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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Plain, basic, ordinary. Not tasty like the ice cream. :'-(
  2. As soon as I read his vote, it all came rushing back that Shariq is our Zelda expert. Reading his vote makes me kick myself for not simply soliciting his feedback when this issue came up. Yeah, my impression was that the ending choir was the only thing that may have been wholly original to this song. But indeed, we aren't a site for "remixes" with direct sampling of the material. "ReMix" as in rearrangment, not remixing as in sampling the original game audio. NO As an aside, your remixing work is otherwise very excellent, Andreas. Congratulations on contributing this to N+. You definitely sound like you're already on your way to being a success. I'm a big fan of your remix of Domu's "A Heart to Cover For" featuring Elsa Esmerelda on intro vocals. That's an amazing piece of work.
  3. Maybe I should just delete all sub-10 character posts.
  4. Im in ur post, fixin ur grammer.
  5. I'm thinking not. Still, you may want to contact someone from SNESmusic.org: http://snesmusic.org/v2/ (check the bottom for contact info).
  6. This was answered way back. WAAAY back. Look for my first post.
  7. I threatened to revoke Dhsu's journalistic license if he didn't blog'er up. Enjoyz. Again, best of luck regarding sales. 100 sounds like a very reasonable goal. I hope you made extras to give away as demos!
  8. As humorous as it may seem to you, there's no reason to mock the language barrier here on account of his translator being poor. Provided you can infer what he's asking, please help him accordingly.
  9. I actually answered your accusation of this last time in the DarkCecil13 judgehate thread. Maybe you didn't see it (it was part of a massive response to several people), but I still have the whole thing. But indeed, we can't help that we receive more submissions from various franchises. Those are the more popular games, and, statistically, they will always receive more attention from submitting artists. I can't speak for other Js, but I know that personally, I love receiving submissions (and especially passable mixes) from games that receive little to no coverage. You'll never believe it, but I'm just as bitter as you are. I work here every day, and I see the disparity firsthand. I would love to see Sonic Spinball, and Treasure Master, and California Games, and Spider-Man & The X-Men, and Res-Q, and Breath of Fire V, and World Heroes, and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, and Duke Nukem. If we got nothing ever again from the most popular games, I'd be ok. But of course I don't truly mean that. And here's why: One great part of being on the panel is hearing even the tired and true "overdone" themes getting reimagined in ways I didn't think were possible. Shnabubula's SMB "Mario Likes Thorazine" and ambient & Skrypnyk's CT "Back 2 Skala" renew my interest in the old hat themes just when I think I've burnt out on them. They don't impress the most jaded of jaded, but I'm always amazed by what the artists here are coming up with. Keep it together, though. Some of the lesser known games/soundtracks are gonna get the treatment. We've got a Syberia mix coming up from Prasa U. that I've very glad we got. On the direct post side, Danimal Cannon of Arm Cannon has made sure that Blaster Master hasn't been forgotten around these parts. Anyone interested in Wild ARMs performed by a real, live symphony orchestra? And Top Gear 2 will be here eventually by an old school legend (you can probably guess). Every time we expand the database with a new game listing, with new composers, with new source tunes, that's meaningful progress to me. I always want to see more. Convince Ryan8bit to submit his Sierra game mixes. He's got this amazing King's Quest V mix that I've been badgering him about ever since I heard it in DoD, and even at MAGFest 5 he was talking about how unsure he was about it. And I'm a judge (and fan) asking him to send it in. There's only so much one man can do! If you really wanna help, If there's an obscure game arrangement you like, and you think it could make it, as the artist to send it. I will personally thank you for the effort.
  10. Even though I was 99% sure of my call, Andy's running the FF7 project and perhaps could have picked up on other source material I simply wasn't familiar with that Siamey may have neglected to state in the sub letter. Any submission involving greater than 50% VGM arrangement is imperative to honoring the source material moreso than doing your own thing. I want to make it clear that while Heath's current track is not dishonoring anything, it also fails to explicitly involve the source material enough to be considered a substantive enough tribute as far as OCR's standards. The focus at this site must be on video game music first, wholly original material second. As Andy and I said, the production is all sorts of excellent, and what is directly interpreted is good. But the overall usage of the source material is lacking. If this is how you'd envisioned it, and you don't want to revise anything, more power to you, and that's cool. I definitely enjoyed the track. But if you'd like to integrate some more FF7 material directly into the arrangement and resubmit this, Heath, it would be a very welcome addition. My vote stands as a NO (resubmit).
  11. Can we get any further follow-up on whether zircon's breakdown is satisfactory for those of you that know theory? Let's please make the rounds so that we can have a conclusive result this week if possible.
  12. Yeah, kinda lazy, but he's implying that the feed itself wasn't displaying the usual information. Who knows, something could be functioning differently than before. I'm sure djp can check if anything's up.
  13. As far as I'm concerned, you're early. And with a great read. I've followed up things with today's post of mine on a new piece posted up by the 8-Bit Artist, tying into the upcoming VG concert and art show, 16-Bit Genocide. Happy reading!
  14. Periodically, I will check this out and go "Where my Spider-Manz at?" Where my Spider-Manz at?
  15. Contact info: o0ghost0o David Rodríguez - Bermejo Rodríguez acid.synergy@gmail.com Remix info: Donkey Kong Country Life In The Mines The song's in the website, but the link's broken. Anyway here's the song I was playing life in the mines level of Donkey Kong Country game and suddenly the idea of making some kind of techno remix of It, became to my mind. This is the first remix I send to this website, but Isn't the first remix I do. I must confess wasn't going to do it, I thought It wasn't good enough, but friends helped me to make the decision, so there is it. I made the introduction of the song trying to give some kind of nostalgic feeling like in movies when someone Is looking to an old photograph. I wanted to do a techno remix, but with my own style, merging orchestral instruments, standar techno drums, and others drums which gives variety to the percussion. I guess you enjoy the remix as I did making it. Note: sorry for my bad english.
  16. How do you know he's bald?
  17. I'll pimp y'all, Audun. Before this thread even happened! Really loving that Norrin Radd album art.
  18. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=53 - "The Street of Rage" Yeah, bro, you already did the legwork on this one. There's lot of bells and whistles here, but the structure, tempo and instrumentation are too close to the original. Yeah, directly sampling the piano from the original means you take a hit there. That's just another area where you could have introduced your own composition ideas to make the arrangement more interpretive. You're no stranger to making a passable rearrangement where you really go above and beyond to make it a standalone track, Trevin, so I look forward to your next submission. NO
  19. We're UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ 4 ON TEH FLOOR E GLOWSTIKCZ ; need an actual title if this passes - LT Dear OC remixers, Here's a submission of a audiotrack I made. I don't know if it qualifies as a remix. But it's at least arranged by me. Though maybe too "classic" for your website , I don't know. Here's my track. Original game is Starcraft, the theme is the Terran main Theme. Here's the nessesairy personal info Remixer name: Skrie Real name: Ernst Jan Verbree E-mail: e_verbree@hotmail.com Website: www.skrie.com Forum User-ID= 21354 Since this is my first submit, forgive me if I'm at the wrong place for this kind of track ! (because I kinda got the impression that you only take rhytmic dance mixxes and stuff like that) Skrie ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you following along, the 8:53-long source track is made up of several parts. The section you're looking for starts at 3:54, and identifies itself at 4:30. Source has some pretty cool moments, but this sub deals mostly with that melodic hook at 4:30. StarCraft (Game Rip) - (03) "Terran 1" Nah, you're in the right place, bro. We take all genres. Pretty good expansionist material, getting more interpretive with the quieter section at 1:06. That was definitely not something I was expecting. Given the length, I was expecting more repetition, and was pleasantly surprised that you didn't take the lazy way out. The instrumentation of the loudest section at 1:39 didn't carry the oomph it was intended to, which was pretty disappointing. Still though, some solid variations in there to keep the arrangement going, in lieu of this weaker production. Sounds like there's a pop at the end that would need to be fixed, but this was fine otherwise. Took a very brief section of the original and was able to run with it. YES
  20. When abouts is that? I only ask because it's been 4 months already.
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