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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Very awesome; those lasers were intense. What i'd like to know is as you play through all these (seemingly progressively more difficult) games, have you noticed your overall foot-eye coordination improving?
  2. A great track, and Elliot's production can only improve from here on out. The attention to detail on every element of the song is exceptional, and I was rocking out for this one. This is a guy to watch, folks! I hope to hear some more soon!
  3. i'll be picking this up tonight when i get home. I'm excited to play more games on my mac. ^____^
  4. Great song, and best video i've seen in a long time. I knew Lofton would win it, he so had the eye of the tiger. I was jammin.
  5. I am definitely am digging the performance on this one, with some solid lead and rhythm playing. Unfortunately, the mixing isn't living up to the standard that the playing sets, with the drums taking up a ton of high end space while still not being very punchy. It seems like there isn't a really good balance, and the mix sounds washed out. EQing the drums a bit and making more room to be able to bring up the rest of the instruments is key, as well as balancing the elements there to be more solid sounding, and not as flimsy. Arrangement was also a little on the conservative side, though there was some genre adaption, some counter melody writing, and a few solos. The added drums were varied and interesting, and the guitar solo was good. I think it's skirting pretty close to the edge, and i'd really like to hear some more personalization on the arrangement to make it a safer call. Very strong playing chops, and some minor arrangement is a great start, just polish up the production (possibly using our helpful WIP forum ) and see if you can expand the arrangement to be even more uinique, and you've got something ready to go here. no, please resubmit
  6. My favorite track from one of my favorite soundtracks? You've got my attention. This seems really quiet, with a ton of extra headroom. Might want to normalize it. The arrangement throughout was pretty good, but Larry is dead on in saying that things sound really sparse, and some of the samples aren't doing the job. The bass sounds really weaksauce, though it cuts pretty well, so you might want to double it up with something with a bigger bottom. Percussion could also use a boost in the power department, and maybe adding some pads to fill out the back would help glue this all together. I did appreciate the harpsichord in there, and the vocals were really cheesy, but they did the job well enough. The fadeout wasn't the best choice, but it'd work if you can't think of a proper ending. Regardless, take a closer look at filling out the sounds. no, please resubmit
  7. I really like the arrangement, but yeah, the production isn't quite getting the job done. There is very little depth in anything except for the gated synths, and so things just sound flat. Some of the violin sequencing is nice, but there are other parts where the attack is way too slow to work. Frequencywise, the bass needs more low presence, and the beats seemed washed out as well. I think this would be a great candidate to get fixed up via the WIP forums, as there is a solid arrangement base to this. I think a few improved transitions would strengthen it as well, but right now the real stumbling block is the production. It's not insurmountable though, so give it a shot! no, please resubmit
  8. 51:00 is elite tech. Moonlapse reading + Pixietricks background music is amazing.
  9. I love pop music, but I don't think she's an especially good songwriter compared to a lot of the really solid writers out there nowadays (Claude Kelly, Benjamin Levin, Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald - to name some recent big names), but add that to her performance skills and ability to get media attention, and she certainly has earned the degree of success she has experienced. No disrespect from me.
  10. Reading the fanfic while waiting in line to get me and Flik some con badges. Either Stevo or I (probably Stevo) thought it'd make a good drinking game. We were right.
  11. Just in case you want to know the reader order of the ludicrous fools: Flik Brushfire OA Moonlapse Level99 Addie BardicKnowledge Disabee
  12. This was amazing the second time around. Chrono Symphonic is a wonderful backing track to the gripping story. edit: also I am an awesome reader
  13. I just got to chapter 10 and the story is picking up even more- the characters have all had pretty believable arcs, and the fighting system is super fun. The music has been pretty backgroundish, but I love the main theme and have already started planning a remix that I might even get to start doing sometime this year. Overall i'm having a great time playing it!
  14. The mega-buster in time with the music was some elite tech. I loved it! SHOW ME YOUR MOVES
  15. Arrangement was pretty static for a lot of the track, but I was feeling the different layers and the direction the source went it. It may just be the unfamiliarity I have with the source itself, but everything seemed pretty fresh to me. I liked the glissando synths, and the varied epiano and other synth leads, combined to keep things interesting. Production wasn't pristine, but I feel that it's clean enough to warrent a pass. Your luck with the other judges may vary, but I am down with this one. yes
  16. yeha, this track is all about the intelligent modulations. It's almost like a Russian sounding 12 bar blues, in that it contains a strong motif that is frequently repeated to a great effect. Nice playing and dynamics, and the piano sounds good. Good to hear you are kicking up the production end of your skills. Very classy and with clear source for a big chunk of this, this is an easy call for me. yes
  17. I think you need to have Moonlapse do dramatic readings of all kinds of stuff.
  18. The name is a bit meta, but that is part of the charm. I don't think many other game sources could work with the name. The arrangement is quirky and fun, and though I feel that a lot of the sounds used sounded the same as the game synths, there are a few spots where it is well beyond the DS sound chip's level. I think it was pretty cool and fun. yesto NO (resub).
  19. Cool source tune, and a decent treatment of the theme. It starts out a little slow, but is definitely catchy and charming. Production seemed balanced enough, though a lot of the sequencing was mechanical and some of the sounds used were pretty bland. You did add some effects and stuff to some of them, which did help, but a lot of the lead lines didn't have any vibrato to them, which is a subtle but important detail that is important to add. Arrangement wise, a lot of elements built gradually, but were pretty straightforward, like the piano chords early on. It's a viable tactic, but it needed to be a little more involved than a cool rhythm with some blocked out chords. Adding some chord inversions would have made it more interesting. Overall this is a pretty solid foundation, but it needs a bit more to make it on OCR. I'm happy your friends encouraged you to submit this, so you can get some advice on improving your game further. I'm sure the other judges will have some additional advice you can use. no, please resubmit
  20. I like the sound of this, as it has a distinct live feel to it, and it's mixed well enough that the weaker instrument samples are put in the background, but the arrangement is way to close to the original for my comfort level. It needs to be expanded upon and personalized more for it to be considered for OCR. I like it, but it needs some additional arrangement work. no
  21. Norg has already answered this in a completely awesome way:
  22. Easily tied for my favorite DJP mix along with Sturm und Kong, I love the electronic backing mixed with more organic ethnic elements, and the pace, feel, and arrangement all feel just right. The taiko break is great, and the melodic treatment is very nice. Super good. Waay better than Fortuna Favors the Funk.
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