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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Chris hooked me up with a fixed version removing that silence, so let's get this YESed.
  2. That these guys, through their talent, have cultivated fanbases big enough to be successful at OurStage sounds like a good thing to me. But, to clarify, they can't guarantee themselves wins. They can guarantee that they'll have a strong showing though.
  3. I dunno, but nominating him for judge was our way to kill his momentum! CONSPIRACY! Nice work on this, Mattias. Way to raise the profile on this soundtrack!
  4. Ah, OK, so I had it reversed; what's 1AM originally from then?
  5. No, VGMdb is a database, not downloads. What's up with that "Warm Storage" track of y'alls? What CoLD SToRAGE track was that supposed to be arranging? Something specifically from Wipeout? Or was it supposed to be an original track in the style of CoLD SToRAGE?
  6. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf - "Corneria" (sf-09.spc) I still felt the modified melody at :13 sounded Star Fox-esque, but changed the Corneria melody too much, so I wasn't counting it. Didn't matter though, as the arrangement was much more overtly tied to the source this time around. The "Do A Barrell Roll" voice clips with the effects (starting at 1:10) felt pretty tacky, honestly. But I'm sure some people will love it. I liked the first usage of it, but felt it was cheesy afterwards. The bread-and-butter synths of the chorus at 1:42 still sounded plain in a bad way, but the rhythmic changes were OK. I thought the writing of the original section from 2:10 didn't quite work and felt out of place. Thematically, it could have pieced together better with the beginning and the end. I liked lots of new instrumentation ideas being introduced, but to me the flow wasn't there. The strings used from 3:26-3:33 and 3:46-4:02 were definitely muddy and overbearing; the sequencing was also pretty mechanical and didn't sound good at all. The synth from 3:39-3:46 was overbearing as well. Went back into the source at 3:47, and I just felt the textures got too messy from 4:15, not helped by the synth with the liberal melody (4:15-4:29) being loud while sounding fairly amelodic compared to the other sounds. Went back into the stuttured chorus at 4:32, which still felt like a kind of basic approach, but was still OK, especially bolstered by some nice-sounding piano from 5:02-5:29. Strangely enough (and I'd need to hear this in execution to be sure), but I would have LOVED the synth at 5:42 to handle the liberally arranged melody instead of that saw-like sound. Where was that the whole time??? I just can't get behind this one all the way. The production still leaves something to be desired. The smaller issues pointed out (string sequencing, sound balance, bland electrosynths) added up, plus the writing & instrumentation in the original section in the middle just didn't feel cohesive at all. Hate to be a blocker, Jon, but this was just not ready yet. I'm not pushing for perfection, and there are good things going on there, but I seriously think this could use more polish. NO (resubmit)
  7. Alex, nice work on the Ken menu music, bro. It's only been a few days (beta went out a little early for some), but your collab with Dan has been getting some great feedback on YouTube and the Capcom Unity boards when I've seen people comment on the music!
  8. Hi. My first submission. Oh boy oh boy oh boy . Song info: -Link: -Game: Doom -Song: E1M8, "Sign of Evil" -Comments Asphyxiated Soul was the first video game remix I ever did, back in 2004, I believe. It was probably my most popular remix and I had the idea recently to re-record it (as the production on the original was so bad I couldn't listen to it.) The choruses are gritty, and while I think the production's decent enough, the guitar sound is intentionally grating and dissonant (although that chord progression was never going to be nice). The overall effect of the song is supposed to be disturbing, consistent with the tone of the game. -Lyrics Weight Salvation doth weigh 'Pon Thy shoulders, flayed Endure This feast of decay Grive For the light of day Sign of evil in this godforsaken hole Severed emotion from thy asphyxiated soul Daemoni Dominus (repeat chorus) Contact -Remixer name: Kadmium -Real name: Jesse Higginson -Email address: kadmium@gmail.com -Website: http://www.myspace.com/kadmiumstudios -Forum User ID: 24068 Thank you, Kadmium --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.doom2.net/~doomdepot/music/doom%201%20&%202%20midis.zip - Doom: E1M8 (Sign of Evil) Jesse, what the hell took you so long? Hahahaha, damn, this one was dark concept. Arrangement-wise, this was fairly solid. The vocals were cool, and I was liking the overall style. The spoken word parts above cutting off someone's head...wow. But yeah, that's some scary shit, I'm feeling it; we've definitely never had anything like that around here, in terms of embracing dark imagery. Where I thought this needed some work was on the production side. Not even too much, as I thought the guitars and vocals were handled well. Couple of issues - the some of the note movements opening vox felt very robotic and exposed [e.g. :05, :11 & :18] to start things off, which was fairly minor. The drums brought in at :48 were pretty flimsy-sounding. The other killer was at 1:42 when you brought the drums back. At both times, the sequencing just sticks out as fake, particularly on the main snare shot in the pattern, and the sound was too dry. I don't think you need to change the writing on those areas at all, just get them better integrated into the track with some production tweaks. I'd love another J to recommend how to give them a richer sound or couch the kit better in the soundscape. Once you fix those issues up, everything will be clicking on all cylinders, and I'd be YESing this extremely easily. (Just noting I had no issue with the machine gun drums at 3:49, even though the soundscape was a bit cramped.) Jesse, what in place here is generally awesome, and I've always liked your unique style in the community. And I don't mean unique in a backhanded way as in "weird and shitty". We get enough weird and shitty submissions and this isn't one of them. Just touch up these percussion issues for the win so we can get this posted! NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)
  9. Hello all! ReMixer name: CarnCarby Real name: Ryan Humphrey email: Valendia@gmail.com website: http://www.gpwoodward.net/music/ (not actually my site) Userid: 5730 Submission Game: Chrono Trigger, with a hint of Chrono Cross Songs: "Epilogue ~To Good Friends~", "To Far Away Times," and a tiny bit of "Arni Village~Home World~" Comments: Okay. So it's debatable whether the site needs another cheesy Chrono Trigger piano tune, but here it is anyway. I actually started on this by messing around with Earthbound's Sound Stone melody, and then due to the harmonic similarities it sort of bled over into CT's music. I don't really do much in this style, but these games -- and these songs in particular -- bring out the shameless sentimentalist in me, and I wanted to make my own arrangement to pay tribute to that. The piece was conceived as something of a reflection from years down the road; the opening uncertain and tinged with loss, moving into a more mature memory of simpler times, finally closing with satisfied acceptance. It became a fun project of wrapping themes around each other and seeing how they could fit together. I was reasonably pleased with how it came out, and thought I might submit it to the site to see if it can stand alongside some of the great stuff I love by bladiator, dhsu, klutz, and others. Thanks for listening! Ryan --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Epilogue ~ To Good Friends" (ct-316.spc) & "To Far Away Times" (ct-317.spc) http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 103 "Home Village Arni" Yeah, definitely reminded me strongly of kLuTz's material, i.e. not a radical re-imagining, but it certainly gets the job done on the arrangement side. The ending cut off abruptly at 6:20 during the fadeout, which would have to be fixed. The sampled piano really could have used some more post-production work to achieve better realism, because the piano just sounds extremely fake despite having a decent tone. Maybe another J can give some tips and we can get an improved version. It's not bad (I could roll with this as is), but it just could never pass for being a real piano, and I think guys like Dhsu (who cheats) and Bladiator (who's a cracker) get better results when they render their stuff. Might get some differing POVs depending on how far the production bar has gone up, but I think the personalization of the arrangement and decent production was enough to carry this over the line. You weren't out to reinvent the wheel, but you didn't have to. Solid work, Ryan. Fix that ending. YES
  10. Sorry Rob, we definitely would have contacted you had your track been used, because everyone had to do edits on whatever pre-existing music got carried over. We'd never just use your music without getting in touch with you, that'd be illegal. Make some more ReMixes though!
  11. Yeah, that's nothing from a game. (Still waiting for Gecko to mix it though.)
  12. Proof positive to how daunting the concept of the panel can be from the other side: Jon wanted to pull his YESed FF10 mix, cuz he didn't think it would make it - LT Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10857 PrototypeRaptor, aka Jonathan Paulsen, reporting for abuse again... alright, so I've gone back and revamped my old remix of Star Fox's "Corneria" theme. This theme is one of those songs that is just stuck in your head as a kid...and I've wanted to remix it FOREVER. It's a good thing that it got shot down last time, as I don't think it did the original justice; I've gone back and re-mixed everything, added new melodies, new countermelodies, etc. Hopefully those of you who didn't like the lack of actual arrangement of music from the game will be a bit happier this time around...pretty much everything is based on or around the chords/melodies of the original. I've also acquired new speakers since last time. (mixing on logitechs FTL) so hopefully it sounds less like "mud men from the swamps of sludge" and more like "star-fox-is-a-bad-ass-game-I-want-to-play-it-now." Also, I don't know how my other submission is going (endless skies) but I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't want it on the site for my reputation purposes... please take it off the list for the time being. Perhaps another resub is in order? That's all I got... hopefully everything flies well this time! (get it? haha arwing jokes...I'm so pathetic... Thanks for your time, PrototypeRaptor (Jonathan Paulsen) original: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/corneria.mid
  13. Contact Information Remixer: Nario Real name: Nick Hagman Email: nario@windstream.net Userid: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=8302 Submission Information Game: Final Fantasy Tactics Song: Trisection Additional Info: Composer - Hitoshi Sakimoto. System - Sony PlayStation Original Soundtrack: Comments: I've been a fan of OCR for quite a while now and think it would be awesome if I could contribute to it with this piece. "Three Blind C-Sections" has a very "Silent Hill meets Kingdom Hearts" kind of feel to it, despite it being a Final Fantasy Tactics remix. I also made this whole song in 4/4 while the original song's time signature was all over the place, not to mention I even changed the scale from B minor to C minor. The inspiration behind the title came from maniacal brainstorming in hopes I could come up with something clever. With the source being Trisection, I thought of "three sections". That led to thinking of "three blind mice" and all hell broke loose at that point. In the end, the title doesn't make any sense and is just funny. I had a lot of fun adding my own originality to the piece and making a song in a style I don't usually work in. I mean, adding a violin, three pianos, two choirs, and industrial percussion is not like me, and yet it works out in the long run. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FFT_psf.rar - (109) "Trisection" The piano sequencing was extremely mechanical. And it's not that I was disgusted by it, but that issue was already a major dealbreaker given how integral the piano was to the mix. The energy level just came off really stunted. You gotta improve the articulations to give off a smoother feel to the "performance." The beatwork had some solid patterns, but you coasted with them too long and need to vary them up somehow to keep thing fresh. Just dropping them out and bringing them back later isn't enough. The mixing was on the muddy/indistinct side as well, and stuff like the countermelodic string work first used at :23 got straight up buried as a result. The addition of the synth at 1:34 was a good concept, and would have been a welcome addition to the texture had the rest of the soundscape not been so muddy and indistinct. The arrangement was in the right direction in terms of interpretation, Nick, but the execution needs some serious polishing up. Hopefully the other Js can give you some good follow-up crits related to these issues. Keep working on this one. NO
  14. Hello My name is Savino, I'm from Switzerland and I just recently discovered your site. Did a remix of the track "Oasis" (plays when Cless is in the Freyland Desert, IIRC) from the game "Tales Of Phantasia" (SNES). My: -homepage: http://kon.539.ch/ -uid: 23993 Link to remix: I fell in love with this particular track the first time I heard it in-game and instantly it was clear to me that I am going to make my own version. It already sounded so awesome on that crappy SNES DSP, however I felt like it needed something less wavetable-like, but still nothing too huge/overdone. With that intention I remade this track back then, trying to create a calm, slightly sad and yet beautiful sentiment. If you like it let me know and I will send more along the lines of this one. greetings savino PS: If you need any other information just ask me via this address. (kon@539.ch) --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=top - "Oasis" (top-211.spc) Short and sweet: I enjoyed the sounds, which created a nice atmosphere. But otherwise the structure was way too close to the original. About the only thing different was that you eventually abandoned the melody and replaced it some interpretive soloing from 1:59-2:46, then again at 3:10 during the fadeout. But you need more overall interpretation that that. As is, this was way too similar in the structure and feel of the original and doesn't stand apart from it enough from the original. Develop the idea more and make it more unique compared to the original. NO
  15. That isn't 100% how I would have answered it, but yeah, that's...basically it.
  16. Zephyr's right about that option, but it's not an ideal one. What web browser and OS are you using?
  17. I'm in the camp where I felt the production & balance choices and lack of variation in the sounds negatively affected the dynamics and execution of the arrangement enough to NO it. That's the only aspect where I'd hope more people would agree. I don't think these sounds are below the bar, but I didn't feel they were produced in a particularly sophisticated way. It does sound vanilla, and I feel that's a valid criticism, even though I didn't cite it or agree with the others on that issue for this specific mix. But I think stronger execution with all of the sounds the same would be a much easier pass.
  18. An Apple II game? Couldn't help myself - LT remixer name: foam user id: 23961 name of game arranged: "chivalry" from apple ii name of song arranged: "vader enters the lists" (main theme of chivalry remixed) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Source: "WHOA, nice graphics! I'd like to get my hands on THAT game!" [/1986] Chivalry - Title Screen Waiting all the way until 1:38 to even bring in the source tune was way too for a 3:26-long track. We discourage extensive incorporation of non-game music like the Darth Vader theme, but it wasn't too long; just mentioning it so that you don't embrace that theme too much. The second verse from 2:46-3:12 was basically a cut-and-paste of the first iteration of the theme from 1:38-2:05. You need to develop some manner of interpretation for the source tune, not just play it near-verbatim twice over. Even though it was cheesy, and overstayed its welcome, I enjoyed the opening bit of the audio drama for what it was. The concept of this was cool, going for a militaristic vibe, but the execution needed a lot of work. Right now the textures were pretty hollow and simplistic. Your melodic instruments should have had more fullness and presence, the drums and vox don't fill out the background enough, and the articulations on everything need to be refined so that everything doesn't sound so mechanically sequenced. Stick around and use our forum and chat resources on OCR to get more feedback before future submissions, learn how to make more effective music with your current setup, and perhaps score some better sounds to work with. NO
  19. Remixer: Fatchops hinderness@yahoo.com Song Name: Dark Storm Source: Zelda: A Link to the Past, Hyrule Castle Remix --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Hyrule Castle" (loz3-14.spc) The sound quality was decent, with some generally pleasing samples, sequencing and textures, so you made it to the panel. But, otherwise, this was dead in the water. Too straightforward of an arrangement. A minute in, and it was just a souped up orchestrated version of the original. The buzzy synth line brought in at 1:19 was really distracting. The vox first brought at 1:34 & 2:54 sounded eight shades of beginner-ish and misplaced. The arrangement basically looped :35's section at 1:54, so there was essentially nothing new there up until 3:17. C'mon man. Scrap the out-of-place vox and actually interpret the source tune. This could have been really cool if it possessed something that separated it from every "Hyrule Castle" cover out there. Stormy FX and weak, corny vox on top aren't the sole solution. NO
  20. Contact Information * Remixer Name: Giles * Email Address: sschafi1@gmail.com * User ID: 23936 Submission Information * Submission Title: "Reminiscence" * Name of Game Arranged: Chrono Trigger * Song Titles Used: 1. Peaceful Days 2. Guardia Millenial Fair 3. Chrono Trigger * Comments A more contemporary version of memorable Chrono Trigger music. It's my first submission to OCR. Please be gentle =] Link to File: Reminiscence ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - A bunch of 'em The sound quality was too lo-fi. Potentially sounds like this was played on a keyboard, but the articulations also sounded weak, the best example being at 2:25 with the left hand part. The interpretations of the themes were decent, albeit by-the-numbers. There were some cool rhythmic changes and embellishments, but that was the extent of the interpretation, and that's not enough for here. The song structure definitely went into medley-itis territory, shifting from one theme to the next without exploring/developing the individual themes deeply, IMO. That's not to say all the transitions were poor (some were), but the overall treatment of each theme felt pretty hit-and-run. Could be some other issues cited by the other Js, but short and sweet: if you developed the themes further and made sure the piano sounded on point with some good post-production, this would be a contender. NO (resubmit)
  21. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13185 Remixer names - Theory of Nonexistence, Ninja Sausage Real name - Dustin Lagaly, unknown Email - omfgitsdustin@gmail.com, unknown userID - 19501, unknown Game remixed - Advance Wars: Dual Strike Song remixed - Green Earth Composer - Yoshito Hirano source: my remix: http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/MidnightSkirmish(edit2).mp3 Hey again. Seeing as I wasn't really getting anywhere on my own, I decided to enlist the help of one (1) Ninja Sausage for production help and fresh ideas. It proved to be a very good idea. I personally think this version a lot better than my last submission. Ninja Sausage only had this to say: "I like production :)" ...I think that sums it up pretty well. Enjoy ToN you can leave the link in ---------------------------------------------------------------- Whoever knew a ninja sausage would help lift this up to a higher level? Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Game Rip) - 31 "Green Earth Theme" The :29 section was OK, but still felt empty. The sequenced mallet percussion at :41 sounded pretty mechanical and lo-fi. Besides the key change and lead change at 2:00, I would have probably done something melodically different compared to the previous iteration of the theme, since it felt repetitive/underdeveloped. But yeah, this could still use some work in terms of making the textures fuller and not leaving so much empty space behind. The thin electrosynth leads you had sounded rather pasted on top of the soundscape and didn't really feel like they were in the same soundscape as the background. Despite those issues, the production was indeed much better. I wish I could give you more specifics on the production, because the arrangement was still fairly solid. Hopefully some other Js can make specific suggestions on how to flesh this out for a fuller sound, so that you can lift up a fairly solid/creative arrangement via better execution. I think it's still worth working on as long as you don't overthink it. It doesn't need an overhaul. NO (resubmit)
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