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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I love how Larry claims it's super conservative for just the first 6 seconds. I think a few of the drums could have been trimmed a bit EQwise, but I love the really loose feel, and the panning is excellent on this, as well as the inherent silliness and creativity. Everything is fitting in here, somehow, and besides some of the drums needing a little more clarity, this is great work. Fun and interesting stuff! Yes
  2. I do think the drums are a touch too prominent, but it's so minor for me (as in 1.5db), that it's definitely good to go as-is. The augmentation to the track gives a unique spin on the classic theme, and while it plays it really close to the source I feel that enough has been done to tip it over the bar. Production sounded good, though it was mentioned a bit of humanization would help the ending. Overall a good track that achieves it's goal pretty well. Also cool that you were featured by the Silent Hill page. Get this guy on iTunes! Yes
  3. Yeah, this arrangement is great, and some of the drums are working, while others are pretty thin. Thankfully, you can get some pretty solid free drums that you can double up and layer what you already have at this convenient link: http://impactsoundworks.com/products/untuned-percussion/cinematic-synthetic-drums/ I do think the transition needs some more smoothing as well, and some further rhythmic variety wouldn't hurt. This is a very strong resubmission candidate though, so beef up those drums with some good ol' Zircon samples, and smooth out the transition! No, please resubmit!
  4. wow, the extra work put into this really is audible. I really enjoyed the textures and strong use of dynamics to make it exciting and engaging. One thing that many games from back in the day lack is dynamics, and the attention paid to them here gives the mix another level to appreciate. You know you are doing a good job when your listener hears the first adecrescendo and assumes the song is ending "aww, it's over already?", and then a crescendo back into the second half. Great followup on this, it's awesome. Yes
  5. so is it possible to play virtual console games on the tablet controller, and does the wireless signal work through floors? So like, if the Wii U was upstairs, could i play Secret of mana on the tablet down in my room?
  6. welcome to OCR, you are probably looking for something like this: http://www.biteyourownelbow.com/keychar.htm it's not exactly scientific, but it may help you express the mood you are looking for.
  7. heal up, Nario! Hope to see you all better at MAG!
  8. ok, that was pretty badass; prototype raptor's stuff is like guile's theme, it goes with anything! I think a few transitions could have been smoother, but overall it kicked ass. Nice work!
  9. Your ReMixer name: meccaneer Your real name: TJ Ryan Your email address: Your website: http://www.facebook.com/TheMeccaneer Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 2452 Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy 6 Name of arrangement: Surreality Name of individual song(s) arranged: New Continent Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Nobuo Uematsu
  10. ReMixer name: Verdegrand Website: www.youtube.com/user/verdegrand UserID: 31241 Name of game arranged: Final Fantasy IX Name of individual song arranged: Theme of the Tantalus Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Name of arrangement: "In the Hall of the Gangster King" Link to the original soundtrack: http://ocremix.org/chip/11988 This is for the Final Fantasy IX album project. Link to first evaluation thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32257 Comments: Here is my resubmission of a piano remix I submitted a while back and that was rejected with several judges saying that I could send in a resub. I am sorry that it took me so long to send in a new version. This is a different recording, and the sound quality should be improved over my first submission. I also removed the rhythmical irregularities in the middle section that most of the judges pointed out, made some other minor changes and also changed the name of the arrangement. About the arrangement itself: When listening to this track, I felt reminded of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite, so I made a reference to that piece. I was surprised at how well that theme fits into the overall mood of the original, especially since the result is a mixture of a classical theme and a jazzy structure. I quote it at a part where the arrangement harmonically deviates from the original and goes to another key, and the reference then brings the arrangement back into its original key and brings with it a sense of escalation. It serves as a musical idea that appears out of nowhere at the right time, acts as a surprise and enables changes to take place which then allow for a new intensified perspective on the material that was played before.
  11. oh sweet, I had assumed that because my version was older, I wouldn't be able to do an upgrade (like Adobe does with photoshop), but if it's $100 or potentially less, I'll get this tonight.
  12. $200 is definitely doable, but they really suck at telling me what is improved over version 2. Any hints on what I can expect?
  13. cool, I guess when i decide to buy an upgrade it'll be a big jump in quality.
  14. boo - at that price i'd probably just upgrade my GR2 to whatever version is out now. None of the lead tones really blew me away, but I really liked some of the rhythm ones, which would have made $50 worthwhile. I hope it's a success, as any competition in the amp sim field generally ends up with better tones for all, but I will personally pass.
  15. I think some of you are missing the point of what this dad was trying to do. Young kids are very impressionable and even fragments of concepts and ideas given to them by a supportive role model can grow into a full-fledged personality. When she gets older, sure, she'll realize that Link is in fact a boy. Will it shatter her worldview to find out that the strong character she found herself emulating and wanting to be like is "in reality" male? I doubt it. The important lesson is that years before that is ever relevant, the idea is planted in her mind that *she* can be a hero. That concept is empowering and shapes entire lifetimes. Not only that, but her father spending time with her playing a great game and supporting her future is awesome. I really can't see how anyone can complain about that.
  16. I'd pay $50 to try this. Anything to cover up my bad guitar playing.
  17. I think the sounds are really cohesive on this, but the arrangement does feel like it's lacking i development for the second half, and maybe a little too much reliance on the chord progression + kick for the majority of the track. The expansion that was in there was good, but i think more melody in the second half would definitely help. There is a lot of good stuff in this mix, I think it's in need of just a little more melodic interest and reference to the source. No, please resubmit
  18. Definitely the lack of velocities in the sequencing holds this back - there are a few sections where you use some nice velocity triggers to get some slides, like the ending guitar, but a lot of the trills throughout and other rns feel very robotic. Part of the issue may be that the samples used don't have a ton of expression in them to begin with, so even going severe on velocity changes won't have as much of an effect. I also agree that the first half is way conservative, and while maintaining a really strong tie to source music is crucial, you can branch out more. The mood set was really nice, but it needs a bit of work still. I'd love to hear a resub. No, please resubmit
  19. James wouldn't go to sleep without powerglove, or anything with double bass drums. He liked the clicky sound on the kick of the FF7 Snappleman/Norg collab too. While i'm not quite saying that your baby was born to rock, it may be the case; so keep that in mind.
  20. I gotta agree with Jesse here, it feels like the bass is really scooped out of this. The rhythms are great, and the leads sound really nice. Tracks like this also highlight why taking extra care in the drum programming really helps bring a song to life. The arrangement and overall soundscape i dig, it;s just that lack of bottom end. Overall I am really feeling the arrangement on this, and really the only issue for me is the lack of bass. It sounds like a rendering error with a filter or something on, so rather than going no, resub, i'll say yes borderline. would really like to hear that bass fixed up though!
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