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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. Flour is a thickener. If you cook meat on a frying pan and deglaze it with water/wine/etc, then add flour, you'll get gravy. Delicious gravy.
  2. Europe always gets things so late.
  3. 25 dollars?! Dang. You must have none of the stuff sitting around the house. Extracts are crazy expensive though. They can be 6-7 dollars for just a couple of ounces. They should last you a while anyway. I still think they're more expensive than they should be since I do more baking than your average person. (For 25 dollars, you could have bought yourself two copies of pixie's new album!... almost) If you're starting out, then be very cautious and careful. Put it on low to medium heat and constantly stir. Just don't stir too vigorously! It'll just be a waste of your own energy. You'll be losing some heat since you are stirring. But it'll be evenly incorporated throughout the pudding. In the end, you're just looking for the consistency and that's when you stop. If you are stirring, then you'll feel it thicken up.
  4. As a male, I am afraid to admit that indeed I am committing to this event. If I drag a friend along, then the entire trip will be quite smooth. He lives in the DC area. I'm pretty much a definite.
  5. No, problem, McVaffe. We're all getting older. But today, you get to be older first! Happy birthday, dude.
  6. NO to zircon's Chocolate Pudding ReMix. Needs more groove. :3
  7. I has a camera. I have a small digital one and a film SLR. I'll even ball out for the 5-6 dollar rolls of film. I won't have my new lens with me, but I think my two primes should do. I just need to be reminded to take more pics. Usually, I take too little.
  8. Propaganda. All of it.
  9. The Japanese song "Sakura" is pretty typical of a classic Asian music. There's another Korean folk song I know called "Arirang." In general, songs that feature zithers, dulcimers, shamisen, or er-hus remind of me Asian music because of their sound. But of course the notes and how they progress only reinforce it. My best recommendation is to check out anything by Agatsuma, a contemporary shamisen player. He incorporates a lot of different styles. I own his CD titled Dawnlight. Also: RevenG - Sakura (from DDR Extreme) Do as Infinity - Shinjitsu no Uta
  10. For now, it sounds like a good day. I can't see anything in the way. I just have to make sure I get working on those presentations I have.
  11. OCR needs more grease trucks sandwiches stat. You better get working on that. Also, I want a membership card too.
  12. No love for Ness? I got to play the game for the first time yesterday in a long while. I completed the last co-op event with him. Lucas is too flashy, but I do like his really long third jump.
  13. I'm sure that EA will retain the non-online multiplayer aspect. But come on, being able to play with other people not in the same room would be able to connect you to your friends at other schools/cities. I never actually got to play in a rock band showdown. But the idea of competition in this game or any game would greatly improve the depth of the experience.
  14. I feel bad for the Wii owners who were looking forward to this title. The whole point of Rock Band was the ability to play together like... well.. a rock band. With the internet now here, they should take advantage of it to connect people to be able to play together. But if anything, I would like EA to fail massively at this. There are already so many titles that EA has profited off of undeservedly. Ideally, I want them to admit that they've been shafting the end user whenever they had the opportunity to.
  15. Your current specs are high enough to run most if not all emulators to date. Personally, I use SNES9x and a little of Kawaks, which is very similar to MAME. Even on the laptop I have now, they work flawlessly and don't produce any decrease in performance. Laptop specs: 1.6 Ghz 256 MB RAM 20 gig HD Win XP SP2 32 MB ATi mobile graphics card. You really don't need to upgrade your computer at all for MAME. But if you're downloading all of the games for MAME ever made, then you might have to worry about hard drive space. With 250 gigs, you should be fine. As for everyone else spouting out processors and other stuff, they're just making suggestions for a possible upgrade or overhaul. For what you want to do, your current rig should be able to do it. I'm not too sure exactly why you would want to upgrade unless you're having a specific problem.
  16. If it says "connection refused," then it's not good news. There isn't really a good way around this as your campus or school connection might actually think this server is a threat of some sort. Personally, I cannot log onto ETG from school no matter what I do, but at home, it's fine. Generally, what I would do is that I would not use the defaults they use. Try 7000, or 6666 or 6668. Sometimes those are more reliable than 6667. This, of course, is dependent on the server you're trying to access of course. Good luck.
  17. Actually, I think that if more people got the wired adapter for Wii, they'd get better connections and games. That's just me though. I think that you can probably challenge up to people in the midwest and Canada. But obviously, greater distance = greater lag. There's really no way around it.
  18. Gardevoir's aura is supposedly a shell of protection that doesn't allow items to penetrate through it. I'm not too sure if it also includes projectiles and other stuff, but I'm sure it could be assumed.
  19. There are a lot of things that have to be decided before you want to write a musical. If you want a very stereotypical Broadway musical, then you'd want to have a lot of components in there that are basically cheesy. But some off kilter stuff is also welcome, as long as it fits in with the style of the music and lyrics. Urinetown is my favorite off beat musical. It has a dark humor, and highly sarcastic overtones. No matter what you do, there always has to be a love story of some degree. What you do with that love story is another thing. You can go the whole Les Mis route and kill the other love interest or you could keep her alive, like in Jekyll and Hyde. Anyway, basing stuff off of already published works is great. Count of Monte Cristo would be very cool, or even The Office.
  20. Yeah, I know what you mean. Since Melee was such a success, everyone wants in on the early glory for Brawl. Sure it's fun to play and even maybe compete. But a part of me just thinks that a lot of people forget that it's just a game. I might get good at it. I might not. I just like finding out weird/fun stuff in the game.
  21. I played it for a little while yesterday and unlocked Marth and Ness. I think that game has integrated some elements of its N64 version. Some animations are more exaggerated, and the overall pace is a bit slower. Kirby's aerial down A is back! Anyway, I haven't played with all the characters yet and I'm still a bit confused as to how to use all of the moves. I'm not too great with Mario's FLUDD move, but I am happy they replaced his aerial down A with his tornado. Lucas is preferred over Ness? I don't quite like Lucas. But his moves are somewhat just reversed compared to Ness. Aerial foward A and up A are his damage moves. But his back kick has huge range and aerial down A isn't too shabby at all. I think I just find him a bit too light. Also, it just might be me, but I feel like I have more control over Lucas' third jump. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with Ness though except that I can't seem to combo 2 back kicks any more for whatever reason. If I play a good amount, I can get better in about 2 weeks. But still, the wireless connection here is pretty shabby considering I'm on the edge of campus. So it doesn't look like I'll play anyone anyway. I'm not a big fan of the backgrounds either. Though detailed, it takes away from the gameplay a little bit. But I think I liked the more vibrant color palette of the Melee better. The differences in Peach's dresses aren't drastic enough. But I'm glad they still have white. Wedding Peach ftw.
  22. Learn to vector. It's kind of simple to vector an image that already only 2 colors, but still. With vectoring, you breakdown an image into discrete areas of color (no dithering) which then allows you to blow that image up as large as you want. But for images with more gradations of color, it's more difficult to do properly and after being blown up, the oversights are blown up as well. If you work in photoshop or even Gimp, you can just zoom in on the part that you want even though it's quite small. Then vector it (though Illustrator lends itself more to vectoring than photoshop does) and then blow it up.
  23. Mario is Missing.
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