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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Gold/Silver were my favorites from the pokemon series, but still... What are they goign to add? More color?
  2. Yea, the creators of Braid didn't make their own music, they just licensed it. Check their stuff out at last.fm or something. The songs are: “Maenam”, by Jami Sieber, from the album Hidden Sky. “Undercurrent” and “The Darkening Ground”, by Jami Sieber, from the album Lush Mechanique. “Tell It By Heart” and “Long Past Gone”, by Jami Sieber, from the album Second Sight. “Downstream”, by Shira Kammen, from the album Music of Waters. “Lullaby Set”, by Shira Kammen and Swan, from the album Wild Wood. “Romanesca”, by Cheryl Ann Fulton, from the album The Once and Future Harp.
  3. All I can say is: NICE. Good to hear this theme in an original setting
  4. I'm afraid Braid uses commercial music in the game, so it can't be remixed for OCR...
  5. Wait, Abadoss is in this project? MY FAV PROJECT EVER!
  6. dude, wtf with all of the avatars :P just pick one

  7. 2011 is pretty optimistic Rozovian
  8. Well I like DLC, to a certain degree. Some add-ons are great, some Arcade games are great and some free stuff (BurnOut Paradise for example) is great too. BUT there needs to be some serious quality checking done. Usually, the price for DLC is set, but the content varies. I think the price has to be tweaked by whats in the DLC. Also, publishers shouldn't make a half-baked game (like XZero said) just so they can sell "unlocks" for the rest of the game. So quality check is the key. I don't think downloadable games will ever be bigger than regular games. Many people want to buy something material for much money. I'd much rather have a case in my hands than a line on my console that says I bought something. On the other hand, downloadeble games are better in term of their lifetime (discs can scratch, get lost, etc)
  9. Definetly my favorite of the latest OC Remixes, a great track! Fishy's bass with Scaredsim's stuff almost garantees a monstrous track, and they delivered big time.
  10. Wow, great work Avaris! I love those beats and you really kept the Chinese style going. And those crowd effects makes a great ambiance
  11. This remix has been a fav for a long time, ever since I heard an early version for the SoS project. It still is one of my favs, just awesome
  12. Thanks for the feedback and the kind words Yea, Vigorous Town is the (only) source and I did change the first bit (after the original stuff) into minor. I did however, end with a bit (credits/ending) from Zelda 3, but that's just the final 30 seconds or so
  13. If there are 2 themes that have been covered the most here at OCR, it must be Terra's and Schala's theme (covered about 832 times each). With such a long list, I was wondering what everybody's favorites were. So, what's you fav Terra/Schala remix and WHY?
  14. I'll repost my wip at the forums too. Just keep in mind that I haven't wroked on it for more than a year
  15. Congrats man, it shows a real appreciation of your work!
  16. Nobody says it's not allowed. If you can mix these themes together in good way, you're free to do so I think
  17. In the last incarnation of this project, everyone was throwing around boss themes. Most of them were pretty cool, the the most importnat reason is that we have remixers that are passionate about remixing a theme. So it's up to them to come up with something good
  18. This project is gonna kick-ass. Just for the record
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