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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I've just gotta chime in here and say how much I used to be obsessed with The Blood Brothers. Watching their DVDs now, or if you saw them live when they were together, was an experience to itself. Not only did their songs defy convention, but their method of playing shows was almost awkward with their mannerisms and musical style. I've also listened to and seen HORSE the band play back when I went to UMD, though I think they came after BBs. Innovative? How about the grand-daddy of all pseudo emo-screamopunk: Rites of Spring. Totally unheard of to take that punk raw nature and actually put feeling behind it, but also innovative in their song writing. Or how about Husker Du? Zen Arcade still stands the test of time as an incredibly innovative album in both concept and execution. The Dreams - Reoccuring songs still baffle me. One last band to bring up, and one of my two favorites: Planes Mistaken for Stars. Starting off as Screamo-Punk and then becoming god-knows-what at the end (I think that Mercy is one of the weaker albums, but as usual with them, they defied some major musical logic even there). The two most innovative things I can say about them are their mixing style, which places the bass in a very weird place in the soundscape as well as how the guitars are written and performed with deliberate noise and mis-hits, and Garret's vocals, which during the bulk of their existence consisted of half-swallowing the words while screaming on-key. The lyrics were also extremely cryptic but poetic, with that particular vocal tone everything came through as this beautiful noise that I just couldn't get enough of. I would highly recommend the albums Fuck with Fire and Up in them Guts to highlight their innovation. Maybe I'm just a big fanboy of theirs, but I've heard things from them that I just can't place anywhere else. INNOVATION! Edit: Also, another amazing band full of innovation and just all-around FUCKEDUPNESS is Secret Chiefs 3. Words can't describe it at all, but I'll try: Hardcore Arabic Surf Rock Techno Punk Orchestral. Yeah, it's fourteen million times more bizarre and incredible to listen to than my words can convey, and absolutely innovative. Check them out for sure.
  2. Umm how did I get such an obscene amount of page visits? Or for that matter wall posts...or for THAT matter, FRIENDS?!

    I wuv you all. Especially when we're all in the magical space of Fishy's Enchanted Shed©.

  3. KALEB! Are you making a little tent out of my jacket?!

  4. Damnit, update the title of the thread saying that all of Episode 1 is out already! Twitter is confusing, also. And Brushfire makes a great spy.
  5. I'm literally almost done mine. I have a few drum notes to edit and a little flair to put in places, and it should be done. This was great, gave me the inspiration and excuse to do a song I've been wanting to do for ages.
  6. November 1st is here. One person has been removed from their mix, but LuIzA has stepped in to take on "Deep It Lies"! She's now officially on as many projects as I am. Welcome aboard, Luiza! For the rest of you: I can't wait to hear your WIPs.
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen...here is the proposed final version. I will be subbing it next week. If there is anything else you can recommend, PLEASE DO IT. Otherwise, I'd say this is final: http://www.mediafire.com/?kic44tcgqzq ^__^ Edit: New version of final, with some slightly tweaked mastering. Thanks to LuIzA and OA! Also changed the name.
  8. Brushfire is way too obsessed with TF2: He made me get in on the action too: The "Find Waldo" shot, and notice the conflicting signs we're holding: Aww....adorable: I now need to learn CCR for MAGFest.
  9. Here are some of the best from that night. He didn't immediately get that I was going as him, but tell me you can't see the resemblance: Totally in character: Amy was a great zombie, and tried to nom the passing votes out of Harmony's head!: Vinnie as Waldo:
  10. I went as DJPretzel. Harmony went with me as Liontamer. Pics to come once he uploads them. We went to diotrans and Palpable's party, and DJP showed up as well. Lots of fun.
  11. Also, props to having the login boxes in the upper-right corner now if you aren't logged in. Saves me one less page of navigating in-case my session times out when I wasn't paying attention. Awesome!
  12. Yo, change the thread name to something like "OverClocked After Dark Other Official Podcast (Sorta) - Episode 1 fully released!" or something.

    Respectably yours,

    Countess Balconsky

  13. Fishy, your point-of-view is definitely respectable. Although we do clear it up within the first 15-20 minutes that we're doing the things that *beep*beep* doesn't do, so I guess that explains it. Structure? Nah, not here. Identifiable topic? Usually only lasts about 30 seconds. Thanks for giving it a shot, anyway!
  14. And, finally, part 3 of episode 1 is available! Get it while it's hot! Episode 1 Part 3
  15. Thank you, just64helpin! Maybe Brushfire can mod the OP to have this too. Also, bit of an update for all three people waiting to hear us and then be alienated by the first episode: We've decided to split it up into three roughly-hour-long parts, which will be released over the next week, hopefully having the first one out either tonight or tomorrow. Yes...our first episode was really that long. Keep checkin' back here for updates! *this statement is not endorsed or representative of anyone with credibility. consult your doctor before using. additional lube must be water-based only. special offer applicable after credit card enlisting. I am nigerian prince
  16. Because, regardless of whether people buy it or not, it can be seen as Nintendo possibly wasting resources and assests that can be put towards something people really want...like, really really good Wii games that use the controllers well, or any number of other things. Many customers also see it as Nintendo giving them the bird for being an early adopter of their latest tech: "Hey, we're coming out with this BRAND NEW THING that's only coming out a little while after our other brand-new thing, and only has one or two real differences from that other brand-new thing, and we're gonna charge you more for it." From an business standpoint, it makes sense if the majority of people usually swap out the olds for the news (but most will not for only such a small set of new features), but it is canibalizing their own product line and puts a blemish on how well Nintendo can be relied on to put out, not just a quality product (this is not an issue of quality), but a meaningful product. It still is not nearly as bad as all the revisions of the PSP they have made, since nothing drastic has changed with their designs (they never added a camera, or much more desired, a second thumb-nub), but this makes me weary that Nintendo may be falling into bad habits.
  17. I've taken up residence on your wall, and hereby claim this land as wall-onia, and independent nation.

    Also, indeed: TITS > MARIO

  18. I think I'll wait for the DSi lite LL Color Pocket Advance MicroSP, due out in...7 months from the next release.
  19. I'll post pics of my costume after halloween, heh heh heh.
  20. Here's a rough summation of how it went down in IRC: GT: Do you know T3h secret yet? L99: No, but I'm sure it's amazing and I hate you already for having it. GT: Oh, you have no idea.... L99: You got David Wise to do a track for you, didn't you? GT:............... * L99 ate his own keyboard GT: Good guess. He showed us a little bit at the NC meetup, and I was lost for words...
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