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Everything posted by halc

  1. lol i still don't know if i even have enough coins to get in o.O

  2. i beat dkc3. be proud.

  3. what on earth was i thinking when i didn't join this project T_T
  4. oh and before i forget AGAIN - that thing you sent me a week or two back.. awesome. for reals.

  5. well if we can't ever get a solid claim, that's just the way it goes, as unfortunate as it would be to have to disclude it. but right now our priority is finishing up an awesome project that has taken too long, and we won't let any stray tracks hold this up for even longer once everything concrete is finished. i do agree that it is an awesome track and someone awesome needs to claim it edit: PROTO, do it. edit2: not the track claim, the vocal riff <3
  6. no biggie, it's only ten songs nice work on the wip. you've officially reached lime status
  7. okay forget the wip deadlines final wav's are due TOMORROW, bitches! ok, im not that cruel. i wish i was though.
  8. why are you all posting in this thread instead of FINISHING YOUR SONGS!? *cracks whip*
  9. high five!

    let's do that again sometime

  10. geetarz. tonight, bee-otch.

  11. 5 days until the deadline! we've seen some great progress lately, so let's keep it up!
  12. ahh, gotcha. thanks. seems a little funny that it would display but not allow input of 4+ digit track #'s.
  13. I've said numerous times, we'll be doing this. For everything. Sit tight. out of curiosity, is this even possible for OCR1000+? the track # field in itunes (mac) won't let me enter more than 3 digits.
  14. check out the ftp dood :)

  15. personal opinion, but one I think others may share. no discredit for leaving it in, but I figured it might be worth mentioning. yeah, the reverb is fine. I'm just referring to the attack. each note kind of bleeds into the next. I understand the distant sound your going for, I just think the individual note attacks could use a little more clarity. lack of clarification on my part. too exposed; i'm referring to the main piano that comes in after the intro. to put it plainly, it's dry and fake sounding, could maybe actually use a touch more reverb or release, and of course the mechanical sequencing is a given by now. it's also pretty bright, i'd recommend dropping some of the mid frequencies a bit or just trying out some different piano samples altogether. some more stereo width/separation might also help make it sound a little fuller. by soundscape i just mean the overall texture of the piece. the lower end of the piano tends to stick out or overpower the upper octaves a bit, especially when it's playing some of the thicker chords, as well as those really low notes at 1:44-2:15. by disjointed, I'm not sure how else to phrase this, but the melody and drums just don't flow together very well, and it becomes easy to lose track of the actual rhythm. every individual beat is strong, but the melodic phrasing just feels kinda random at times. after a few listens I could follow it pretty fluidly, but i'd go for a second opinion on this. I was discussing it with someone as I was writing my initial review and they felt the same way, so I don't think it's just me. to be honest, I'm not a music theory bluff, and I have no experience writing or classifying phrygian-mode music, but I've had this on loop for a long time now and I think I've warmed up to this aspect. the 1:10-2:00 area does have some awkward moments for me, and it could just be the result of too many notes in the chords or that super-low piano bit causing extra dissonance. overall, the piece is heavy in the mid/high's. there's nothing really filling up the lower frequencies of the soundscape, even the low end of the piano is EQ'd pretty high. i'd also suggest lowering the high's on your cymbal percussion and boost the lows or the channel volume on your kick, to give it a punchier sound. I think more stereo separation on some of the orchestral elements would also help fill up some of the empty space. also, that [synth/electric guitar?] suffers from the same problems as the piano - dry and unrealistic (if it's supposed to be a guitar) tone. again I would recommend playing with some different samples, or maybe trying out some fuller synth sounds and smoothing it out with a little reverb. thanks. I understand, and I appreciate you calling me out. hopefully I didn't come across as terse in my review. my feedback-giving skills are still a little rough and I do tend to over-generalize/exaggerate or not fully explain myself, so this was a good chance for me to realize what I need to tweak as well, as far as my critiquing goes. anyway, I hope this clears things up a bit.
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