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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, It's always a day away." I see how it is. They think they're clever do they. It's never going to come.
  2. I would have guessed it even if the only condition was "beautiful female voice."
  3. Up was where the lights where.
  4. Do it. I'm sure it won't wipe off Office, just partial installer files.
  5. Switch browsers and see if you have the same problem. If you don't feel like downloading Firefox because it's so huge, there's a portable Firefox version for people who like to keep it on USB flash drives. Search that out and try to visit OCR from there. If it works, then you'll probably have to look through some options in Opera that control cookies. On FF 1.0.7, my cookies expire very quickly for no particular reason and I am always having to sign in if I leave the site even momentarily. Anyway, I don't think it's anything more complicated than that. Aside from cookies, check some options that involve auto-completion or memory of usernames/passwords.
  6. Windows Install Clean Up is supposed to work. It helped me get rid of iTunes. Since that doesn't work, I actually would consider reinstalling the program and then uninstalling it once again. Maybe that would work for so odd reason. Other than that, you can systematically go through the registry and delete any items that resemble MS Office 2003 Business Ed. But that is highly NOT recommended. If you do run the installation/uninstallation, don't run any other applications at the same time. It might sound stupid, but in theory, it shouldn't matter. A lot of things are supposed to work in theory. After you finish uninstalling it, then I would restart the computer and possibly run Windows Install Clean Up to see if the program detects any traces of Office. Good luck.
  7. They don't want to come because they don't like me. ;_;
  8. Windex?! Windex bad. It has cleaning chemicals in it, however, you should just be using rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. If you're already used Windex, use rubbing alcohol to rinse off any residue the Windex might have left.
  9. Johnny!?!? What are you thinking?? There's no way that Emi would ever get with Johnny. He might have a crush on her, but in the very end, we all know that Emi's heart is with Rage. Enjoy your freeze arrow, Johnny.
  10. The Asus eee is the only barebones laptop that I know of. But maybe that's because it was making some noise earlier. http://eeepc.asus.com/global/ As for good graphics card, I doubt it. Barebones usually means barebones.
  11. I'm guessing.... yeah. That's not normal at all. Something must have fried and usually when that happens, it's not one of those things you go in and fix it yourself. Anything involving taking apart your television (even if you want to remove all the parts to make a novel fish tank) is a bad, bad idea which most commonly ends up with people electrocuting themselves. It's time to buy a new TV anyway. Get HD.
  12. If you use Firefox as your web browser, download an extension called No Script. It will let you allow/disallow certain scripts that usually run on a particular site. I have google-analytics disallowed on the OCR site and I don't have any problems. Truthfully, I don't remember a time going on OCR without No Script. It works on a white list type of system, so you allow certain scripts and it will remember it the next time. Black listing would just be unintuitive and annoying.
  13. My friend put together a very barebones system with a P3 processor. It did very well without any fans at all. Also, the parts were exposed to open air most of the time. Very light web browsing (checking e-mail) and word processing were its main functions.
  14. What would we really be checking out though? It's an institution that probably doesn't want random strangers roaming around their building. If anything, there might be some sort of tour of the building or something like that. I just don't know how much of a draw that will be. It's an idea though. I'm guessing no takers for ice skating in Central Park? That seemed like a pretty solid idea to me. For people who haven't skated before, we can always play crack the whip.
  15. Why don't we just go ice skating in Central Park or something? Probably costs like 10 dollars or something like that. I forgot how much it was from the last time I was there. It's on the north end of Central Park though, at least one of the ice rinks is. It's an idea. I'm just throwing it out there.
  16. I think that something like this has to do with the issue of the rise and fall of independent video game review sites. Personally, I really don't care too much for Jeff being fired. He is in a way, probably just a victim. People have different tastes and being able to give any a review that is purely objective is more or less impossible. Perhaps he has dealt with this in unethical ways, creating unnecessary drama and the such. But, in the end, it really is his review. You don't have to like it, nor do you have to agree with it. It's just his take on the game. I'm sure that all of you know someone whose tastes are such slightly off in games, movies or even food. Their definition of "awesome" is your "disgusting." In the end, it's a conflict of taste and values. I feel that there exists a high dependency on video game review sites. People take the words of editors too seriously involving previews and reviews. Developers already know this and start to tempt their potential enemies into allies. For example, in one review, pros of one game might not be exaggerated, but the number of cons seems to be less played out than it should. Certain words might not be used when they accurately portray the game. The review has been given a good massage, word-wise. Also, this might influence the absolute numerical score, maybe bumped up .1 or .2, making it inconsistent with their previous ratings. Reviewers are the link between the industry and the end user. Since we as consumers, are very ignorant as to the ongoings of the developers until after release (and more importantly purchase), the level of objectivity or perhaps corruption is highly questionable for these video game review sites. Ideally, I think that we view the editors/reviewers as our friends with "the inside scoop." But developers see them as marketing tools. And let's just say that writing accurate reviews for the moral satisfaction of updating its readers about upcoming games doesn't pay too much. But of course developers/producers won't bother with every review site on the internet. It just has to have a large audience base and thus, influential. This is where the independent review site comes into play. Without any need to massage its words, it gives its personal opinion on a game. It's pure, in a sense, and might be filled with biases, but as long as it doesn't have any sort of financial motivation, it's all good. He/She is just telling you about the game and that's probably all you could really ask for. Still, with any review that is made by someone other than yourself, it should still be taken as a grain of salt. Bottom line: Opinions are not necessarily true, especially when there's money involved.
  17. SF3 is definitely not the most balanced game. I think that the most balanced SF game would have to be SF2: Hyper Fighting. But what's great about SF3 is the parrying system and unique normals everyone has. It just gives you a lot to play around with. In contrast to SFA, it's really a return to the classic SF game and focuses in on mind games rather than huge combos. As for SFA, SFA2 is probably the most balanced out of all of them. I've had a lot of fun playing both SFA2 and SFA3 though. It should be noted that A3 has an emphasis on air combos or juggling and custom combos. The CC's in the game really make the game unbalanced. Some CC's can even take away about 80% of your opponent's health, which is absolutely ridiculous. In addition, air combos really aren't characteristic of Street Fighter games in general. A3 kind of sticks out in that way. Custom combos in A2, while important, aren't really the key to winning. Most custom combos are easily blocked (as long as you block low). Stubborn or even new players will just build their meter to level 2 or even level 1 and constantly activate their cc. Chip damage is insignificant. Think of it as an all or nothing type of deal. It's not reliable, so you really have to pick and choose when you use it. I've always felt that A2 was a bit weird. Maybe it's the placement of the hitboxes or something like that. But there are some moves that should combo into each other, but they don't. It took me a while to get somewhat comfortable with the mechanics of the game. Despite its misgivings, I've probably had the most fun with A3. That's just me though.
  18. Download CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) use one of the packaged video players they have in there, either zoomplayer or mpc. That should work okay.
  19. All bars are the same to me. But you can always go to McSorley's. That's a pretty established bar/restaurant. I dont' know if it's cheap or not. A favorite of some people I know is Central Bar on 3rd Ave around 16th St. or so. Other than that and St. Mark's Ale House... I have no idea where any other bars are, let alone cheap ones. I just really eat in NYC nowadays. Aside from my uppity cultural trips to the museum and opera house/philharmonic... I don't know where else to go. Besides, I have no idea what everyone else is into. I think that going to Nintendo World is probably not a good idea. It was pretty swamped with people last time. If it were emptier, it would have definitely been a good place to chill. If people want to go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, then we should go rather than just sit around for long periods of time and do nothing. But remember, we'll be on a ferry, outside, in winter. I don't mind going at all. I can take pictures there.
  20. Definitely agreed. It has some promo stuff on Shoryuken, so people that go to that site usually have a good idea of how to play, if not honestly learning how to. Do you want to set up a match so I can beat you up?? Just kidding.
  21. I play on GGPO. Same name as on OCRemix. I will agree that it's good and there are good players in general. But the person I played made me kind of sour. He was a whiny punk who just kept on falling for air throws all the time. I'll just stay away from him from now on. I don't play any GG. Sorry.
  22. I have no idea what that's about. Apparently some tourney in CT? What games/platforms?
  23. Just like any other block. Do something else or do the complete opposite of what you're trying to achieve. Exercise is my first tip. Then video games, then quite possibly listening to a genre of music you don't normally do, say... nu metal. I don't know if this works, but instead of writing good music. Try writing bad music. Tiny ditties or even stupid jingles for commercial products or chain stores. And always shop smart. Shop S-mart.
  24. I'm sure you were "enjoying" not only just the documentary. You pervert.
  25. There are just some games that kind of irk me, like Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct. They're fun, but not too deep. The major selling point was either the graphics, violence or huge combos that you can make. I get bored with them pretty easily. I will have to agree that UMK3 is no where near as good as MK Trilogy. My friend bought UMK3 for Xbox 360 and the number of characters you can pick feels very limited, probably around 20 or so? The whole roster from the series is huge though . Cyborg Sub-Zero is much better than the human version. Maybe you should ask about this in the Nintendo DS thread. I'm sure you'll probably get more specific responses from there.
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