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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. It's called support magic, dude. Use it. Those dogs weren't that bad. The trick for getting through all the hard areas in the game is to ALWAYS be at full health at all times. Some of these monsters can make mincemeat out of your party in all but 2 hits, and if you're not able to take a hit, then obviously you're not gonna last much longer. This ain't your grandpa's FFIV.
  2. I'm still wondering what Square-Enix meant when they said they're "putting the ball back in Sony's favor." From what I can tell, we already knew about all of that stuff, save for PE3 and Agito going to the PSP which makes me really excited admittedly. Everything else is pretty cool, but nothing mind-shattering. A FFXIII demo being packaged with Advent Children Complete? Yippee. I'm more excited about ACC than the actual thing. As for Versus PS3-only? That won't last for too long being as it makes little sense to do that now.
  3. I'm willing to bet that you should get the 360 version since most people here probably own that one as well. Also I just started playing the game later last week. This is the definitive Soul Calibur. Win. Massive win.
  4. Why does this seem so counter productive? I mean I guess this is what Miyamoto and Iwata meant when they said that they haven't forgotten the core gamers.
  5. You really need to stop doing things that clearly aren't your cup of tea.
  6. ...I... Don't have anything to say.
  7. It's what I do. But seriously, everyone I've talked to who owns the game have said that it's been relatively smooth, which leaves me to believe that a less-than-stellar connection isn't gonna provide the best experience. I'm not saying it's not their fault for not taking that into account however.
  8. DOA4 had awesome online play. I wish SCIV would have a lobby, but oh well.
  9. Generally speaking, if you have ass for an internet connection then you're gonna have ass for an experience.
  10. This is stupid and people who think this are very stupid, and should never be payed attention to.
  11. From what I understand, the game is way better on the second disc, but seriously, if it takes that long for a game to get good...
  12. God I so hope that would be the theme song.
  13. It'll be the equivalent to Mario Kart DS' snaking if this is true... And Ivy's breasts just look old.
  14. Obviously feminists don't want to see any sort of female in any game ever, because their fragile egos can't handle it. This somehow reminds me of the escapades involving the alleged racism in Resident Evil 5. Developers won't give this kind of thing more than a passing glance, which I think is a good thing, but just reading about this kind of thing is a testament to the ignorance of the masses, which I find upsetting.
  15. Linkage. I dunno about this girl, but I was always under the impression that fat was a bad thing in general. This issue's probably been beaten down on many an occasion, but I just wanted to know what you all thought of this.
  16. One thing I've learned on the internet: There's always something to bitch about.
  17. Lol... The Magus Sisters were retarded easy. I was almost in disbelief. They were just as easy if not more so than the original Japanese SNES version.
  18. I love customizing Whyt(or Ganzen as mine is called). I've got him ninja-spec'd with all his stats at max. I love these mini-games as well.
  19. Wait 'til you guys get to Leviathan. That'll make you lol. Fucker had an attack that does around 2k to each party member, and he used it a lot. He was also really fast. I felt good when I beat him.
  20. I think this is the case for most people. Honestly, the way that support spells usually fail in every FF game has pretty much made me ignore them altogether, but in FFIV DS they're actually useful, and that's another thing I appreciate about the game.
  21. Haste and Berserk Yang, slow down the elf.
  22. Wingless hate forthcoming from the non-white!
  23. I can give you undeniable proof that The Love Guru sucked, being as I had to sit through the damned movie.
  24. Best trailer for the best game ever made ever.
  25. Yes and no.
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