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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. You're all BANNED! BANNED, I TELL YOU!
  2. I did forget one specific resolution of mine... ...organize a set of songs to play with people who I know will be at MAG next year so we can all rock out. Time to start forming diabolical plans, heh heh heh.
  3. You have more official OCR friends than me.

    But I have more profile views than you do.

    Ah, the joy of useless numbers, just like post counts.

  4. Ah, my last secret weapon has arrived. Only took a few months from USPS to get here! Glad you hopped on, Mr. van OH-Faces! THAT'S IT! All regular tracks have now been claimed. There will be at least two announcements between now and next week. Hope everyone had an amazing new year's.
  5. I may be missing it staring me in the face, but do you have a date set for next WIPs?
  6. You have no idea how many times I've heard dates of mine end this way as well. Wait, we have monies to throw at people? How come this is the first I've heard of this?! I'm in need of access to this petty cash for my insatiable desire for hookers and booze! (well, more like video games and rock)
  7. Lol aww, thanks for trying to find me, slutster. And thanks for the comments! I will be sure to not stop rocking anytime soon, and I'll tell jay to do the same!

  8. So get a sexy sig, dude. Mine's not sexy: just amazingly creepy.

  9. Okay, you rock. Thanks for the comments and the song review. Definitely see you around OHC, ya?

  10. Prototype Raptor has the stuff he needs. We're getting underway soon. *puts on his suit and fedora*
  11. Yo, don't complain it ended early. Be glad it happened period! I got back at like 4 AM anyways. T'was a blast.
  12. Yeah, if any of those pics or videos of a compromising nature make it onto facebook, there will be a few less judges and mixers in the world, heh heh heh... It was really really fun last night. Definitely depressing at the end, though, especially taking Rama and Starla back to Brushfire's and saying goodbye, and then dropping Vilecat off at the train station. However, seeing Vinnie dance as white as bleach was worth the entire night.
  13. Flik's Pictures have been mirrored
  14. Same issue with the distance from everyone though, bro. Just easier this way, plus I have my set method of recording and whatnot.
  15. Apparently, Juanita, our OCAD house maid, stole the rent check to pay a ransom to get her four children back from aliens that have traveled from beyond the farthest stars. The children are safe, our site is the victim of her heroic deeds, though. Will be up post-haste.
  16. It's not sarcasm: the project really is going to be great. We OCAD hosts just like being, or looking like, or acting like, complete and total douchebags. It's in our blood. Fishy is the man and it's just easier to goad him into requesting a presence by catering to his ego. OCAD: We take the internet seriously. Seriously.
  17. PM me for address and directions. If it's at my house, I'm using my desktop for the recording. Oh, desktop, only marginally more reliable than my laptops combined...how I love you.
  18. We repeatedly poked David Pretzel at MAGFest about his mixes (upon Taucer's instructions, of course), but I gotta give the man some crazy respect: he is a multitasking GOD. Puts me and others to shame, so I'll poke him RESPECTFULLY from now on about it. Excuse me, kind sir, *polite poke* is your mix done yet?
  19. Quoted for truth and great justice. It's all about the music, man. Bonuses are all well and good, but it shouldn't be what holds back some awesome music for release. I'm sure the people who took part in the project have been waiting eagerly for their stuff to be released, so you've got the listeners AND the artists wanting this thing to go. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
  20. It also begins to take away from the listener perspective. It's a tough balance between releasing music too frequently and then not frequently enough. If more projects are started, and even more seen through to completion, the amount of time in between projects would dictate that sooner or later there will be a queue of finished projects waiting to be released. No project wants to give up their share of the spotlight, after all they worked hard on it, so there does need to be some space in between. Also, too many projects released to frequently can overwhelm potential listeners. Consider the time it takes for people to listen to music, and then again at how much is released, and you see that people have to pick and choose as there's only so much time available. I'm not saying don't start a project, I'm just saying there are many things to consider. You seem to be gathering quite a few people already and a couple staffers, so I wish you luck and hope your project finishes one day.
  21. The moment you tell anyone that what they're making in a creative fashion is "wrong", you've lost all credibility to your judgement. There is no right or wrong, proper or improper, or any of that. You're looking at this from a perspective that your opinion is fact, that what you're looking for in a remix is "right". Sorry, that's not how music works. You're looking at remixes as if they were systematic upgrades to sound quality, not as interpretive arrangement. Therefore, you could basically plug the midis into a program and upgrade them without the human interaction. Not what we were going for here. No one's forcing you to listen to this, nor to like it, and it's offered for free regardless. Any objections founded on an idiotic principle such as "right remixing" are thrown out the window. The project coordinators are there to check for appropriate usage of the source, and the OCR staff does make sure albums submitted are up to at least some of the standards, so there's always a mix of the original as well as the arranger in there. Don't like it, don't listen. *breaks out his guitar for a classic rock version of the Final Fantasy Prelude track with ALL THE WRONG CHORDS*
  22. I'm still figuring out how to do all this. In regards to OCAD, I just discovered the first half (the portion where we had to stop temporarily because of a recording issue, though it seemed fine) ended up completely garbled. I'm hoping to lift the audio off of the video from Brushfire next time I see him, but since the laptop still only worked for half the time (and is STILL not running audacity, it keeps crashing) I have no idea how we're going to do OCAD anywhere but my house unless something changes. Y'all are welcome here for that, and it would probably make Dyne's drive down easier, pretty equidistant from everyone. Much appreciated your offering of your place, diotrans and Palpable, but it'd only be a logical option (because of extensive driving) if we did OCAD there as well, which I just can't see happening without a reliable laptop. Heh, first the Mac loses the Christmas podcast recording, then the laptop garbles half of the magfest recording. Note to self: laptops are evil. Right now, unless there are any objections, here's the tentative plan (feel free to bring some board games, food, alcohol, or whatever): * Brushfire's bringing his crew to my place in the early afternoon (2ish/3ish). * OCAD recording gonna start around 4, it'll be the MAGFest recap episode and we'll get reactions from the people around us. Hopefully it will not descend into chaos. Epicenter will be dialing in. * After that, we'll just hang out the whole night, playing video games, board games, and have some alcohol available. Sleeping space might be a bit limited, but let me know in-advance if you're thinking of crashing. I just have to clear it with my housemates and we'll be good to go. If there are no objections, can I get a list of people who will be showing up, please?
  23. Let me just say how much I love that fistpump picture. The shirt is mostly unbuttoned for a reason: each button represents two drinks I had taken. This is awesome, I'm putting all these on my digital picture frame at work to keep me company until next year.
  24. So I hear you like release timeframes...and mudkipz. Can you show us them?
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