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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is what i'd call a really good retro mix. It calls to mind the chiptune originals but with enhanced sounds. SGX is pretty on target with comparing it to sonic music, this sounds like a nuclear-powered genesis kickin out some jams. Nice balance throughout and some cool counterpoint ideas; the sound effects are whatever, but they don't detract. It seems to repeat a little much, i think taking 1 minute off of the mix total wouldn't have hurt it, but it's still enjoyable without becoming annoying. Pretty good work. ps. lolfurries
  2. THe concept here is pretty sound but it seems like there is too much delay on the piano lead, as it isn't synching up properly with the guitar and drums; maybe the guitar is off? I'm not really sure which element is to blame here, but the mix isn't as tight as it needs to be. The drums are also over-reverbed, in my opinion. The guitar tone is pretty distorted, but is pretty meaty, I like it, and the overdubbed parts blend really well with the rhythm track. The playing is good as well, but it's just the timing of the entire mix that seems off, and the fact that I can't pick out what is the issue is frustrating.
  3. Meh, it's just the same as any other rock band full of kids, they just have some savvy parents who made them a video and a website. Let them have their fun. According to their site, it is the only song they have. Nothing to see here, imo.
  4. Your paragraph has too many eggs in one basket. I think you should keep doing this.
  5. Pretty terrible news to wake up to. I'm actually glad I was home sick with food poisoning today, that's right during rush hour. I had about 15 text messages/voicemails asking if I was ok. I hope my coworkers are alright too.
  6. heh, just means i need more practice. Thanks on the guitar, it was a PITA to do, but I think I got it pretty good, I spent the most time on it, that's for sure. I started adding values, and I cleaned up a few perspective issues/lines. She's a little overly totted-up, so I'll do some reductive surgery once I start doing color.
  7. I was thinking of doing something every 2 months; gives people more time and less chance of burning out. Any thoughts?
  8. Pretty cool stuff, especially knowing that it was all created in a pristine lab environment. It's generally pretty decent techno, if not a bit straightforward. Some of the sounds are really cool, the guitarish synth at the end especially; I love how it retains it's clarity even at low notes; This is something real guitars sadly can't do very well.
  9. Very nice work, I didn't recognize the source at first, and only on my second listen did I catch on. Nice, subtle work. The drums are great, and I love the pads, especially the deep bass ones that come in about halfway through. Melodically I found it a little sparse, but there is a lot of both exploration and evolution in the progression that I really liked. A+++ will listen again
  10. Needs cleaning and painting, but here's one from me.
  11. Happy birthday, I hope you have a nice weekend.
  12. Classy. This mix has a chill and windswept vibe to it, and works equally well as background music, or driving music. The hip hop groove and open structure would also lend itself really well to some lyrics, either sung or rapped. It's a bit more nostalgic sounding than what you'd imagine to be "motorcycle music", and more emotional. I love the bass and the syncopated wide strings, and the beat is really nice as well. All the components really fit together here to create something thats eminently listenable. I really like this one, be sure to check it out.
  13. Seemed to me like an RPG/anime character mannerism where they can't go on the journey with the hero anymore, so "Take my power with you!" Regardless, the graphics in this game are horrible.
  14. if it's a female in an online game, it's still a dude. and the sledding was in fact amazing. Here we go!
  15. The fact that the locales match up with the lyrics and the dude types out the lyrics in time to the song makes this an amazing treasure. nananananananana
  16. The percussion does sound totally like a typewriter; and I completely love it! Orchestral elements were well done, though I kindof wish a few more were a bit closer in the soundfield; a few seemed to be a little too far back to get as much power as they should. The combination of orchestra, synths, piano, and typewriter create a cool soundscape for all kinds of secret-agent adventures. Pretty good stuff.
  17. I can hear the similarities to Drop and roll here pretty easily, but I am of the opinion that this is a serious step up, and a better mix overall. Not merely relying on a super-repetitive (though badass) beat, there is a lot more room for the rest of the track. The levels are great and the break down to the uber-distorted synth is easily my favorite part of the track. I haven't heard the original, so I am not completely sure of the interpretation, but it sound far enough removed from a straight ahead shooter for me to make the logical leaps. Nice big beats with some melody; can't ask for much more than that.
  18. Very nice remix, I don't remember hearing this one, and i'm pleased I heard it now. Great momentum here, it skips around and changes tempos frequently, all the while staying together and flowing. The brass was the biggest offender for the fake sound, but considering the care put into the velocities, it sounds like very high calibur fake brass. The piano and strings take the forefront for a lot of the piece and rightly so, as I think they are the strength here. Nice melody and some great creativity. Recommended.
  19. Happy birthday DJP! We are having a party at my office in your honor.
  20. needz moar gunz!!!! like this anyways, I know Yoshi is the new info guy now, but I really want some detailed info on Pit. I'd love for him to play like a slightly more floaty version of Link. No matter how many times I play other characters, I just really like the heft of Link's attacks. Not too strong and slow, but can do some good damage if you find an opening. Pit'd Probably sacrifice a little bit of damage done to have better recovery. Just as long as he doesn't play like a jiggly/kirby superlightweight.
  21. ah nice, I love those headphones. I'll probably do a rendition sometime this week.
  22. its the piano and drums at the beginning that sounds just kindof sloppy together. It sounds like they are out of synth, or if that's not the case, the parts aren't being played properly. The first few notes of the guitar seem to be not lining up either. I'd layer in some more drums rather than mess with EQs, less chance of breaking stuff unless you really know whats up with EQ.
  23. Arrangement is really nice, but a lot of parts don't seem to fit together rhythmically; like a lot of the intro seems to be a fraction of a beat off. It seems to get better as the track goes on. The synth solo is decent but has too much reverb on it; its messy sounding. I'm also not feeling a lot of the bends in the first half. Once you hit the runs its cool, and the ending bend is nice, but the first half doesn't do it for me. Drums and bass need a little improvement soundwise as well. The cymbals and such are decent but the kick and snare are a little weak sounding. They have a good shape for the music type, but just seem a little tiny.
  24. Any luck finding the "official" shot? I checked BlackMyst's deviantart page but it is OLD.
  25. It's a cartoon dinosaur with no genitals. I wouldn't worry about his sexual preference too much regardless. Don't all the Yoshis look the same anyways? I think what you are trying to say is that he needs a few guns like Shadow the hedgehog so he can be more hardcorez?
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