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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Hey Hazama, I really like your Suikoden 2 mix. I'd also like to take the opportunity to say that I totally said I was married a few pages back and got the big ol snub from BCG. ;_; Maybe for my 4th anniversary he can put me on the list as a gift.
  2. oh you totally fooled me. I went to the forums to look for the huge post, and there was none. I admit defeat, the joke is on me. ;_;
  3. Thanks for the good crits, Av, I made a ton of changes related to that. I also made the guitars heavier and some othe things too. Working on lyrics, decently pleased with them thus far, but i'm not sure I want to give up my horns. I have grown to love them. <3 ;_;
  4. Nice embellishment of the source, when I heard the opening fill I rolled my eyes a bit, but as it progressed I got a taste of the 80's vibe in there. Maybe make that more apparent initially, since the totally mechanical opening fill initially registered as "omgbad" rather than "omg80s". My suggestions would be to add a van halen style guitar solo (since so many 80's songs had them, even if the genre didn't call for it) and double the bass with some slap bass in some parts.
  5. Welcome to the wonderful world of OCR WIPs! First off, it sounds like your drum tracks got sent to some sort of synth, since there is some weird ass parts that make no sense. I'd fix that first, then try again. As is, it makes the track impossible to listen to.
  6. Man, i love this theme. If it hadn't been remixed a million times already, i'd take a crack at it. This one is pretty basic, but has a few nice flourishes. Like Larry mentioned above, the synth counterpoint is what really drives this one along. I don't really like the bass drum sample used, I think something a little more hardcore sounding would have fit a bit better, but thems the breaks. Great source, btw.
  7. I really love that deep bass. Otherwise the synths are decidedly old school, but there is a decent amount of processing to keep them interesting. As far as track evolution, there isn't a whole lot of building, but the song isn't quite on autopilot. I am very glad that the vocal samples were removed from this, it would have been atrociously bad with them.
  8. There is some nice detail work, like the high end "beat' of seemingly mashed together blippy syths (or something, I seriously cannot describe it), and the waves throughout give it a serne feel, and a segue well into a flanged transition, but I think the lead part is a little too thin, and the beats could be a little more interesting overall. Good, but not awe-inspiring.
  9. So this is where it all started.. The starting thick and slightly dutuned synth is pretty tight, though I think layering it with some sub bass would make it sound even better. The flute is a little too piercing unless i crank the volume way down, and there is a small stutter between transitions between sections, there is a lot of cool stuff happening here. The guitar sample used during the breakdown is perfectly used; VERY SPARINGLY. Just a few chords here and there, with a few effects on it.
  10. Whew, I'm glad i'm npt the only one who feels this way. >_>
  11. ok, have a decent update with an ending and some additional detail parts. Tweek had a lot of good advice, so i'll be adding a few things he suggested as well. There is a lot of EQ stuff that needs to be done to clean it up but I am abysmal at that kind of thing so it may take awhile. I failed to be able to play the duel section on my guitar in a clean manner so i added a piccolo part. Not digging it, so i'll replace the sample with something else. Besides all that, I just need to do lyrics and vocal recording. http://oceansend.com/5502/rockp3/ocr/the%20nightmare%20oath.mp3
  12. Photoshop CS. We just got CS3 at work and it is teh shizz, so I'll probably be buying the upgrade for it soonish. Glad you guys like it, i'll, uh, see about those princess nudes lol...
  13. I never was a fan of Mortal Kombat games, but any DS game that has online play is cool in my book. I wish puzzle quest had online play; my wife and I have been playing the hell out of it, but on the same card, and no one nearby is nearly as far as we are (level 45 or so), so we can't challenge (aka pwn) anyone. :/
  14. I don't have the rent money yet. I need another week or so. It's been kinda rough; i've been working 2 jobs, i've been driving a cab..
  15. More like 4 player DS contra!! It is pretty new info, i'd say less than a week old.
  16. Nice ambience, though I think the buildup went for a little too long. The brass hits starting at 1:24ish were a little to bright initially, but as the rest of the track settled in, ended up being about right. Samples throughout are good, and the drums are cool. I'm not sure what you are using for a guitar synth, but it sounds pretty sweet. Not exacly natural, but very cool regardless. I'd say at this point you have a good start and just need to crank out more material; barring the exceedingly loing intro, this is great work.
  17. Nice playing, though a few things bugged me after repeated listenings. The hiss is pretty strong on this, and while it adds to the old-tyme feel (especially with that piano tone), it is distracting. Also, in a few sections the rubato gets a little too drawn out, and it seems more like you lost your place than a emphasis on the phrase. Otherwise, a very cool rendition.
  18. it's a good start, but the interpretation is a little too basic right now. I'm not a huge fan of the clap. The synths vary from being cool (the breakdown synth is nice) to generic (the plucks throughout and that clap), but overall it just seems kindof generic. Could you add an additional melody line or change up the chord progression? Right now it sounds like a trance cover of the original, which is cool, but it's not yet a ReMix.
  19. String samples and mixing are great (brass is good but is a bit too buzzy with not enough tone; Just add a round-sounding horn into the mix and it'd be a great sound IMO), but I couldn't help but think that the intro was just an ever-escalating chord progression. Even a simple melody over this with a few passing tones would help add some excitement. A horn melody comes in near the change, but there should be something going on earlier as well. Perhaps some woodwinds? The rhythmic section it breaks into is cool, but also suffers from being just a repetition, though the melody for this comes in much earlier. Something to try would be after the first run through would be to vary the chords for the B section. Ending is too abrupt and anticlimactic, it sounds like the repetition was getting to you too. This has a good start, it's too bad no one has commented yet.
  20. First thing I noticed is that the samples used are not going to cut it with the judges. The pan flute in the breakdown will be nice with a little shaping, but the rest is too midi sounding. Another factor to this is the sequencing is pretty mechanical. The good news is that the arrangement is pretty good, and I totally get the emotional ballad feel you are going for. Send me a PM if you are still working on this, and we can go into more details.
  21. Nice beginning. * The oboe at the beginning is too loud/biting. Push it back a bit and double it with another instrument to keep the melody line strong. * The french horn parts you have written are a little too busy/fast for the instrument. It would be possible to play by a professional, but unlikely to be written that way in the first place. I love french horns, but the part would be better suited to a trumpet if you wanted to keep it brass. *Drums are a little to forward in the mix; pushing them back a little would cover up the somewhat midi sounding toms and bass drum. *The piano breakdown near the end is gorgeous. More part-writing like that and this will be a winner. The rhythm on it was excellent. *Flute is a little too piercing, and the guitar part would sound better an octave down. The samples at that range are a little too fakey. *Ending was too abrupt and came too soon. I'd add more, hopefully in the style of the ending piano part. Overall this is pretty sweet, but it needs a little bit more work.
  22. The intro is still too long, and there never really gets to be any meat in the track. It is also painfully loud once the beats come in. That being said, the samples are generally good, and there are some nice panning details. There just needs to be a melody, and the volume needs to come down.
  23. Yes. My first playthrough I had a fighter, black belt, red mage, black mage, but I had a friend who swore by 4 black belts. You start out pretty weak, but once you upgrade the job classes, you can demolish anything. I think it's a pretty cool idea to play through all the final fantasies in order. Are you going with the originals, or the remakes?
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