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Everything posted by Broken

  1. The Super Bowl is GAY! GO Giants!
  2. Hmm, cool thread. In an effort to add something that has not already been said.... try looking for footage of your game on youtube/ google.video. There will either be tournament footage or footage of people just beating up on CPU players. Secondly, if you're just trying to get decent at SF in general. I'd suggest taking a step back and learning an older game in the series such as Super Turbo because that is kind of the de facto standard of SF games and that's where a lot of the Alpha series games get their basic mechanics from. You mentioned that you're trying to figure out how to learn the more game specific techniques such as air recovery and rolling too, so I'd suggest just looking at a generic faq in gamefaqs for the button commands. I also remember there being an excellent guide on the basic systems in SFA3 (arcade) written for Shoryuken.com. If I can find it, I'll post it. And finally, just play a hell of a lot. That seems to be the most effective method for getting good at these games. Don't worry about how many continues it takes you.
  3. But in the end, is it worth the carpal tunnel?
  4. But the Japanese disk will get ONE freaking trophy that is inaccesable in the PAL and US versions. I'm calling it right now.
  5. Nice avi, Dshu.
  6. So, since this thread seems to be spoilers-ville. Here's my contribution.... http://gonintendo.com/?p=34396 I'm liking Falco's new look. However Marth looks slightly more effeminate than in melee
  7. OOOOOOO You just got served!
  8. I don't know. I felt that stages like Blanka's and Chun-li's didn't create the same sense of energy that the other character's stages did. I mean, all of the stages seemed pretty random (to match the character selecetion,) but the only thing that was really uniform in all of the music tracks were the primitive synth instruments that they all used. Third Strike seems to follow in SF2's footsteps in that the characters and their stages are very varied, as are most of the tracks. There are a few too many "relaxing" bgs for a fighting game, I guess, but after MCV2, I can't really hate on sf3:ts too much. MVC2's bg music....talk about ironic.
  9. Yeah, this new character reminds me of Vanessa from KOF. (Maybe she'll be a new boxer YEAH!)
  10. Found these vids when looking for SFA2 study material. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgEQjMONE38&feature=related I don't know about you guys but this is the first gameplay footage I have seen and I have mixed feelings (mainly about the art style.) The game speed seems to be at sf3's level, but since there is no parrying, (or alpha style counters from what I've seen), it seems like te gameplay is back to Super Turbo speeds. I believe there ARE super moves still in place, juding from the somewhat long pauses that occured before some of the moves came out. It kind of reminded me of Super Turbo. I'd like to hear someone elses thoughts on these.
  11. pseudo spoliers: (if you care) (intro-dream-thingy) I was like, WTF? This is horrible. The lady who plays Sarah C is awful, boo! (actual first part of the stroy/ exposition) *leaves room to go play pokemon* (about 30 min. into the story) Hey, that hot school chick is pretty hot and weird. I think this means something. (5 min. later) Hey, I bet that teacher is going to try something (1min later) I was totaly right, lol! (rest of the episode) hey, pretty cool. Great special effects and such. I wonder how long until this becomes stale? ------------------------ Pretty much my though process. Maybe being a telelvision show will allow the screenwriters to give more depth to the characters from the movies. It looks like the will be (lots of?) time travel, so maybe that gives writers free reign to do whatever the hell they want with the timeline
  12. Someone didn't think my joke was very funny at all And I don't know much about romhacking, actually. The last time I remember reading about that stuff is when I was trying to change the voice-overs on my Tales of Phantasia rom to english. I just assumed this was another form of fan art/fan-fiction. This led me to believe that Square-Enix would put an end to it if it ended up being awesome and worthwhile (like that other game.)
  13. Sqaure-Enix better not get word of this. It might make them feel inadequate. And I'd hate for another fan project like this to get axed. edit: Oh, and this looks amazing. Can't wait to try it out.
  14. Being a well-known character has nothing to do with whether or not that character is unlockable. If that were the case, you'd never have to unlock pokemon, or most of the mario characters, ever again.
  15. Needless to say, Doug is the best artist that this thread has to offer.
  16. I'm personally a fan of the series. (not the direction it's been going in for the past couple of years, but what it was about originally, ie. fluid 3d weapons based combat and an interesting story.) They should be focusing more on making 4 a more quality title by having decent online play and fixing their battle system rather than trying this licensed character stuff. It's catering towards the wrong audience. And yes, Gecko, I too am awaiting the experience of next gen ass and boob physics IN HD!! Actually, instead of putting in random people with swords (link, spawn?, etc.), they should put in more Tekken characters and just turn it into a crossover series. That'd be fun. They could just say there was a TIME PARADOX!
  17. I think it's actually called hall of fate, but yeah, it's a kick-ass song. Definitely needs to be remixed.
  18. Hmm, suprisingly, I haven't commented on this one yet. This is a great showcase of Harmony's amazing flow. I love the percussion in this piece and how it livens up the very mellow melody. Whatever you call the echoes (reverb?) create an excellent ambiance for this piece.
  19. by itself has piqued my interest in Drummania. (Well, the drums on Rock Band were a part of it too, but mostly just this song.)
  20. So, I take it we are bitching about ONE licensed song on a console release. Good job. Get Stepmania. Then stop complaining.
  21. Happy Birthday, Dave. Stay cool.
  22. Happy Flippin' New Year, You Guyz!
  23. I hear that a nation-wide smoking ban went into effect today for you guys. I imagine heads will roll for this.
  24. I found this recently and I think it's pretty cool. nexiuz It is a GNU open licensed FPS with internet play and a campaign and other cool stuff.
  25. This is a pretty cool looking film. Nice job on the score, Bustatunez
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