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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. what would the answer be if every other project finished? what would the answer be if only tales finished?
  2. wow, i think Jan 3 2006 is when I joined OCR...
  3. BAM! Thanks to everyone's hard work, we have reached the goal of 900 reviews! A little bit late, but considering how the reviews have overall bumped up in the past few months, i am very pleased to call this a victory! To everyone who has contributed a review over the past few months (even just one!), thank you for helping to make OCR the place it is.
  4. Makes mass PM's super simple and helpful, which is great for project communication.
  5. As of right now, no. Overall a decent start though, and there are a lot of positives to this track. Arrangement + - Mixing balance is good. - The original works well in a rock format, and you've added some counterpoint later on in the track, as well as some guitar personalization. - There are some nice breaks in flow, and overall progression was nice. - Climax section at 2:45 was well thought out and there was a nice payoff. Arrangement - - This arrangement is still a bit conservative. Maybe try adding a 'B' section with a modified or sliced up melodic fragment, doing the melody in half time. I think the arrangement would still pass as is, but why let there be any question? - The drum patterns were good, but the fills were completely unremarkable. - The ending seems a little clumsy after the climax at 2:45. It just seemed to drag. A more defined fade in the synths and having the strings in longer would be nice. Production + - I really like that opening synth sound, but adding some variation once things start rocking could help the sense of progression. Bringing it back with the breakdown would make the song feel fresher as well. - Guitar sound is good, if a bit heavy on the reverb - Drums samples sound good (though see production - below) - Some good original guitar riffs Production - - Drums are too far back in the soundscape to have enough punch, and the the the double kicks sound too mechanical. Combined with the mechanical midi bass, it's a bit of a deal breaker. The patterns are good, but the details with velocity are crucial. - The soundscape turns into complete mush at 2:20. Some panning and way less reverb on almost everything will help this. - Smooth out the velocities on the strings at the end. They are way mechanical at the moment - Guitar playing ranged from good to unpolished, think about your phrasing when recording; some staccato notes in the main melody would be a lot better if played legato. The solo was well composed, but needs a little more practice cleaning it up. Keep at it, this is sounding good.
  6. holy shit I drew that picture of Lucca in like 2003. XD edit: the first one shown. edit 2: it was 2004
  7. 2 more completed tracks, which puts our tally at 39 complete, 6 to go! vroooom vroooooom!!!
  8. i've got a wip started, but there's been FF4 stuff i've been finishing up- When I have something presentable, i'll letcha know.
  9. Taucer can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your DNA. Decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell, "What the hell was that?"
  10. Excellent textures, but I couldn't get into the source of this one- It's really solidly done, but not my bag. The instruments used were all hits, and everything progressed really nicely until the ending, when I though it sortof fizzled a bit. I think a lot of people would dig this, but sadly i'm not one of them.
  11. Pretty great stuff, Nice recorder playing, and a good flow overall, it feels like a strong ensemble piece. Solid textures, great part writing, and some excellent textures. Recommended!
  12. I think all the adventure games of note have been covered, so I'm saying Xcom ftmfw.
  13. Just wait for the sequel, where it's 110 minutes of powering up (sorry, im sure someone else haws already used this joke). I'll be going to see the movie, but my expectations are where they should be. Anyone saying that the story is being ruined is far too invested in it to be rational. I second Native Jovian; the story was fun, but excellent? I'll respectfully disagree. Japanese mass-consumer media property is converted to American mass-consumer media property. I can see how you may prefer one culture over another, but it's not like they are making a Hollywood blockbuster out of Crime and Punishment (which btw would be an absolutely terrible idea).
  14. happy birthday, dude, hope it's a good one
  15. jesus still? Are you making communion moonshine or something? WTF? PS. the point demotion goes to Dream Theater. Otherwise i'd lose points too for being suckered into buying those weak albums.
  16. Real good. Great flow and some really creative and tasteful rhymes. Thanks for making this album.
  17. queues are pretty much gone so i've been playing on Illidan- it's been pretty fun.
  18. The dudes who are in the Fabul Men's Choir are: Malcos BardicKnowledge Moonlapse Audio Fidelity Mulan Nutritious Cyril the Wolf OA Swordbreaker Isolinear Moogle Jabberbox More sent in their stuff, but they either were incomplete, or said they were going to redo their takes and never did. Kinda sad about that, because a few of them were pretty good, but c'est la vie.
  19. Lot of great progress- Sounds like Fight 1, Palom and Porom, and Prologue will all be complete within the week.
  20. Info has been written and the tracklist is 99% finalized. There is just one track that is sortof floating around, looking for a home. The website is built and tested, and just needs info throw in. A whole gaggle of tracks will be ready by the 4th as well. This is really coming together well, homies, keep it up.
  21. Because this coincides with my schedule and future plans, I think I might be entering this one.
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