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Martin Penwald

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Everything posted by Martin Penwald

  1. Someone remix music from Sega Bass Fishing (DC) using the female character's "fiiish" speech sample.
  2. Very haunting, except for the more powerful part between 2:00 and 3:00. I kinda wish it was longer, since it ends rather abruptly; a little more of the haunting stuff used as ooutro would've been nice.
  3. Heh, I can't listen to the source/any remix of it without thinking of Okkusenman anymore. This one is a keeper. I really like the instrumentation. The breakdown was done very well and gives this fast-paced remix a welcome, laid-back section. I would've liked to hear more of the choir sample, though.
  4. This. Much like most other reviewers, I agree that the drums are the weak point, while the arrangement and solos are good.
  5. Definitely not what you'd expect reading the remix's title. Very chill and relaxed piece. Sometimes, it even feels like music from a 90's JRPG. The synth coming in at ~2:57 is sweet, especially around 3:20. Nice work.
  6. Well, the remixer wasn't lying when he said in his submission email that he stuck pretty close to the original as far as the riffs and drums are concerned. To be honest, when I first listened to it, the first half of this song made me think "this is the metal and orchestra equivalent of midi-rip + drumloops". Throughout the whole mix, however, there is a lot of variation and a whole bunch of original ideas, so my initial assessment of the remix was not really fair. All in all, it's a really nice and powerful remix.
  7. Very relaxed and chilled remix; not exactly what I'd expect from a Hitman mix. Has a very interesting sound to it. Digging the piano. Nice work. Shame only so few people seem to have listened to it, judging by the number of comments so far.
  8. Just what I expected when I read Joren de Bruin on the front page: a hard-rocking good time. Though I have to admit; I do kinda miss the synth-solos that were in JdB's Cave Story remix, since they brought in some element that wasn't guitar shredding.
  9. Definitely feels like a piece from a soundtrack of a movie. To me, it sounds like music from a 70s or 80s SciFi flick. Very nice.
  10. Good arrangement, great transitions, and very good samples. The crescendo from ~2:00 onwards is absolutely brilliant. Nice work.
  11. Well, this is definitely something that appears only to a very small group of people. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it was okay to listen to. The slower, quieter, more melodic parts were more to my liking than the ones with the growling, but that's personal preference.
  12. Definitely feeling the jpop vibe djp talks about in the review. I guess it's because of the happy melody and the guitars; the remix sounds like something you'd find on an Every Little Thing album. The arrangement of the source tune is very nice, too. Captures the spirit of the original, just like eZ said.
  13. I agree. Super Metroid's music lends itself very well to being arranged as a piano or jazz remix. I thought that the remix at hand was a little too long, to be honest. The first two minutes are awesome, but at some point in the later half, it starts kinda meandering, and the last minute is like a really, really dragged out outro. Still a nice remix.
  14. Definitely hearing the skrypnyk influence here, though I have to say that some parts of the remix remind me of Mazedude's work. The part beginning at 2:25 is amazing and sounds like it would be at home in a Castlevania game/remix. Furthermore, I have to say that AnotherSoundscape is slowly but steadily turning into an artist whose remixes I enjoy immensely, no matter what the source or style. His first few mixes were good, but they always had some instrument/synth/whatever in them that really put me off. However, that is something of the past now, seeing as how all his recent mixes have not had anything in them I could really complain about. Keep on rockin'
  15. Nice arrangement and instrumentation. The deliberate pacing didn't put me off at all; I think it fits the overall mood of the song very well. It's awfully quiet, though. As Kirby Oak said, it's kinda hard to have this remix as part of a playlist. As a standalone song, though, with the volume cranked up accordingly, this is pretty sweet stuff.
  16. I think there's a misunderstanding here. I'm not saying that the spoken parts sound bad because of the quality of the vocals or anything. What I meant is that the lyrics, the content, is so incredibly corny and stupid (IMO, of course), that it killed the mix for me. Maybe my initial comment wasn't worded very well. I'll edit it.
  17. The way the spoken part sounds has absolutely nothing to do with how dumb the lyrics are or aren't. Just sayin'.
  18. Upbeat, happy, fun. This remix is all of this. I hadn't heard the source in more than a decade, and hearing it again in this beautiful, chiptune-y rendition is a pleasure. Nice work, guys.
  19. As far as musical arrangement is concerned, this is a very competent remix. The vocals, however, put me off greatly. I'm not a fan of growling, but that part was actually better than the rest. The spoken part is corny as all hell; the lyrics seem like something a 15-year old who thinks that watching horror movies makes him mature and that having the nickname "psycho" is the coolest thing on earth would write in his little black notebook when he's bored at school. The latin words make it even worse, turing the whole remix into a joke. Sorry, but the vocals and lyrics absolutely kill this one for me. Instrumental version would've been much better IMO.
  20. I don't know, but I just cannot get into this remix. The guitar and the jazzy rest are very nice if looked at seperately, but for me, they just don't get along too well. The guitar is way too much in the foreground, drowing out the awesome, laid-back jazz. Not a bad remix by any stretch of the imagination; simply not my cup of tea.
  21. Beautiful piano arrangement, though I agree that the sudden key change in the end is kinda strange.
  22. Oh hey, I remember this one from the WIP board. While the source isn't exactly fresh, the arrangement takes it into a new direction. Very nice atmospheric dnb remix. I might be one of the few people who actually likes the quotes you put into the song, even though they are quite sad (btw, I strongly disagree with what djp wrote about languages etc in the write-up, to the point where I felt physically sick reading it, but I'm not going to fag up this thread). Nice work, and I hope to hear more from you in the near future.
  23. Very nice arrangement, and I really like the instrumentation. Also, it's nice to see someone tackle one of the less-often used source tunes from ALttP, especially if done so well.
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