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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Definitely agreeding that Arena/Boss fights are good regardless of Tier at this point. I've been running Val's secondary char through Snarbolax a few times this week to get her tokens, heat, and crowns and it's been doing just as effective a job at getting my weapons heated and crowns for CE investment as anything else. I guess I'll quote Yahtzee's review of GTA:CW in regards to SK: "All its faults are balanced out by its other faults". Some Tier 2 and lots of Tier 3 are difficult, unfair, or just luck dependent, but doing Tier 1 stuff nets you about the same heat if not just a few less crowns for a less likelihood of dying or wasting mist. Also, why would you ever not collect tokens? AFAIK there's no limit, it doesn't cost anything, and...well that sound when you get them is just satisfying. Almost time to start crafting my first 5* stuff :3
  2. Oh yeah, you missed the part at the meeting where we scheduled a whole bunch more albums for the next three years just to spite you. So there. Disclaimer: no we have not done so it is just fun to irritate the man with the funny accent at times. We are not spiteful and indeed are working our asses off to keep this machine as efficient as possible. Gnarly Fantasy, dude.
  3. Oh HECK YES. And Yes, I still need to play games with you online (totally missed you that day, no I am not avoiding you ) Also, while I would love to have more people in my room this year, Val is having some of her Canadia friends experience MAG and they're staying with us so my room is unfortunately full. Sorry, NoNamer+everyoneelse
  4. I've never been an Apple fanatic, however I do own and use some Apple devices. The company, and Jobs himself, have had immeasurable impact on the technology and business world. Innovation to computers, consumer electronics, management, marketing, product handling, and so on, can all be attributed to Jobs and the company he started and helmed for the majority of his life. While I definitely did not agree with some of his policies implemented into the devices he helped craft, I have a deep respect for someone who approached technology with such innovation and fervor for creativity. Jobs didn't just step outside the box: he lived outside of it. And any CEO who actually answers fans email directly gets bonus points in my book. This is a loss for the technology world on a massive level. Anyone who played Oregon Trail on an Apple machine at all in their lives owes Steve Jobs some form of respect.
  5. Yeah, I'm loving the prize wheel, actually. It's like the spinner at the end of Kirby stages from Epic Yarn...or the SNES version of Aladdin. Not normally stuff that's super awesome, but an extra 5-25 crowns never hurts. Yet to get a lockbox myself, but I did see that message about Roarmulus. With big changes to the system I guess they can have totally unknown consequences with other elements. Still, mostly cool stuff going on. Since Roar is glitched, and I'm waiting for cobaltstarfire to be around before trying another JK, I'm gonna stick with doing Snarbolax runs to grind up weapons for a bit. I've not noticed a terribly significant difference in the amount of heat between Stratum 2 and Stratum 4 (yet to make it to Stratum 6, tried first few levels of Tier 3 and got completely decimated by Ice stuff). Is there really a difference in heat between the Tiers besides the Stratums?
  6. Old games didn't need achievements. Beating the game was usually enough of an achievement.
  7. I am more genuinely disturbed by the lack of Railworks + DLC in these libraries. What, you're all above paying 1.5k in DLC?! http://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/
  8. http://www.steamcalculator.com/calculator.php?account=Level_99
  9. LOL Dave, I'm on the floor...laughing...in greatest fear. Crossing, I think the reason everyone is responding like this is both how you presented the project as well as how you're responding to peoples explanations of things. When I came to NiD.com with Lucid Dreaming, I had the entire project scope mapped out and knew exactly what I was looking for in regards to managing the album. While your project has a core idea, it isn't nearly fleshed out enough to begin recruiting of the type you're likely looking to do. I mean this with most sincerity because I want to see projects succeed, and of course I am biased towards all things NiGHTS, but I think this one is already taking a misstep with the way it is being presented. Before proceeding further, I would recommend whoever the "we" is in your last post to come together and get things more planned and mapped before asking for more people to commit to anything. Since you haven't really said anything besides "it will be a retelling of the story" and "it will use all different kinds of artistic mediums", naturally posting something like this on OCR will conclude that at some point along the line, this will warrant some ReMix treatment. I'm all for it, there can never be enough love for the game's music. However, Lucid Dreaming just dropped not even 3 months ago, and that took 2 years to put together. Unless there is something radically different in terms of a musical requirement, people might not be ready to say "ok, lets go do this again" from an OCR perspective. As far as I am aware, there has yet to be a repeat album from a game on OCR, and with something as niche as NiGHTS, I doubt it would be so soon as opposed to something like FF7. There might simply not be enough musicians interested that weren't already in Lucid Dreaming, and those folks likely want a recess from that music for a bit before considering tackling it again. Also, saying something like "this is the kind of response we expected from OCR" is very condescending and excluding, even if you say "no offense". Meteo has a very valid point when he says that, at cursory glance, this is way too close to what LD just did and that it is likely way too soon to ramp it up on OCR's end again. Mirby was politely pointing out about the LD album in case you hadn't been aware, so you didn't need to immediately respond by saying "no, you don't understand." I would imagine that it is very frustrating to be trying to be helpful like they are and then getting snapped back at in sorts. Whatever you all come up with, I will be looking forward to it. Having just finished investing myself in something along these lines recently, I will have to pass this time around. Best of luck! Also, Orangedragan, I read your minireview and it was beyond flattering. Thank you for enjoying the album so much and being such a fan, it really means a lot. If you do something for this vocally I will very much be looking forward to hearing it!
  10. SO if I can fit bratwurst and beer belches into a mix...that counts?
  11. Well, before I even pass a judgement on that again, I'd like to be humored by doing a 3 or 4-man to see how it differs. I've almost maxed my current 4* stuff, and at this point I almost want to craft more gear specifically for JK. I'm currently using Vile Striker for fast hit/poison, Mighty Cobalt Helm/Armor, Mighty Defender. I have Nightblade and Cautery Sword but Nightblade isn't nearly as useful as Vile, and Cautery is...I don't know why I even bought it, didn't think to look it up before I got the recipe. Again, just would like to be humored about difficulty scaling for JK. Yes, the wiki is out of date on a lot of things, yes I may just have terrible luck/suck with my playstyle (I've been practicing a fuckton on shieldbumping, getting moderately better at it since my shield seems to be less and less effective with each day). I have yet to want to back and try Roarmulous either because the last time I did we got very close and my hopefully final rez was followed by a game glitch where all but the UI was blacked out. Still bitter about that Edit: maybe trying roarmulus later tonight, as long as not rezzing too much before boss fight. Edit Edit: Also just getting internally frustrated seeing some of the JK solo runs using similar gear to mine (Vile Striker seems to be a favorite). Damn you, aspiring perfectionism!
  12. The older posts from before 8BITX still point directly to lemonsinseries, the domain of which is down right now (they were working until the domain expired a few days ago). Go to this page to get them from the 8bitx site: http://www.8bitx.com/OCAD/?page_id=11
  13. Hey, did you ever get David his money?

  14. That was all David I think. Right now the server is down for an antivirus upgrade, should be back up before the episode tonight. Talk with Dave about any Minecraft stuff. I've logged exactly an hour in the last 6 months
  15. From the Wiki: NOTE: The Royal Jelly regenerates constantly, in amounts near 40 during a 4-man run or even close to that amount in a 2-man run. If you are dealing less than this in the amount of time he heals, you are fighting a losing battle. If he stops healing, he is at full health. It could be that I'm just terribly inept as well.
  16. Need two more people for a JK run one night soon. It is, as far as I can tell, basically impossible for two-people parties to defeat him. I have all 4* (including vile striker for poison) and Vile has all 4* except armor, and we we've tried twice both times wiping very badly. Edit: also I started a guild, not competing with garian's but if anyone wants to join it, let me know.
  17. Episode 71 - Tub Bunny Don't Give A Fuck OCAD. Nerdy Show. Minecraft Crossfic. Needy I say more?
  18. It's baaaaaaaaaaack. Wasn't that long gone this time! http://www.humblebundle.com/ Donate any amount to get Frozen Synapse. Donate more than the ongoing average to get access to more: Trine, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Shadowgrounds, Jack Claw (Prototype), Splot (Preorder). So please...won't you donate? (Note: I have no affiliation with the companies, charities, or fundraiser involved. This image just guilts me into spreading the love)
  19. There's way more than that, especially when including the Dreams Dreams motif sections. Definitely over 50%
  20. This, combined with adding pressure by ballrushing to empty enemy points and THEN kiting them around when they come to stop you, is what I'd like to call the "Pussy Rammus" tactic. And it works so well in Dom.
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