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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Damn, this is an exciting battle. I love the modulations you throw in there, and the ebb and flow of this, it really breathes well. There are some really nice complex tone colors in there, and some of the riffs are completely badass. I'd have preferred the sound to be a little closer, but this works well enough for me. Things get a little muddled on speakers, but on headphones the panning makes it work. Cool stuff, this is aptly named.
  2. Starts out with some nice texture and picks up pretty fast; I do think the lead synth is a bit too loud, especially at higher volumes, but other than that, things are great. Nice progression, nice synth effects, nice arrangement. It's nice.
  3. Pretty relaxing stuff with a twist. The woodwinds add a great character to it, and the percussion is very unique. This is something you can just chill to indefinitely, and it evokes a lot of different visuals. The piano and bells are really nice, and overall this track reinforces my respect for the NiGHTS music; just about every mix of it on this site is rock solid. Recommended.
  4. Nice chord progression and some very pretty arpeggios. The strength of this track it's great beat and overall chill vibe, while still having some touches of excitement and some great texture. Synth lines were excellent, and the percussion was well thought out. Production was clean and though I think a few of the volume levels were off, overall it was strong. The ending was a bit abrupt, and I won't say this often, but I think a fadeout would have actually worked better in this track's case. Ultimately, this is a groovin track with a great mood. Perfect for summer. Awesome work.
  5. i'll be picking this up; tales games seem to be hit or miss, but i'm down with it; this one looks good.
  6. Very distinct, and pretty creative work. You really have to listen close for all the textures to be apparent, and this isn't one you can really get into the first time through. After repeat listens, however, it's pretty apparent that this works very well. Samples are decent, but are very clean, which doesn't obstruct at all. I'd say it's a strength, since all the parts are very audible. Nice work.
  7. VHD does orchestra very well, and this one isn't going to disappoint. There's a great use of dynamics throughout, and some excellent sections. The mood shifts from each one, each covering a different emotional range, with a pretty great ending. Very nice balance and arrangement, very strong work.
  8. Man, This one is grungy. The bass sounds great, and some of the over-the-top percussive hits are quality. I wish the leads were a little cleaner, they have some weird phase issues due to all the distortion on them, especially in the harmony section.As is, they are a bit too dirty. The rhythm chugs are nice, and the solo itself is cleaner and has some nice harmony snippets. The beat seemed a bit too static for my tastes, I can understand having it take a backseat to all the guitars, but more than 1 beat would have been nice. Very cool to see an OCR vet back in the saddle though.
  9. This really keeps up the Doom feel, and has some nice additions to the lackluster source tune. The sound is sparse and clean in a way that really emphasizes each part. There is a great percussive feel, and a very grooving swagger. The beats are easily the strong point, and the synths really seems to seep through the cracks of the drums and bass. The sound effects were well chosen and enhanced the mood really well. The way they were used rhythmically was excellent. It's funny that I credit TO for showing me how to appreciate music from Doom, but when the source is so bad, and the end result is so good, i'm not sure it has as much to do with making the Doom music sound good, but more of TO's skill at work. Respect.
  10. I was looking for this thread to post that a few days back, good on Jam Stunna for actually digging this thread up. I'm cheering for the guy. As for Survivor still being on, viewers have slipped in the last few seasons, down to an average of 12.5 million viewers average for the 16th season, but it still consistently wins it's timeslot against all other networks, and ranks pretty high on the overall night. CSI (17.8 million) Grey’s Anatomy (15.6 million) Without a Trace (14.6 million) Survivor (12.7 million) Lost (11.3 million) Ugly Betty (8 million) ER (7.6 million) The Office (7.2 million) My Name is Earl 6.1 million 30 Rock (5.6 million) Scrubs (5.4 million) So yeah, it's an old show but people still watch it. As for Ken, i'm hoping he does well, but yeah, we'll see. >_> SMASH ON TOPIC: Also I am maining Pit now. I like that you can shoot up with him, just like in his original game!
  11. I believe that he is calling Brad the little spoon.. >_>
  12. hmm, general song title dislike... How about Yeah, I'd tap that ((if she wasn't dead) Mia's Fey's theme) seems a bit overly complicated... :/
  13. The voice needs the low end cleaned up quite a bit, and a lot samples are pretty weak (guitar, drums), but the arrangement changes on this are awesome, and Ganon singing is fantastic.
  14. I was thinking of cleaning this up a bit and subbing it. There are a few level issues, and I think the lead guitar tone will be redone, but is there anything else? Thoughts? http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/rock/OA-Phoenix_Wright-Yeah,_i%27d_tap_that_(Mia_Fey%27s_theme)-RTS.mp3
  15. I don't see any issue with multiple wips. More rules just makes things suck; it's fine as is. I also agree with DS that this is not a big deal at all.
  16. Lots of huge updates. A few completed tracks and some that are now sooo close.
  17. Your intro sounded awesome and very creative, but about :25 when the theme came in it got way too formulaic. The beat was very basic and the harmony parts all but dropped out. Production was decent and pretty clean, but a bit predictable. Not a huge issue here, but that arrangement really needs some work. I suggest focusing on making the rest of the track as interesting sounding as the intro. I'd say most people know the lava reef theme really really well by now, so use that to your advantage and really try some creative partwriting.
  18. pssst (thanks for being helpful, but i was joking)
  19. The theme music is good and it looks like fun but one thing bothers me. I realize that they want to make it cool and have it's own twist on the world, but I hope that they replace their make-believe "rune" letter system with actually readable letters. Even the site is impossible to navigate. :/
  20. cool find. I do think the pirates version is superior and way more refined. I know Yuki Kajiura did a something really similar for completely songs of hers as well.
  21. You'll be able to hear the tracks when the project is released.
  22. I've started to recieve some wavs and it is sounding awesome in the track itself; For those interested, I am adding a few other parts throughout the song; ooohhhs and aahhh and one part for the chorus with lyrics. Basically what i'll do is when those parts are ready, i'll PM those who have already sent me something, as I assume they'd be the ones interested.
  23. getting this now; I'm sure it'll be awesome. edit: TO's profile is linked to Ailsean. Otherwise nice site.
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