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Everything posted by anosou

  1. 25? Good work there Michael Happy birthday, have a good one! (and make another ReFill, you can find traces of your first in all my remixes ;P)
  2. Happy birthday genius! Have a good one
  3. Enter: Money issues! I'm having trouble getting this to work out, especially since I'm taking extra classes to prepare for university.. I'll see if I can make my parents pay some but otherwise... I guess I can't go ..I do hope I can get my $50 for pre-reg back O.o
  4. Thank you very much for your kind words. It looks like we feel exactly the same
  5. I do not agree. To give remixers a blace on OCR to promote their works for OCR is not a function just becaus it is "cool". This can help remixers that are fairly well known in the community to inform others what they are doing and about their original works while less-known remixers can use it for almost the same thing to get some more air-time. I know that I'm interested in reading what other remixers are working on at the moment and if they are willing to pay for the service you can also guarantee they'll write in it and that it'll be an interesting read.
  6. I wasn't that serious, I'm horrible at mastering and mixing and finding good freqs
  7. ofc you say it's easy, it's your copy I'm buying I just want to know how it works with NN-XT and if it's a bitch to map it out..
  8. Could I convert the samples for easy use in NN-XT with CD Xtract? I'm not very adept at this kind of things..
  9. How do you use QL Rare dude?
  10. I might try one of the tracks. I'll keep in touch and hook TO up with a WIP when and if I start one.
  11. *hugs V* you can, but it's for people without ears! BLEREREGH!
  12. A defining moment in platforming. One of the first games to use the analog controller and damn it used it well. Also it was a pretty damn fun game YES Letting you play as the evil mastermind was the idea of an evil mastermind! Horribly addictive and well-aged strategy game that brings out the evil in you. With the editor included in dungeon keeper gold, this is a (dungeon) keeper. YES It's love or hate with this. Whatever you choose, this is still one of the best and most active multiplayer games out there. This is why you should own a PC. YES Okay, THIS is why you should own a PC (it's for mac too btw). Taking the pen & paper RPG system and creating the most versatile game-editor around, this game never ever ends. Go online and you don't need anything else. YES
  13. Up your crack? Right on! okay.. enough with the bad jokes, sorry
  14. OKAY! Storm is back on track. Got all creative and evolved the source a bit more, now contains: Freaky DnB, A Speak'n'Spell, tempo automation, pumping psytrance and an orchestral part! I'll link you up shortly
  15. *hugs CHIPP Damage* It's not your fault... It's not your fault.. It's not your fault..
  16. The sad thing is, no one can take judge love seriously. I like judges. The fun thing is, HAHAHA A JUDGE LOVE THREAD XD
  17. That's my favorite part XD Makes the bass sound like a fretless and badly played! woo! Where I found it is a secret you can find it here: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-8l-49-en-70-jad-40-extended.html But please don't buy it, because I'm planning to do that EDIT: oh yeah, thanks for all the kind words
  18. Then I take it you know where the quotes in Too Much Fighting is from?
  19. I can send you a copy of Jade Cocoon for a couple of £ if you'd like also. YOU'RE ALL MY FRIENDS AND THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE THIS, LOL! haha, j/k, kisses and hugs to each and everyone reviewing
  20. Final Fantasy VII - YES: It's so hyped. So incredibly hyped. But in the end it still is one of the most enjoyable RPGs to date. The Materia system, as nutsy pointed out, is pure genious. It gives you many many options and really rewards you for putting some time into it. Also the story is dark and very post-modern and it keeps it interesting in a way that no other game IMO has done. Now give it another YES!
  21. What Moseph said, use the envelopes
  22. Way to have too much RAM numbnuts *robs* j/k, NICE computzorz!
  23. That's when I come in j/k, but I'd love to see some of your templates
  24. AeroZ jag älskar dig One of my favorite remixers with one of my favorite remixes. Great use of chiptune-sounds and an arrangement that's way above the bar for OCR, in this case liberal schmiberal. Some incredibly sweet synth textures, spastic drums and surprsing touches makes this an instant winner. Sebastian shows that he's getting to the same level as Mazedude and Shnabubula, both masters of interesting, chiptune inspired arrangements. Now that's something. and yeah, what DarkeSword said in his YES post, the PS part
  25. Korg padKontrol has the X/Y pad! :* You're welcome to come to Sweden and play it
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