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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. questionable tool? That's my nickname at work. >_> ok, it's time to go to bed. Good luck, wee project!
  2. is it planned for any other platform? looks amazingly fun, but i don't think i'd buy a ps3 for it.
  3. Awesome arrangement, great use of themes and a model way of using a lot of sources in unexpected and cool ways. The samples were decent as an ensemble, but some of the exposed parts were a bit flimsy. Exposed sections happened pretty rarely, though, and the track moved at such a clip that there wasn't any time to dwell on a less-than-stellar sample, because the mix had already moved onto the next (great) idea. Anso has some great production tips that'll help your next sub be even better, but I have no qualms with this track at all. what can I do but say yes to Dix?
  4. I'll echo (of betrayal ) the other judges and say that while it doesn't move far from it's starting point as far as progression goes, what it does is very accomplished. A great full sound, and a good arrangement with a few twists and turns make this short and sweet. I think adding another minute of more interpretive material would have made this an easy DP, but I have no doubt this will fly(ing machine ) through the panel. yes
  5. i played the wii version, and besides that the music and graphics, I found it to be lacking. The art was great, but the difficulty level was very spiky, and it wasn't that much fun for any of us.
  6. Aite, i'm in for sure! See you all there! :-D
  7. The intro certainly took it's time to get going, but it ramped up the mood beautifully. Great restraint and taste, and using subtle cues as well as some massive drums really worked well. This is super dramatic without being overblown. When things get going, it's even more awesome. The transition writing was excellent, and the underlying rhythmic pulse was very well done. Double thumbs up, this track is huge.
  8. Nice gallops and though some of the harmonized leads aren't as rhythmically tight as I think they should be, this is definitely rocking out. Transitions and fills are nice, and production is clean. In your face drums and live bass make this track extra driving. Good stuff, nice work dude.
  9. Great stuff- total attitude and an awesome source song. I'm really glad Greg took this one on, he did an amazing job.
  10. workin on gettin there- put me down as tentative.
  11. and I know how *you* feel. I always thought I was going to be the one who'd be married to zircon. ;_;
  12. happy birthday Jimmy, good to hear you had a good day! let's make it a good week!
  13. Congrats you two! Looks like you had a super fun wedding.
  14. Happy birthday DJP- i'll be joining you on the other side soon...
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/?mmyq1zinzvd is their resub. It's sounding much better to me, with a filled out bottom, and a lot more clarity, especially in the acoustic guitars. The arrangement is slightly changed, but they make some overall intelligent choices. I'm changing my vote to YES.
  16. i'll make sure that my permission slip is signed and I have an up-to-date physical, as well as my $10.
  17. i think it's more like the lack of sleep i've gotten recently has made me say some weird stuff.
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