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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. you shouldn't be, a lot of games slip through the cracks around here
  2. pshaw, you ain't off topic yet
  3. I was remiss during the OP discussion page in not mentioning my absolute, one hundred percent favorite OP of any OP ever: Boobs aside, the theme is so fun and catchy that I've had it stuck in my head for days and not regretted a single second.
  4. no, the server version on the Minecraft site is definitely 1.2.5
  5. I would not have thought that level of color detail possible (or at least attempted) on a drawing program for a handheld
  6. congratulations, Damned, you just made the entire thread too awkward to post in for at least three more posts
  7. only if you don't use the high-res renders for dynmap that one even colors the map for night-time also: are the server versions still 1.2.4? I almost never visit and nobody tells me
  8. yeah, not too excited about the new protags
  9. So I bought this a couple weeks ago and made it all the way to the Love Rap in one sitting, getting medals on everything; but that damned song is a brick fucking wall to me, so I got the Japanese version to play instead. I actually attempted to play the game using Dolphin before buying the game, but emulation is nowhere near tight enough for a rhythm game, and that is what gave me the impetus to finally hack my Wii. a hacked Wii is a wondrous thing
  10. Heh, right before STH's thread got deleted, I'd said "except for the part where Darke straight up deletes his threads"

  11. I would have used the word "recruit"
  12. never in my whole posting career have I ever wanted to down-vote a post before now
  13. did a translation get done for it, or are you playing it in japanese? I'm relatively certain that there wasn't a translation when I watched the anime, so I'm a little curious.
  14. As much as I disliked the ending for it being shit, I still find myself thoroughly unenthused for a revision. I don't know. :\
  15. that you ask also don't be a dick
  16. I'm actually kinda impressed. I'm hoping that they're going to keep the traditional Sengoku warlords names instead of localizing them because I have a fairly strong interest in games set in that period.
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