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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The only 2 things that could be improved on this great mix to make it more enjoyable would be better lead samples (brass, sax, and guitar too), and a little less reverb. It seems like a lot, but really the mix is great, and i'm sure a lot of Sonic fans have had this one as a favorite for a long time. The instrumentation itself is perfectly chosen, and the flow is super smooth. The short length makes the song very addictive as far as the repeat button is concerned, and the sunny atmosphere is very cheerful. The drum rhythms are fantastic, especially when the little triangle-style instrument comes in. Despite some flaws, I totally love this mix.
  2. Laid back with some pretty good interpretation, and GrayLightning's first historical sub to boot! Very relaxing stuff, with some great pads. The opening left side strings had too slow of an attack for the line it was laying, but otherwise the samples are pretty nice. Arrangement is very good, and even though i'm pretty sick of Schala after all these years, there are fresh ideas in here. Good stuff, very nice.
  3. Distinctly not my style, but I do appreciate the care in which this track was assembled. It seems like Mazedude went out of his way to make it sound crazy, but with all the counterpoint and harmonies, it's clear he knows exactly what he is doing. Quirky and creative, but a really high barrier of entry.
  4. "About f'ing time!" Seriously though, I am very excited to hear this. I bet it's going to be great!
  5. Rama is both an officer and a gentleman. Happy 3rd, thasauce!
  6. Great playing, there are some killer guitar runs in this, and some great riffing as well. I agree that the snare is a bit loud, and i'd have preferred a drier sound on the rhythm guitars to be able to hear the nuances a bit better, but it's still pretty hot stuff. Arrangement is great, with a lot of great segue sections, and the textures are mixed up nicely with the organ parts. Very rocking, i give it 4 miserable little piles of secrets out of 4!
  7. Pretty nice arrangement, and a good live vibe. Guitar tones are nice, and the mixing and panning are great. I'm not huge on the concept of fake applause, but it certainly does lead into the track well. The source is pretty good, and the transformation was certainly not what I would have expected, but turns out to be very enjoyable. Nice work, Team Fat.
  8. The cymbal crashes kindof bug me as being too prominent, but other than that this is super awesome. I love the sound of a rhodes so much, and the bass and drums (minus those crashes) are great for the ambiance. The song progresses very nicely, and the muted trumpet is super moody. Great work. Nice shifts through the various themes, and it all ties together well. Pretty classy stuff.
  9. GOAL: gain 7 lbs of muscle by the end of the year, so like 3 lbs by the end of summer seems reasonable. PLAN: diet: add 200 calories per day to current diet exercise: Just keep on what i've been doing; i've added the pushups recently and have noticed a good improvement there. I am still able to keep bring the number up, but I assume it'll top off before the summer's over. gym 3 times a week squats rows cable press abs lower back wrist curl incremental pushups daily (60, 45, 62, 47, 64, etc). i'll have a pic as soon as i find a camera
  10. Will is the lord? More like Simon is THE MAN! This was my favorite from the DoD month it appeared in (and it seems that recently there has been a lot of DoD love in OCR; a good thing, as far as i'm concerned), and I think the way it was redone is beautiful, with excellent source tunes chosen and some great drum programming and melodic/harmonic choices. c'est vraiment magnifique!
  11. i'll give Earthbound a shot. Nice work fanboys, you did good for once.
  12. Anything is possible with the magic of css. The real issue is integration for a single login.
  13. what won you over? was it the *sassydance*, or the victory call that sounds like "Yippie yam-box!"? I havnt unlocked baby daisy yet, or baby luigi, but i am excited to see how they stack up against the cuteness competition.
  14. yeah most likely. Might be all the lyrics about how strong his pimp hand is.
  15. by turning you into a hardened criminal. Damn you, murder simulator!!! Damn you!!!
  16. Great vocal hormonies on those tracks; I told you so is my fav i'd say. Thank you very much for the music, awesome stuff
  17. Some nice original counterpoint ideas in this one, and despite that initial transition being pretty weaksauce, the rest of the track shifts very smoothly. The beats are pretty straightforward and repetitive, but synthwise enough is going on for the track to keep plenty of forward momentum. It's two great source songs in one! How can you go wrong?
  18. Pretty catchy stuff but somewhat repetitive. I think the lead synth was nice, but could have used a bit of stereo delay on it. The drums were well done, and the crowd ambiance was effective as well. Volume-wise, Malcom X coming in and booming over the entire track was a shock, but it is what it is.
  19. Some of the samples are a bit fakey, like that guitar. I think it wouldn't stick out so much if there were more velocities. Despite this, this is a pretty nicely done mix. The bass part is interesting, and the drums are tastefully done. This is more of an upgrade rather than a complete re-imagining, but it works very well and the thoughtful touches like the sea sound effects and varied lead instruments make it great on repeat listens to just chill to.
  20. Decently done, this really sounds like something on the original soundtrack. Very grandiose in parts, but intimate in others, it has good contrasting sections. Samples are pretty generic, but used pretty well. Relaxing and pleasant, this is a pretty nice mix.
  21. Finally played it last night for about 3 hours using only the wheel (and baby Peach, mainly due to her sassy victory dance). It was amazingly fun, passing the wheel around and taking turns doing the races. It took a few races to get used to completely, but once we figured out you need to hold the B button to do a slide, it was super easy. The new stages are great, and the old ones chosen were generally pretty good. I was going to pick up an extra wheel with the game, but they were sold out, so i'll have to keep my eyes open for additional wheels. They are great, IMO.
  22. I think the beat is a bit piercing frequency-wise for the rest of the mix, but this is nice and chill; some nice textures over some pretty and slowly moving changes. The chords have a huge and majestic feel to them, like something massive drifting through a misty valley. Very nice work, I like this one a lot.
  23. this isn't quite mixed as chill as the name implies, but it's pretty nice work regardless, I love the little flute cameo that pops in here and there. Pretty nice stuff. When the melody comes in, it's pretty nice, and there are some super delayed bells that sound pretty good with piano backing. The lead synth is a little too harsh for the song, and a bit loud, but otherwise it's a pretty decent quasi trip-hop excursion. Ending was weak, but doesn't kill the song. Pretty good overall.
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