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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Looks more like a devil to me.
  2. Oh man, this is so awesome. The overall feeling opening this piece is so mellow and harmonic, and although strings and an electric guitar is later added to the arrangement it still manages to keep that feeling, although more dynamic than before. It has just become morning over here, so this remix sets the mood perfectly on the day I have ahead of me. I give this remix a perfect score. Not only that it's happy and energic mood makes me feel good, but it also makes me want to hunt down a copy of this game and buy it.
  3. Maco, you better post a link to the sig shoppe in the Help & Newbs forum in the first post, preferrably in enourmous, orange letters so that it's impossible to miss. That way requests will go to the right place. Is this supposed to be a subconscious message of some sort? I'll see what I can find, but I'm cannot promise that it will be finished today or tomorrow. Edit: Well what do you know, I did finish it today.
  4. I've never been much of a people person, my memory often sticks to appearance instead. I remember your sig, but not how you were. Maybe I had just recently ventured into UnMod, but I remember seeing you posting.
  5. Dunno about you, but I would go to the save menu.
  6. My brothers knows about plenty of memes by looking over my shoulder and peeking in my image folder. O RLY, nice work and "in my pants" are used in some of our conservations.
  7. I am the new admin of this site. Worship me plz.
  8. At least he'll have something to brag about. He didn't submit that remix for profit, so why argue about that now? I bet you already have your own fanbase by now.
  9. There are plenty of NES games based off movies that generally sucks. Thread paradox.
  10. Maybe I'll PM it to you if I find it my UnMod folder.
  11. UnMod got locked during the first week of 2007, and now it's back up again, only with a new name and with more moderation.
  12. Matter of fact: I did. :]
  13. Whoops, I forgot to check this thread every now and then.
  14. Double post because of the maximum 4 images limit. ):[
  15. 5 new sigs! All of them are the main characters of the anime Erementar Gerad. I didn't have the willpower to see all episodes, but I found the artwork to be quite inspiring.
  16. So am I, my friend. So am I.
  17. Uhh...I thought we wouldn't bump this thread, but oh well. All that can be said have been said, so I'm not gonna try to aim for a long post again. The only thing I can say is that I will give OT a decent chance by posting in it and trying to recreate some threads that I was fond of as well. Only the future can say if it will hold or break, but at least I want to see it happen with my own eyes. However, I have found that there is one thing that this thread lacks, and that is apologies. Everyone have put down their arguements, and along with them acceptable reasons as to why they feel that way, but no matter how logical they are, a sincere apology may be enough for some to at least put some things behind themselves instead of bitching about it over and over again. I may be narrow-minded, but there are simple some cases where you just need to accept that everyone make mistakes and start to forgive and forget, in order to keep on moving forward instead of walking around in circles.
  18. I am so gonna save these when I come home.
  19. UnMod has always been some kind of secluded community. You could talk about casual things, make threads that was simply based on a joke, picture or youtube link, and overall have a fun conversation with those you knew. No matter what others say, unmod was a forum that was characterized by joy, laughter and humorous jokes. The overall comments could be cruel, but we wasn't offended since we knew that nothing that was ever said shouldn't be taked seriously. Problems occurred whenever a noob or a poster that was unaware of UnMod´s existence strolled in, made some posts but then took offence when we came and said such things like "Lurk moar", "GTFO n00b" or offered a delicate image of a goatsee or tubgirl. But, that was our way to handle things. If they couldn't take it, then Gendisc and PPR was there for them to post in instead. Rumors of what a horrible place UnMod began to spread through the site, and we played along with it. However, trying to discuss whether UnMod was a bad or a good place would inevitably end in failure, since we all saw it through different perspectives and angles. It was a place where we could hang out and talk and do whatever we want. When a n00b came along and disrupted the balance, we would approach them and see what kind of fellow this was. If he happened to be cool, we would accept him. If he wasn't and instead started to complain about how awful we were, he would get flames up his nose. Eventually, the Sidebar showed up as a giant pillar on the left side of the screen, and many got annoyed by it. That in turn led to anger, and in the end, massive bannings. And now when we switched to VBulletin, the new forum restrictions such as no namechanges, no quote nexuses, no full caps, 10 charcater limit and other details resulted into many complaints, since we now couldn't post in the same way as we used to. And that ended up in the same way as the Sidebar, massive bannings but with more feelings behind this time since the mods didn't show enough symphathy to our situation. I guess we could have avoided some of this, but not all of it. In the end, I kind of knew that UnMod wouldn't stay around much longer, since our behaviour was for our own best, not for the site's. True, if we just went to .org, then we could keep on posting as we always had, but personally I felt that I wanted to stay on this site, on the UnMod we had here. Call it pride, call it whatever you want, but moving to .org wouldn't exactly be the same. The only problem now is that moving to .org might be the only solution right know, since Off-Top won't have the same features as the original UnMod did. I will still stay though, but it will require some surfing on two forums at the same time since pretty much all the others are at .org. To describe UnMod as "nothing" would be inaccurate, a lie, and an insult. It was in that specific forum that the OCR culture was taking place. The birth of Nice Work Guy, Koga Shuko and other funny image macros happened there, events that would be remembered forever took place on that spot. Lines such as "Who's _____? Sum n00b" was created there, and I can probably go on forever about my memories that I've stored during my time I've spent there. To me, UnMod was a fun community where I could always go to get a good laugh, but also to inspire me when it came to sigs or just to have somehting to do for 1 hour. It was the first forum I've ever been to, and I'm glad that I ended up there. I am an UnModder. And I'm proud of it. These was just merely thoughts that I've had during this period, it doesn't necessarily need to be accurate. Feel free to ignore it, but i needed to get it off my chest. You joined one month ago, don't think you can stop being a n00b that easily.
  20. All the monsters that he's created himself are nearly impossible. Sure, a couple of laps around the Sphere grid should do the trick, or pay Yojimbo 1 000 000 000 gil, but otherwise they'll crush you, hard.
  21. Nothing protects against deceased birds like a 5 months long winter.
  22. He probably believes that you're his god embodied in a human body, and is therefore offering you some gifts so that you'll refrain from unleashing your wraith upon his house.
  23. I still need to write my part that I've promised to write for the last 3 months.
  24. Goodbye Darke. You locked many threads during your time, but your understanding behaviour and nice remixes made you one of my fav judges and moderators.
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