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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. What annoys me about the way they started it out was that it was basically a "reboot" of sorts, instead of continuing shortly where they left off. I mean when did Suzaku suddenly start convening with the emperor of Britannia? Why does Lelouch automatically have a brother and is now some kind of amnesiac(they'll probably run the same thing they did for Death Note, I.E. he planned it)? Where is Nunally? Why the hell did they let Orange Range do the opening AND ending themes(note: I like some of Orange Range, but they don't really mix well with an anime like Code Geass IMO)? I mean duh, of course they're gonna explain it all throughout the next couple of episodes(well, except the Orange Range part), but it just seems like a trick to fill in holes. I don't like it. I DID however like how they showed how damned evil the Britannian people could be. Especially certain parts like when Kallen was about to be traded off with the other girls as part of that casino game deal among other things. I definitely like the feeling of overall desperation going on throughout. Here's to them keeping it. Also Injin, Code Geass aside, you should know better than most that numbers don't equal quality.
  2. So how do Uwe Boll movies hurt any of you? If you don't like 'em, don't watch 'em. Being the avid gamers you are, you should also know that as shitty as his interpretation may be, the games are still great and you love playing 'em. Crazies like Jack Thompson are far more detrimental to the gaming industry than a lame film director.
  3. OCR fitness videos perhaps? Hey I'm just trying to help out the site!!
  4. Code Geass? Psychological? What? No, I don't think so. If anything, Code Geass is just another mecha anime which has stylized CLAMP characters, teen drama, etc. I mean, I like it, but it's not the hottest shit around. Also, I didn't like they way they started it off. Here's to hoping for better episodes.
  5. If by Rondo of Blood you mean Dracula XX(which was released on the SNES), then sure why not. Rondo of Blood was never released on a Nintendo system, and it's on the PSP right now anyway.
  6. Real men can read sheet music. Tabs is for grandpas and pussies. I thinks you know about it.
  7. I tend to agree. The only videogame songs I've ever had to learn via sheet music on my guitars is complicated stuff(see Sight of Spira), as well as piano stuff since I'm currently learning the instrument along with the violin(which is helluva lot easier than I thought). But yeah, find the keys that a song is being played on for your instrument, and bam, it's easy.
  8. Fangirlism scares the living shit out of me.
  9. Why are your panties ALWAYS in a bunch, Zircon? The big man managed to post the link right when I was posting mine, I.E. it wasn't there before until after I hit post reply... By that point I went on my merry way to other things. Besides, why the hell am I gonna buy something without previewing it first?
  10. Waiting for download and whatnot. Can't find it anywhere, but I'm excited about what's in it.
  11. Incorrect. Cloud was 21 in Final Fantasy VII while Aerith was 22. The game starts 7 years before the main game's events. Which means that a full 2 years passes between the start of Crisis Core and the Nibelheim incident. Cloud WAS 16 during Nibelheim though.
  12. What kind of games are you into? If you're into RPGs and Strategy RPGs, there are a bunch so far. Jeanne d'Arc Legend of Heroes III Star Ocean 1 and 2(so far only in Japan, but damnit they're coming! >.>) Crisis Core Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness Wild Arms XF Tales of The World: Radiant mythology Final Fantasy Tactics Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Other cool games would be stuff like Daxter Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters God of War(looks really, REALLY good) Patapon Megaman Powered Up and Megaman Maverick Hunter X Lumines Tekken Dark Resurrection Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles Don't forget stuff like Secret Agent Clank, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep that are coming out later on.
  13. I like this site, I like a bunch of the posters and their opinions, I like alot of the music that comes through here and the creative talent behind it all. There are good things happening here. DJP + $10
  14. All the games we grew up with shouldn't make you all feel old. They should make you feel proud. These games were made back when all that mattered was pure, unadulterated fun. I used to be able to walk into Blockbusters and know that whatever SNES game I picked up would be fun as all hell. Soul Blazer, Super Metroid, Illusion of Gaia, Castlevania: Dracula X, etc. These games were all fun as hell. As opposed to now, when I have to sift through loads of garbage hoping that there might be something worth playing. Last time I rented a game was back in like '05 when I finally got to play RE4. Take heart, gentlemen as we've seen some of the best. Most of this new breed of teenager haven't had anywhere near the amazing experiences that we have. Instead of feeling old, you should feel pity.
  15. So has anyone played Ratchet and Clank for the PSP? What about that new Secret Agent Clank that's coming out?
  16. Probably not, but Sony would have to be fools to let the "big fish" get away. Honestly, and not to sound like a hater, but that's all that seems to being for them in the long run right now, at least in my book.
  17. There's no word on it as of yet, but dude, it's coming. Right now SE is so backlogged with projects like the THREE Kingdom Hearts games they're making now(Birth By Sleep for PSP, 3651/2 Days for DS, and a cellphone one), Fabula Nova Crysalis(FFXIII, Versus XIII and Agito), Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Star Ocean 2 and the U.S. translation for SO1(no official word, I'm hoping), Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Star Ocean 4, and the U.S. translation for FFIV DS(it's coming sometime in June or July apparently), and I guess a bunch of Dragon Quest games just to name a few. But trust me, Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming, they just haven't gotten to it yet. Of course there might be official word on it somewhere. I just haven't found it yet.
  18. "And? *flails arms* And!? And!? And!?" Gold. Genesis was modeled after Gackt and he also did the Japanese voice-overs for said character.
  19. This is terrible logic for throwing away the 360. Of course if you really think you'll like the PS3 more, than go ahead. I'm certainly in love with my PSP, so my confidence in Sony has been restored. Of course, it DID take a good few years before I'd come to the point of buying a PSP, and the PS3 just came out... >.>; That being said, there's plenty more than just FPSes on the 360, you want RPGs? Plenty are coming out like Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesperia, and Fable 2(not my cup of tea, just throwing it out there) not to mention the ones like Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon and Oblivion. But hey, if you want that PS3, then you'll get Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII, Kingdom hearts 3, Disgaea 3, and... I dunno what else. Note: I'm just mentioning RPGs since you seem to like Lost Odyssey. I might give up my 360 though as well, although it's for cargo reasons. A 360 isn't really that portable...
  20. The sad part is that you actually have to play through the final moments knowing exactly what happens... My favorite part of the game is quite easily the part that plays a Clint Eastwood western right before the final showdown with the badass bad guys-sounding track. That part almost had me bawling. I don't wanna spoil it, but the ones who've made it that far know what part I'm talking about. The game is still fun as hell on hard mode, and I can see myself picking it up just to do more missions. It's insanely fun. Also Gackt.
  21. I'm begging you x10. PLEASE make it so! No electronica or techno. PLEASE!!
  22. Is it good at getting off light to medium scratches and abrasions off screens?
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