minute and a half. The track could have easily faded out by about 5:37 and that would have been better than the needlessly drawn out ending here. The use of the sampled voices was cheesy, but didn't kill anything IMO. The drawn out ending could have been trimmed down quite a bit though. The main things needed, IMO, to get this up to snuff are to bring out the guitar work more when it's the lead, don't get lazy with the percussion patterns, and make the ending more concise. While the other Js weren't sure on the source usage, this needs more polish on the production side, so my third vote will wrap this up. Keep at it, bro, your subs show a lot of potential, but you need to continue fine tuning your work. NO
  9. Hahaha! Of course Cain wouldn't know what was up with it. Neither would 'Ili. You guys are the last two, so get your votes in, beyotches.
  10. One of the reasons I miss being in DC is not being able to make it to events like these. How was it? I'm excited to know what was on the setlist this go.
  11. Some fans only download singles mixes, some grab entire albums. We post individual mixes created for our albums all the time. Nothing precludes an arrangement from an album being posted to the site just because it was on an album. Otherwise, no tracks from our other 11 albums would be posted as individual mixes. Albums aren't required to meet individual OC ReMix standards for interpretation or production, so being posted as a solo mix is another matter entirely.
  12. Already mentioned to Paul that it's outside of the submission standards. He'd have to make the music arrange the source (which it generally doesn't). Right now the only connection to the source tune is the vocals directly sampled from the original, which is also a no-go. Great remix, just not a ReMix.
  13. Still an awesome track, doing what great mixes do: generating interest in the original soundtrack. I'd never heard of Landstalker before this one, but I became a big fan of the source tune after this one. Sam can pretty much secure my interest in any piece of video game music based on his ReMixes. He picks his tributes well.
  14. As the risk of looking like a lazy judgefgt, this has been the only song I've been listening to in the past 24 hours.
  15. I imagine he's keeping busy with Eyecatcher Films. He put up that letter a while back in his homepage saying that he was available for freelance work again, but I haven't heard anything involving specifics. You could always friend him on Facebook and take the chance of asking him yourself. I dunno if you'll get anything out of him though.
  16. Yeah, Gambit's got no love! As far as release this, before the end of the year would be nice, but that would have to compete with Summoning of Spirits, so perhaps after MAGFest in January. I could always aim for a March release and call it a day after that, as I have about 10 tracks so far, and love what's been made so far.
  17. I have lost on Easy mode, but I still beat it with both Dee Jay and E. Honda tonight. Considering I've never seriously played Street Fighter on a PlayStation controller (no diagonal inputs), I did pretty well. You need some skills.
  18. Hey guys, Paul "nervous_testpilot" Taylor, friend of Binster, richBRF and A Scholar & A Physician, mailed for some support on this Mirror's Edge remix contest:
  19. Hahaha! We need some Mega Duck/Cougar Boy game ReMixes NOW! C'mon, c'mon, what's the holdup?!?!? EDIT: Twitter shittered! - http://twitter.com/LiontamerVGF/status/1034257001
  20. 1) Hedgehog Heaven had "Sonikku Ganbatte." You're not getting MY point. You don't have to like Blood on the Asphalt, but, completely contrary to what you said, our so-called "worst" still attracted the publisher and secured us the job. You can't claim that album is too poor to land a game deal with, when it's specifically what landed the game deal. 2) What's your point about Street Fighter not being FF7-level in terms of popularity among the game music community? It's still extremely popular among game fans. That's like complaining Soul Calibur IV isn't as popular as Super Mario World here. It doesn't have anything to do with anything. We'll have to score Final Fantasy VII HD Remix next time so that you can give us the all-important OK. 3) What's your point about Capcom not holding a contest for musicians? "It would have been nice..."? When weighing deadlines and budgets, why would they use valuable time and energy with a contest when they found a strong talent pool of musicians that even had a centralized figure to streamline communication? Should we have had an inferiority complex over not being the first choice to handle the soundtrack? No, and why would we? Al Pacino didn't cry that he wasn't the first choice to play Michael Corleone in The Godfather. We were smart enough to simply knock it out of the park with the opportunity we had. 4) What's your point about why we were hired? Let's even assume it was a pure marketing stunt. A huge portion of the game development was done by fans (gameplay rebalancing, art, music, playtesting, quotes, achievements) and resulted in a stellar, major-scale product that, unless you're living in a bubble, is doing extremely well right now. And Capcom SHOULDN'T promote the level of fan involvement as part of their marketing strategy for the game? "I can't believe Capcom used the fan angle to appeal the game to more gamers, that's just unconscionable!" You're simply brushstroking the marketing as bad and used to obscure a lack of substance & quality. I don't see any problem whatsoever in OCR delivering substance AND fitting the company's marketing plans. They're not mutually exclusive.
  21. ROFL! Who pissed in your drink? 1) SwordBreaker was just being encouraging with a good-natured hypothetical re: FF7 that you've proceeded to "serious business". Rerax. 2) Capcom made HD Remix, not Konami. 3) Sure hiring us may have been cheap as free, but the whole story behind us getting the job was that BotA was good enough to attract the attention of the developer. As zircon said, we got the skills to pay the bills. 4)
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