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Everything posted by Broken

  1. Oh, damn. I won't have access to my mic again until at least tomorrow evening. I could do it really fast right now, I guess, though. If that's the case: prepare yourself for suck.
  2. What, people haven't heard "Passion" before? I like the japanese version better than "My Sanctuary." Yeah, FFmusic DJ's track was great, as was Jill and Zirc's. I've never heard the original of their track before, though, so I can't really compare that with the remix. Guess I'll have to buy their cd's, then.
  3. Haha, I love those lines. "THE QUIVER OF TIME!" I'll lend a hand if I have time to set up my mic.
  4. I'm fully expecting another audio-orgasm with these tracks.
  5. I feel you, man. I feel you.
  6. I like Chris Sabat. And no, it's not just because of "over 9000" He was the voice of Kuwabara in Yu Yu Hakusho character, as well.
  7. Oh, Rocket Knight! That was a pretty rad game if I remember correctly.
  8. I'm always astounded when I find out about some of the interesting concepts that older games had, but that doesn't mean new and interesting things aren't coming out all the time. Obviously being old doesn't make a game good, but that feeling you get when you find a real gem from the past is something special.
  9. Can I opt out for "parry"? Meh, I won't cheat. I'll admit, technically the DP's more useful and powerful, but hot damn, I've always wanted to shoot a fireball! Give me the hadoken! If I throw one of those I might get lucky and get the red version or hey, it may just dissapear entirely!
  10. You shouldn't discuss file sharing on the forums. If you really must know PM someone, but I'd suggest just reading a wikipedia article on the subject.
  11. Wow, cool find, Pez. That video isn't too over-the-top, but there is some nice camera work.
  12. YYEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!1111111 I'm still patiently awaiting this release.
  13. I'm not usually a graphics whore but when someone touches up my favorite franchise like this, they will be getting geek fan-mail from me. When I saw the graphics comparison pics, I felt like I was looking at some kind of diet commercial. (Sonic before the HD plan)- loveable, but ew... (Sonic after the HD plan)- new sexiness. Can't comment on the BG music, yet because I haven't listened to it, but hopefully they'll just use lots of OCremixes. I believe Dshu said they are already considering going that route.
  14. Pretty cool. I'll admit I didn't watch the entire collection and I had it on mute the entire time, but if I ever decide to beat the old megaman titles, I'll probably be referring to this to see the boss's patterns ahead of time.
  15. CPS3 BOARDS!!!! and soon Naomi. Honestly, nothing is safe from piracy once there's enough interest in it. I agree with Drack's previous statements about anti-pirating
  16. QFFT. I got to see an AX machine in action once. It looked quite fun as well. And Atma, if you want to convince people to play a game, you may want to try writing a review with more than ten words in it.
  17. My question is "will this new game be of a higher quality than someone's home made MUGEN?"
  18. Haha, I remember when my older brother first showed me that code. I was like "Oh my gosh, where did you figure that out!" Actually, I still wonder how he figured that out. Must have been a game guide because I don't think the internet existed back then, lol.
  19. It's been a long and hard process coming to a final decision, but I'll be attending RIT this fall. I'm majoring in computer science and I'm going to try (like everyone else and their mother) to take game design as a minor.
  20. Happy Birthday Income Taxes! uhem, I mean Happy Birthday Coop! Keep up the sig-making goodness!
  21. Lol, I was wondering the same thing and then Steben goes and shoots down that idea.
  22. Hey, that was a really great interview. I learned a few new things and it's good to hear that you're back McVaffe. Needless to say, I'm a fan of you're work. Also: Posting in epic thread.
  23. Yah, like the finals for the SFA3 tournament that you guys had. Oh, wait.
  24. Happy Birthday, Arek! Stay classy.
  25. "I wish you made your own remixes..." *detonates internet bomb*
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