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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I'm not 100% sure on the lead synth, but the rest of this is super stylin'. Great layering, and the beats are very nice. All the lyrics and different vocal parts are great, and add a very unique feel to the song. Great BBQ background music, I really like it.
  2. I really like what was done to the melody in this one, and some of the samples are a little dated (lead violin specifically), but overall it really holds up well. Some of the new rhythms are really well-utilized, and when I think of "ReMix", this is more often than not what I like to hear, though this one might get a little too liberal in some spots, it's definitely a great song. Good stuff.
  3. Samples overall seem a little weak with different room sounds for each, but the arrangement ideas are pretty nice, and it's a medley without feeling like an excuse to string several different tracks together. Some nice ornamentation added, and the harp solo was pretty. Some of the dulcimer stuff reminded me of Suikoden, which is always a good thing, in my estimation. Nice arrangement, this would be really nice if Nutritious or Bustatunez did some orchestra lovin' to the samples.
  4. As far as joke tracks go, this one is ok. Samples could be a bit better. It didn't really swing, and besides the SFX, I didn't really think porno either. Ah well. A potential Dale North Christmas porno mix? Now we're talking.
  5. I am really digging the quasi-Opeth feel to this - it has a lot more determination behind it, rather than despair, though, and once the entire arrangement gets kicked up, it is exceptionally driving. Great playing and some very tasteful and interesting drumming keep this awesome throughout. You don't often hear the term "elegant and classy" applied to metal, but this mix shows that it not only that it's possible, but can potentially sound effortless. Super props, this mix is incredible.
  6. Wow, not sure how I missed reviewing this one when it first came out.. My faux pas.. ;_; This is really just super atmosphere and texture, and though there aren't any melodic hooks that really draw me in, the soundscape presented is very compelling. I really like the percussion with the super-treated snares, and though this wouldn't be something i'd rock out to frequently, it provides an excellent mood, and some beautiful progressions. It's almost like electronic new age. Thumbs up!
  7. Very well played, produced, and the arrangement was decent too. The harmonies were excellent, and the whole piece just worked so well. I don't think people need my recommendation to check out this mix, but i'm giving it anyways; it's really one-of-a-kind. Don't miss it.
  8. A very fun arrangement with a lot of personality and some very cool variations that are completely unique but still grounded in the source. An excellent build to a super finale, this is ridiculously well thought out, and is one of the best piano mixes i've heard in awhile, as well as one of the best Super Mario World mixes i've heard. Combine those 2, and it's pretty obvious that this is a classic.
  9. http://ocremix.org/artist/4598/jose-the-bronx-rican x9001
  10. This would be prefect in some sort of indie animated feature; it's tailor made for that kind of thing. Overall very conservative, but exceptionally charming. decent but not pristine playing, and warm but not ideal recording give this a lot of additional character that flawless playing and production would have detracted from. Very nice stuff.
  11. everything was solid except for the weird timing on some of the snare hits- i kept thinking a beat was being dropped. :/ Sorry DJP, can't get into this one that much, even though it's 90% great.
  12. Nice track indeed- very good samples, and while not the most unique take on a well-loved theme, there is a very high level of execution on display. Not my favorite source, but this is one of the better versions of it on the site.
  13. Beauty in simplicity. It definitely meanders a bit, but the MGS series melodies tended to do so on their own anyways, so it fits in my mind. Backing vocals helped mix it up, and the length was just about right. Good stuff from 2003, right here.
  14. I think it gets a little long for just listening, but it's a perfect length for dancing to. The vocals were a nice touch, but were a little too buried for my tastes, and came in a little late. Overall a solid track though, sorry for all the drama with the wrong version, that's gotta suck.
  15. A great theme and variation, all i'd really do is tone down some of the frequencies and it'd be good. It is very repetitive, but damn it, it's Spekkio. I don't know the nuances of a bagpipe enough to tell if it's live of sequenced pipes, but if they are sequenced, then super well done. If it's live, even better. Very good stuff.
  16. Straight ahead rock, and there certainly isn't anything wrong with that- nice solid playing, a pretty good solo, and for being 8 years old, it's really held up well. Rize is a pretty awesome guitarist, and his appearances are somewhat few and far between these days, but each track he does is quality.
  17. I won't call it genius, but it's interesting to listen to for sure, and though the energy level is pretty static, mostly due to the encoding and samples, it never gets old. No one makes mixes like Sam. <3
  18. The samples aren't amazing, but the arrangement is really nice and varied. The transition to the strutting second theme was pretty well handled, and when the synth bass comes in, it gets really good. Cool beats, a lot of great soloing, and some strong transitions make this a pretty solid track all the way through.
  19. The piano sound is a little on the colder side of things, but the performance is very nice, and the arrangement itself is very nice. I wish it was a little louder, but otherwise, no complaints; this is very emotional and though it's more somber and introspective, I really like it.
  20. I've had this on my play list for like- 7 years maybe? That's pretty a much a testament to the awesomenimity of the track. Very similar to the original in arrangement, but the sheer quality of sounds used and the production treatment makes this one a solid addition to OCR.
  21. Though it is structurally very similar to the original, but there is a good deal of personalization with some new beats and backing instruments. Overall one that has held up pretty well over the years due to a strong source and a cool production style.
  22. The extended intro was really nice, and backing vocals were a very good touch. It played pretty liberally with the source, but when all the elements came together at once for the final minute, it was really worth it. The acoustic guitar outro was also very classy and nice.
  23. Pretty brutal stuff, no wonder Goat was the metal king of the early OCR years. Tasteful but rocking solo, great drum fills, and then even another round of shredding solos, and a great ending round it out. Totally Metal, and easily one of Goat's best tracks. \m/
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