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Everything posted by anosou

  1. *subscribes to thread*
  3. Dragon Army, nuff said. http://www.arnoldascher.com/dragonarmyinc.html
  4. Audio. Video. Pictures. Nuff said.
  5. Wow. Way to promote a project! This has, in a very short time, become one of my favorite arrangements ever. Groovy, crisp production, interesting signal processing and general goodness. I really like how well the percussion blends with eachother despite being completely different in character. The piano is beautiful too. The guitars works very well too, although I think I heard some clipping? Maybe it was my speakers (or an intentional artefact) though.. The part at 3.25 is simply amazing. Great textures, reminds me of The Knife and that's probably the best compliment you can get from me. Nice chopping there too. Ross Kmet is really setting out to be one of the most impressive sound manglers out there. Teaming up with Taucer was probably the best thing he could've done. They really complement eachother perfectly. This is a beautiful arrangement in every sense of the word. Thank you.
  6. He can take this and make it part of it. Downloading now btw.
  7. Well, isn't this something! The intro could be the intro to any kind of remix so it's a pleasant surprise when the guitar and drums enter. The drums are really working to make this track energetic and succeeds. The lead synth meshes well with the guitar backing and brings a retro feel to the mix. Nice chord change-ups at the end of what I presume is the chorus in this song. There are generally some really nice details in this arrangement, triplets, smooth pads, variations in both the melody and drumming. The melody is mostly legato, something I personally enjoy but can easily become a bit frustrating to listen to. Or so I've heard. The breakdown with the chimey sounds is very pretty but the chimes themselves are a bit too soft and synth-ish for my taste. They do work very well though. A fade out ending? Well I've been there. All in all this is a solid mix and VERY good for being a first post. Way to impress there.. Scaredsim was it? Cool.
  8. This is one of the reasons Dave should add an "additional downloads" tab to remixes. It would make finding lyrics, sheetmusic and whatnot a lot easier. sorry to rape your review thread! let me make it up to you, this remix rules!
  9. Now I hate you all for being at mag even more! I'd pay money to play live drums to this improv.
  10. I always get happy when OCR gets attention outside of the english-speaking world. Hopefully this is just the beginning
  11. Have fun people! Tell everyone to give my birthday gifts (January 17th fuckas) to AeroZ :3 Enjoy MAGFest
  12. Yeah, you're right about that. Though Reason is one of the most pirated products out there because it's so easy to crack. But you're probably right that they could affor to rewrite the core, but it's still a tedious task they wouldn't want to spend their manpower on That was what I meant even though I was unclear.
  13. You were talking about VST support a LOT and not much about the new sequencer in the latest post. While it's perfectly sane to discuss changes you disliked in an application you use (though it would be nice to discuss it without sounding like an ass) that was not what you were doing in the post I replied to. Reason hasn't actually changed much except the workflow in the sequencer, you're talking about totally changing their philosophy about the program. Why did you start complaining about this in R4? R3 didn't "interact well with other programs" nor feature VST's, a 303-device or another format than Refills, but you enjoyed that? I've never had any problems with ReWire and I've used it extensively with other programs, mostly at school, like Logic, ProTools and Ableton Live. hell, , you said it.Another thing, do you or do you not know much about audio software programming? You're saying that they should just "get better programmers", like it was a piece of cake. First of all, they're a REALLY tiny company, 10 people in their main offic I believe and just a few of them are programmers. Second of all, VST WOULD (and this is a fact, props has said it many times) require them to rebuild the core of the program. The core that's been praised for it's stability, ease of use and ability to produce good sounds. It's very possible they do not want to do that for something they don't even think is nessecary because of other technologies that somehow complements Reason, ReWire. I'm not trying to shut you up, I'm debating. I was telling you what I thought, for the most part in a more civilized way than you did.
  14. This is, hands down, the best birthday thread ever. I like you. Happy Birthday!
  15. Wow, I still think this is stupid. If you don't like Reason as it is now, don't use it. It's exactly the same as you said about VSTis. Propellerhead is obviously not going out of business with glowing reviews, a lot of users and a solid program. They don't need to "get with the program", they can focus on what they want to do instead. Also, damn man, they don't WANT to be "grow into a program that will one day appear as the main platform for well known music tech schools". Why be something you aren't? Reason isn't as versatile or important to learn as Logic, ProTools or Cubase. It will probably never be, except in electronic music production classes and special reason classes (SAE for example offers Reason as part of their Electronic Music Production diploma). You're constantly nagging about that you want Reason to have VSTi support but for no apparent reason except that they have to "get with the program" which is just narrow-minded. If it is because it suits your need as a musician, fine I can understand, but a company can't really bend to the will of all their users if it doesn't go hand in hand with their concept (Ableton Live however does that since most suggestions work for their program). Also, (legitimate) users have never really complained about it and Props has numerous times said that they will NEVER add it. Most people would accept this and Reason as what it is. It's apparent you can't do that but jeez, this discussion is getting annoying. "Im going to assume that 100% of the anti-vsti-support people in this thread have no programming background and have little to no technical knowledge of how audio shit is written. " is just low. Do you have technical knowledge about programming audio software? or VSTs for that matter? Most people that say the program will get less stable with VST support has (I hope, at least I have) heard it from credible sources. Propellerhead has said it numerous times (as previously stated) and some of the Reason old-timers that has helped with the programming, patch designing and general evolution of Reason (some are also programmers) has stated the same. The main point remains, don't use Reason if it doesn't fit you. Just stop complaining, do something constructive. Write a detailed letter to Propellerhead and explain why it would matter to YOU to have VST support, start a protest, make a youtube vid about how you have a hard time with R4. Just don't do this angry complaining thing. It's annoying and unnessecary.
  16. I thought that too! But hey, this is equally awesome, congratulations. ..you owe us a best of 2007 thread pixie..
  17. Word. 10charbitches
  18. I think teh intarweb just died from overload But really, this is pretty good news. Cool.
  19. It's just that he was really busy. But I talked him into it I'll PM you details you need to know. HAVE FUN AT MAG :3
  20. w00t! I did NOT now that, you made my day
  21. I like getting creds, thanks ;P Also, I miss the straight-line tool a LOT! Otherwise I enjoy working with clips, foldable lanes and vector automation.
  22. I talked to Mr. Magfest. He was stressed as hell and wasn't really happy we were so late with the transfer.. but he'll try to fix it tomorrow. Otherwise I bet you just have to pay at the door, I'll wait with the paypal transfer til later.. This is why I was nagging you ;P
  23. Maybe it's vBulletin but I felt I had to ask. The fact that thread titles show "&" instead of & in titles annoy me. Same thing with quote symbols, whatever they're called in english. Is it possible to do something about this? It's not very pretty, especially with reviews and threads on the first page
  24. You scare me. Man, I miss The Black Lodge. Ocarina Boogie might not have been an arrangement, but DAMN it was good.
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