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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. Reading.. with music?! It's like the one thing I hate with something I like! Awesome. It's like a movie in my head... but everyone speaks in the same voice...
  2. Can your ears do any cool tricks now.. like.. say... tap dance?
  3. In this scenario, there can be only 3 things wrong. Either, the display input, the wire, or the console output. If your display has more than one video input, then change it to another one. If you're still getting the same problem, then it's most likely the 360 itself... which is a bad thing. I haven 't heard of this problem before. But replacing an output requires the know-how and soldering. Personally, I know how to solder a little bit, but I wouldn't tinker with something that costs over $300+. Despite the fact that the warranty is null, I'd still call Microsoft and see if they'll do anything about it for free... and then ask later about cost... Sorry I can't be of any more help. C'est la vie.
  4. If you need a new printer, buy an HP. They started out as a printer company and have always made quality printers... as for computers and other peripherals... they're not too hot in comparison.
  5. I would say about the same. The SF titles are purer forms of the gameplay rather than the crossover games. Though I love Capcom vs. SNK 2 to death (I have it for dreamcast), it's a lot to take in at once. Also, the SNK characters play true to there respective games as well. All of the d-pad stuff is a bit more technical than in the average SF game. Each reincarnation of the game has something different to offer. If you really want to get a good basis of Street Fighter, start with SF2T or Hyper Fighting. Read up on the moves, cross ups, 2-in-1's, frame advantage and priority at either gamefaqs or more recommended, the forums at shoryuken.com. It's actually quite deep for such an early game. The only "problem" with SF2T is that the matches are a bit quick. 3 360's from Zangief and it's all over. But if you don't have to keep popping in quarters, then it should be good. Most of the movesets available from game to game, with the exception from SFA3 to SF3. So similar moves can be connected even from game to game. Even if you've never played SFA3 before but you've played SF2T, you can still use some of the stuff you've used before. Dragon Punch is overly prioritized in this game and gives you invulnerability over your entire body. In later versions, only your fist is invulnerable. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (SFA3) is inspired by anime/manga in style. This game has air blocking, command throws, rolling, more supers, alpha counters, and "grooves." You can pick from 3 grooves or modes, each characterized with different advantages/disadvantages. After a while, you will notice that air juggling is severely emphasized in this game (which is not usually the case for a SF game) but all of the usual rules apply. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike is a return to good old street fighting. It a lot flash from the Alpha series has been taken away. Instead of having 2 or 3 supers available to you, you have only one. The parrying system has been added, which by itself is very novel, to say the least. Normals in SF3:3S are more varied for each character. And a bit of the nuances are probably difficult to grasp for a SF beginner. However, this adds to more interesting matches in the end. I think that this version breaks some traditional rules, but overall, it's very good. The mental game has definitely become more important, rather than memorizing combos (unless you're Yun). Even so, combos are more based on proper timing of hit boxes than just a string of buttons to press (a la Killer Instinct). This is the only game where I can cancel a dragon punch into a super dragon punch and then dash-in and do another dragon punch. In the end, it's difficult to say which version you should start with. SF2T to SFA3 to SF3:3S is probably the best route, but you could spend a whole lot of time playing only one version of the game (which is the entire draw). But consider other factors, such as competition and accessible help/forums. Every version has its own fanbase and a lot of players do infact play more than 1 SF. It's good to learn things by yourself, but when playing any SF game, a lot of people get better by learning from others. The better understanding you have of the overall gameplay/mechanics, the better player you are. Ah yes, ranting about SF... it's over now though.
  6. I think the community should have access to more Ice Cap remixes. There are too few of them.
  7. I don't know how much help I can be. If you have a router, I would first check if you are connecting to it by trying to access If you are not connecting to it, then reset the router and attempt to do so again. It should have its own software installed and you can probably configure from there. Chances are there could be a conflict between IP addresses... at least that would be my guess. Still problems? Just plug directly into the modem. Turn off the modem and turn it back on. It might take a while (30 seconds?) before it reconnects. I really do feel that there's a problem with the router though and from the clues I can put together, there most definitely is one. If you need a cheap d-link one, I can sell you one for mad cheap(5 dollars?). Shipping might be a pain though. (Also, I have to find it.) In the case you do not have a router, then I really wouldn't know what the problem would be, since there really is a limited number of things that can happen. As always, check all the connections, especially the coaxial cable to the modem. Make sure that the pin of the coaxial cable is still there, not bent or missing. If you tried all of this stuff... and still getting the same symptoms, I don't know what else to tell you. It's probably more software based then. Try removing any installed networks, restart again, and install the software packaged with the router. Though you won't have a network, you will still have internet access and that might be more important than intranet.
  8. Personally, I like Brain Training over Big Brain Academy. Though Big Brain Academy seems like it has more fun games, I could see myself getting bored with it pretty fast. Certainly, when you unlock the harder difficulties, it definitely extends the playability in Brain Training. Being able to only do certain exercises once a day though limiting, makes me look forward to being able to play it the next day. Anyway, I just started on Phoenix Wright: Justice for All. Finished the introductory trial and into the first big case. These games are awesome.
  9. You should go check out the remixing section of the forum. They deal specifically with software, tips and other technically related topics. But don't ask how to get started. There are several topics that contain tutorials that you should probably go through before you do anything like asking random questions. Most people use Fruity Loops as their remixing app, and using a new program will probably open up a whole lot of questions than just asking "how do I remix?" http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12
  10. Finally washed ashore after a treacherous trip at sea, Disco Dan has returned to the sands of OCR island. Needless to say, I was completely caught off guard to see a new Disco Dan remix. It's been freakin' forever since I heard something new by him. Perhaps this may have been written with slight bias, but this remix definitely delivers. It opens and ends smoothly but with much beat and groove factor infused in the body of the work. The elegant piano works great with subtle electronic pulses and rhythms. Currently, it's a DKC favorite of mine. Even over 7 minutes long, time simply flies by when listening to this song. Get this song and promote your local Disco Dan.
  11. I still use Winamp. I'm just really sticking with it ever since version 2.x. I tried Foobar for a little while, but didn't like it because it was a bit too minimalistic and didn't really want to both looking into plug-ins just to make it look pretty when minimized. Winamp 5 isn't too bloated if you keep most of the default settings. I have old habits like using WMP for playing CDs and such. Maybe it's just me but I always have this suspicion that Winamp is going to overwrite my current playlist if I associate it with CDs.
  12. Yeah. I totally agree. When I'm in the shower singing to myself, it's probably the best feeling in the world. Being naked and singing, it's just you and the music. Nothing more... wait... hold on... for some reason, I don't think this is what you meant... >_>;;
  13. ReeeeeeeeeeeeMMMMMMiiiiiiiiiiiixxxxx! Anyway, I haven't seen SF2HD almost at all aside from 3 images. Looks pretty good, but apparently they really don't necessarily want you to focus in on audio too much as of right now. Why don't we just all play the waiting game? And for you more impatient people, Hungry Hungry Hippos.
  14. I agree with The wingless. Having a single platform would simply make it easier for EA to pick off smaller independent game developers. Really, it would just be favorable to EA rather than the console gaming industry. Though there would be less hardware competition, on the software side, this would grow exponentially. Smaller companies wouldn't really stand a chance unless they had a large budget or helped by a certain larger company. I think EA hasn't had enough of messing around with game development teams. Also, the grammar in the title really annoys me. I almost wish I didn't post so it could fall off of the first page.
  15. Pretty sure you're stuck with the router they give you. At least from the images I've seen of this router, I don't think there's a way to bypass it. Perhaps more doo-dads will come out when fios is more widespread.
  16. I wasn't talking about the Xbox version of Ninja Gaiden. But in any case, the Xbox version was made in the same spirit as the NES version. Cheap bosses, ridiculously respawning enemies and lots of patience is required.
  17. Some things were not meant to be. *shrugs* Maybe your motherboard has some bizarro spec that doesn't make it recognize the card. All that matters now is that it works?? I think you've probably had a rough time already thinking about what went wrong. Go play games or watch movies now.
  18. If I had a phone where I could have different ringtones without some large hassle: Zelda: Link to the Past - The Goddess Appears (Fairy Queen or File Select music) Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Song of Storms (preferably solo ocarina version) Flow - Colors because that song is awesome. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ7F4DZHFYo]
  19. I personally feel that games now embrace a certain Hollywood style. They emphasize a lot of glamour and storytelling which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, the main reason you play a game is sometimes not for the story. Most of time, I do play through RPGs for the story. So creating a provacative plot would be worthwhile for RPGs. But I also would like to challenged in a way that I would have to re-think some strategy. I initially wanted to reply to this topic because I watched my friend go through Spiderman 3 just last week. When beating Lizard, they practically spelled out everything you had to do. That was a bit difficult to sit through. At the same time, I think about the demographic and the audience of what these games are aimed at. Surely Spiderman 3 can be aimed towards people in their teens and pre-teens safely. Making any game that has an appeal to all age groups is difficult in itself as well as for beginners and hardcore gamers. Still, if I do compare the games now that kids play to what games I played when I was their age, there seems to be a lot less thinking. Sometimes you kind of roamed around for a long time not realizing what you should be doing. Before even thinking about how to solve the puzzle, you had to recognize the puzzle. Maybe it's because I'm smarter than I was before, but for particular games, this is definitely not the case. Coming back to the first comment I made, I feel that gaming is a lot bigger than it has been even in the last 5 years. And becoming larger is not necessarily a good thing. More companies are willing to spend money in creating new games of questionable content. So my overview of current gaming is perhaps skewed because I cannot encompass a majority of it and form a more accurate opinion. Optimistically, I'd like to think that there are a just a couple of rotten apples making a bad name for current gen games. As we all know, there are really only a couple gems that are worthwhile to mention despite the fact that more games are being made, the chances of a very good game coming out is still very slim. Looking back, I think I only really focus in on these gems. I loved games like F-Zero, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World (though I liked Yoshi's Island a lot better), Yoshi's Island, Tetris, Ninja Gaiden, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Super Street Fighter 2. I tend to forget other games that I've played like The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare, Race America (NES), Bubsy 2, and I'm sure there are others that were very much so mediocre that fall into obscurity. I guess my main concern is not necessarily difficulty, but replayability. Making a game challenging would make me more likely to go through it a second time as I do with most Zelda games. I play through once to beat the boss and then a second time to complete all side quests and get all the items. In a way, it is intertwined with replayability. This lack of games with high replay value makes me think that the industry is more interested in sucking money from us with a promise of making a better sequel than making a good game in the first place... something like a planned obsolescence. Also, I have beaten Ninja Gaiden and the feeling just finishing the last boss was awesome. You threw your controller, not in anger, but just shock and amazement that it was over. *sigh* Good times.
  20. With or without screen protectors is fine. I think that you'd only really NEED a screen protector is when playing EBA or something like that. Otherwise, most of the games aren't too stylus heavy with constant poking... especially though spinners in EBA, some people like to press really hard when doing those even when they don't have to. Actually, my sister doesn't have any screen protectors and I like to use hers more than mine because it's more responsive. *shrugs*
  21. Under17 - Ichigo Go! Go! Galaxy Angel Best Vocal CD - Pumpkin Princess Tokyo Mew Mew - Koi wa ala Mode Chobits - Let me be with you Card Captor Sakura - Catch You Catch Me Card Captor Sakura - Hitorijime Otsuka Ai - 帰り道, alternatively, Kaerimichi (or second song in her Sakuranbo encore release) SweetS - Never Ending Story Kotoko - Snow Angel That's about all I got.. I can't think of any more.
  22. I don't know if you're into fighting games at all, but I own my dreamcast solely for it. There are a lot of gems other than fighting games. However, I got mine cheap and bundled with a bunch of games I liked. Here are some recommendations, though I don't own them all myself. Chu Chu Rocket Soul Calibur Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Capcom vs. SNK 2 Powerstone 2 Crazy Taxi 1 (or 2 but the first one was more fun) Grandia 2 Giga Wing Skies of Arcadia (Gamecube port has less random battles) Ikaruga Jet Set Radio King of Fighters '99 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (for Tony Jay of course) Tennis 2k2 (sequel to Virtua Tennis which was also good for its time)
  23. I, too, will be looking forward to this Ice CAPella single release.
  24. Bon... birthday!! Je suis fromage~
  25. I have this one, but I really have no idea what it's called... There's really no good standardization of these accessories. I purchased it at the Nintendo World Store though. It has two pouches, a big one and a small one, for your GBA and DS games respectively. Sorry I can't be of too much help. But at the very least, you know it exists!!
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