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Everything posted by Darklink42

  1. *raises eyebrow* I believe you're thinking of Rob Schneider, Demanus. Roy Scheider is known for this:
  2. You're quite welcome Polo. By the way, this is the last list. Thanks for letting me help out, it's always good to lend what I can to a good project. Once again though, great job on the bios. I like the variety of writing styles, and especially the non-formal tone a lot of them take while avoiding major spoilers. 123R-9A Arrowhead- "And many bosses there were, a highlight of the R-Type series and a challenge to take down the Arrowhead." (and a challenge to take down in[or "with"] the Arrowhead" 124Ganondorf- "In the end his form is mutated by the corrupting power of the Triforce, and he becomes Ganon." (The Triforce merely granted Ganondorf's dying wish for more power when he transforms into Ganon. The corruption, if any, came from his own evil intentions. I feel like that sentence is misleading in that capacity. I'd go with something more like "In the end, his form is corrupted when his wish for vengeance is granted by the Triforce, transforming him into Ganon." [/fanboy correction]) 129Sora- "from Destiny Island who..." (Should be "The Destiny Islands" as that is how they are named in game.) 132Tira- "..."Birds of Passage," and they worked to shape the history of Europe from behind the scenes." (a sect dedicated to shaping the history of Europe...) 134Batsu Iichimonji- "Batsu is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama, who provided Link's mature voice in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and has voice roles in other fighting games." ("who, while most noted as Link's mature voice in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, has done voice roles in several other fighting games.") 136Lady- "It is during her search in the tower Temen-Ni-Gru when she meets him" (Small nitpick, but I think it should be "that she meets him" instead of "when") 137Dante- "his senses ever more effective; his equipment can also gain special uses." (his senses becoming ever more effective) -"not to mention a bit of a womanizer" (also making him a bit of a womanizer.) 142Gambit- "Remy LeBeau, an adventurer from Louisiana," (Now I'm not really up on my X-men, but wasn't Remy Lebeau originally a thief who was part of a guild of them?) 145Blaze the Cat- "Not long before Dr. Eggman makes off with them in Sonic Rush." (It's [or "it is" whichever is more appropriate] not long before...) -"and acts to situations in a calm and level-headed" (and reacts to situations...) 150Setsuna- "encased behind a mirror." (encasing it behind a mirror?)
  3. I cast my ballot. Really good stuff this round guys, good job.
  4. Says the guy with the Psychonauts avatar. Loved that game... I also really liked Killer 7, which I picked up pratically by accident. I had no idea it was going to be the mind trip it was, but I loved every minute of it. I also love the sound track for that game, and I'm hoping that this one doesn't let me down when I get to pick it up. I know it's not going to be near as cerebral as Killer 7, but is the story for this one still off the wall, or more straight forward?
  5. Rant containing spoilers: You know, maybe I'm a little slow but I'm surprised to see Wolf in there. I mean, I'd heard some rumor that he'd be featured, but I was very surprised to find him confirmed. I never much cared for Falco, and that's because I'm a Fox player myself. Between his being heavier and slower than Fox and his only having the advantage of a stronger laser, Fox's weaker but considerably faster attacks made him my choice. And now we've got Wolf for all the whiners who bitched that they wanted to play as Fox but couldn't handle the speed. Several of my friends swear by Falco over Fox and this is only going to make things worse. The grudge matches will truly be epic I think. Other than that, I have great hopes that this game will blow me away. I fully plan to buy a Wii just for this game. (Don't ask why I haven't already >_>)
  6. I'm telling you, this is the E3 curse on me. I got one-uped for a ticket to E3 the year before it converted, and since then I have never made it to any kind of videogame related gathering since. I want to go to this thing so badly. It's like the only time it's going to be within my realm of travel, and I'm up to my eyes in financial clockwork. I swear I'm going to break this curse if it's the last thing I do.
  7. Well, that sounds good. I have a question though. Does that mean that a past submitter, if they've submitted this time, gets 9 points, or is it simply a non-stackable (yeah, I played Magic) bonus for those that did not submit this round but have otherwise contributed?
  8. Well, how what is your suggestion on how to re-hash the vote system. I don't have any better ideas at the current time, but if you've got somethign you think would work, it might be worth a shot. Especially if it promotes a larger voter base, which is always more unpredictable but also contributes more diverse opinion.
  9. You have to wake up early dress in clothing you'll only wear on that one day of the week eating Sunday breakfast (the only thing I don't mind) spray on your fancy cologne, but not your fanciest (don't forget the extra spritz in case you meet a new woman) Get in the car, drive a couple of miles away Everyone knows you there, a few grunt hello still tired you suppose It always starts out slow, everyone relatively quiet but someone will step up and when they do You raise your voice in joyful exclamations shouting praise fit to tear down the heavens to the the One thing above all others Football I would have submitted a sonnet, but I've had so little time to work on it that it'll have to wait until later. Sorry guys.
  10. A little late, but here is the next set. I feel like I should say that I am very impressed by the lack of typos and egregious grammar errors. You guys did a damn good job handling that. *thumbs up* 073Orta- "They have gained new weapons: Dragonmares, bio-engineered creatures rendering the force unstoppable." ("...creatures, which has rendered the force unstoppable") - "It is with blissful ignorance Orta holds as these war machines approach the town she resides in, destroying anything in their path." ("Orta sits in blissful ignorance as these war...") - "..When an enormous winged shape descends from the sky." (get rid of the ellipsis at the beginning, unless that sentence is part of the paragraph above, in which case it should be moved up.) 077Yoshi- "Once found, Mario could ride Yoshi through levels with increased speed, able to eat enemies and spit" ("and utilize his ride's ability to eat enemies...") - "Though still within the canon of the Mario series, Yoshi has starred in his own games, of varying genre." ("...Yoshi has starred in several genre spanning titles") - "eggs laid after eating enemies could be used as projectiles against the enemy, not to mention useful in many puzzles throughout the game." ("...enemy, an ability which would prove useful in many puzzles...") 083Dhalsim- "Most notable is his tact for throwing punches and kicks from across the screen" (" most notable is his tactic of throwing punches...") 087Heather Morris- (I don't want to go through sentence by sentence, but there are some tense disagreements in this entry. It switches between the present and past tenses a lot and needs to be revised to reflect one or the other.) 092Kirby- "Kirby is a happy-go-lucky pink puffball from Dream Land" (This is a small thing, but to my recollection, Kirby hails from Popstar. I'm not sure whether Dream Land is the over-arcing universe or just another planet, but I thought I should bring it up) 098Chrono- "Chrono Trigger probably starred the most famous mute of all." (I feel like it should say "mute hero" but that's entirely a preference thing) -"He plays several of the classic roles seen in RPGs and stories throughout history —one to save his companions and his supposed love interest Marle, but also a figure..."("one in his quest to save his companions and his supposed love interest Marle, and another in defending his ideals from the forces of evil") 099Sagat- "second World Warrior tournament beings" ("begins" instead of "beings" 105Mai Shiranui- "Graced with a pair of bouncing breasts for her debut in Fatal Fury 2..." (I feel like this is kind of an obvious statement. Mai is a woman, she has breasts, breasts bounce. It should have a description that explains why this is important such as "large" or "prominent") 114Ryu Hyabusa- "It is on this journey that Ryu learns the power of the mystical Demon Statues, such that they are in high demand with other powers working against him." ("...demon statues, and the high value they have to the forces working against him.") -"He has his sense of honour in the fights he is involved in, yet never holds back." ("His sense of honour never falters in his fights, nor does it hold him back.") 115Penelo- "a vast city of the land of Ivalice, previously seen in Final Fantasy Tactics." ("a vast city in the land of Ivalice") -"She learned martial arts from her older, deceased, brother, he being a part of the military" ("older, deceased brother [no comma], who was a part of the military")
  11. Semester just started, so I've been a little slow. I've got a few things, but not enough to constitute posting them just yet. I'll plow through tonight and get you what I've got.
  12. I'm pretty sure this is because of that internet news guy that posted a big blog about how Mass Effect is essentially raping our kids minds with full blown sex scenes and references to bestiality, etc.. Looks like Fox news found out about and wanted to blow it up even further. Which just goes to show you that gamers are more mature, because we just tried to let him go away. I would have posted a link to the article, but it appears he removed it. So here's the blog post which gives you some lovely backpedaling, followed by more inanity. See for yourself
  13. Hey Linearity, I don't mean to be coming in and mucking up the works if that's what you mean. I understand, and I already talked to Dafydd about this before I even posted anything, that I am essentially a random guy who is coming in and throwing a bunch of stuff out. Like I stated at the beginning, I'm just looking to help, and if it's creating too much extra stress, I'm okay with stopping. I'm not trying to create a ton of new work for you guys or anything like that. If anything, it's merely because I think the site deserves a polished feature (as I know you guys do as well). And in with that in mind, I thought I'd be helpful in doing some editorial reviewing. If you'd like, I can hold off on phrasing changes (as those are probably the least helpful and most time consuming to consider) until you guys have finished everything else that needs to be done, and just focus on spelling, grammar and typos. (Though I have to say that, for the most part, there haven't been a lot of those which is awesome.) Again, I'm sorry if I'm getting in the way more than I'm helping.
  14. Here's my next batch of suggestions and such: 031Lara Croft- "and the many modes of transportation including jeep, motorbike, and kayak." ("and varied modes of transportation including jeeps, motorbikes, and kayaking") 038Azel- "For her many complexities, her inner conflicts, and her personality that is unique for a female RPG character, Azel remains to this day a much-loved fan favourite." (...and a personality unique to female RPG characters) ("favorite" is also spelled wrong) 039Toad-"His soft, goofy appearance and delightful disposition make him a hallmark of the Super Mario Bros. series." (I laughed hard, that is a great line.) 041Kyo Kusanagi-"Kyo Kusanagi is the poster child of the plus-populated roster in the King of Fighters series." (What does plus-populated mean?) 046Lucca-"her inventions also a catalyst for the events leading to the quest that is undertaken in Chrono Trigger. " [(her inventions also serve as) or more simply (her inventions are a...)] -"unbeknownst to their home time" ("unknown in their home time") (unbeknowst implies that the home time itself is unaware, not of the monsters, but of her powers of fire) 047Jedah Dohma- "His visions of what's to become of the world around him is something he dwells heavily upon." ("are" instead of "is") 051Dr. Robotnik "...hands takes center stage in Sonic's adventures hereafter." (thereafter is more appropriate as the article does not expand on Sonic's adventures) 054Dr. Wily- "let them wreak havoc on the city of Monsteropolis in an attempt..." (I'm just curious about this, because I've never seen that name before. I haven't played a lot of the Mega Man games so...) 056Beat- "games such as The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Sly Raccoon" (Okay, so this is a cheap nit-pick, but it's called Sly Cooper in the states and even though I know that, and anyone with a brain can figure out what it's talking about, should it be noted that it's called Sly Cooper as Jet Set Radio is also appended thusly?) 059Earthworm Jim- "as well as Jim's own voice" (As well as supplying Jim's own...) 060Dracula- "relishing bloodthirsty fangs and piercing eyes" (Sounds like he likes vampires instead of being one. Replace with something more like "known for his bloodthirsty...") 062Karin Kanzuki- "One must get the hand of these combos to be effective with Karin." ("hang" instead of "hand") -"Using her family power she tracks down the roving Sakura and does eventually emerge the victor" (It implies that she inherited some sort of tracking power. Not sure how to fix it though) 064Mario (kart)- "Mario has starred in his own kart racing series since 1992, and has since continued as a strong venture of the Mario franchise." ("...since 1992, one that has continued...") 065Snake-"his track record on missions has earned himself a reputation." (should just be "him" instead of "himself") -"Snake is a clone of who is said to be the greatest soldier in the 20th century," (of the man said to be...) 068Squall Leonhart-"Sporting a fur-trimmed leather jacket, a gunblade on his shoulder" (stylistic choice, but I feel like it should be "sporting a fur-trimmed leather jacket and a gunblade on his shoulder...") Quick note. Aeris"...and to escape their clutches she enlists Cloud as her bodyguard in exchange for a date. And so Aeris Gainsborough joins the story of Final Fantasy VII." (I think the "and so" can be dropped, and potentially replaced by "thus" or some other word. The reason is because there are two "and" modified sentences really close together.)
  15. Glad I could be of some service then. On the Vivi bio, I think I was just thrown off because I'm so used to reading sentences that call a character "the most underappreciated". I re-read it, it seems fine to me now that I think about it a little more. I'll have some more for you guys later, once I have time to read a few more, but I have to say that you're doing a great job so far.
  16. Hi guys, I've been following this project for a while, and while cruising through what you have up so far I found some technical errors and awkward sentences that i thought you might like to know about and correct. They're just suggestions though, and I understand if you decide not to use them. So far I've only gotten up to 035 (Sephiroth) and I've tried to avoid the really nitpicky stuff (Other than some missing commas). Hope I can be of some help. Here's what I have so far: 004Aeris- "But she's happier for his health and durability than her garden's. Aware that the Turks, scouts of the Shinra megacorporation, are seeking her out again, the girl enlists Cloud as her bodyguard in exchange for a date. And so Aeris Gainsborough joins the story of Final Fantasy VII." (<is a re-worded version of the 4th and 5th sentences of the first paragraph.) -"Low-on Health limit breaks"- This implies that she only uses them only when she is low on health. It should say something more to the effect of "Curative" or "restorative" -"Blessed from the ground up. This is also why Aeris is constantly pursued." More explanation without revealing plot details should be added. I'd recommend something like "Aeris is obviously more than she appears, and whatever secret she carries appears to be very valuable to Shinra, her constant pursuers. 007Leon Belmont: "That the other Belmonts use." - ["That future Belmonts would continue to use in their battles (with other vampires?)] 008Sonic: "After the end of Sega's hardware business" - ("After Sega's departure from making new consoles") 011Ukyo Tachibana-" As much of a heartthrob he is with the ladies" ("As much of a heartthrob as he is to the ladies") -"...blindness of the Japanese film character Zatoichi" Should it be mentioned what film this character is in? 012Terry Bogard- fighting techniques, streetwise attitude(,) and otherwise laid-back personality. -"a master of a brawling martial arts (style)" and really I'd almost want to rewrite that, something like "master of a style of Martial Arts incorporating brawling techniques" (<still ugly though) 014Ness- "although he has an affinity for psychic powers." affinity sounds like he enjoys them as a snack or a pet. More appropriate would be something like "although he has the innate ability to harness psychic powers" 016Chun-Li- I feel like the opening sentence should better explain who it is referring to. The second sentence should be the clarifying statement for the first one. I have no suggestions at the current moment, without re-writing the whole first three sentences. 017Cammy White- "Cammy first appeared in the 1993 game Super Street Fighter II" Is this accurate, or should it be listed by it's full title as stated below in appearances? 021Barrett Wallace- "this later led to a conflict between Barret and Shinra's troops in which Barret lost both his wife and his right arm." It is actually a conflict between Shinra and Avalanche (prior to Barrett) that causes the loss of Barrett's wife. This should be reflected, as I believe that it's the spillover of that fight which causes him to also lose his arm. 023Ulala- I'm not familiar with the game, but would it spoil the plot to say why she must imitate the Morolians? I ask because it feels like that's an important element of the character's story. 024Moogle- "And so Moogles continue to pop up." I like the sentence, but perhaps it shouldn't be on it's own line, otherwise it feels like it's tacked on. 025Bowser- "Bowser has appeared in many other games, most of them spin-offs of the Mario series such as Super Mario Kart, Mario Party(,) and Super Smash Bros., either as a playable character or as an antagonist. As a playable character his largeness and heaviness influence the strategy most beneficial(<feels really awkward there) to players that control him." perhaps "His largness and heaviness influence the strategy players use when controlling him"? 026Vivi-"As a younger main character of Final Fantasy IX, Vivi is perhaps the most appreciated" (Underappreciated?). -Should his appearance in KH2 be mentioned? 027HUnewearl- The first paragraph should be re-arranged so that the story descriptor is at the beginning. Something like this: "An explosion on the planet Ragol cuts off communication links between its colony and the landing starship, Pioneer 2. The Hunters onboard are the first group dispatched to investigate matters. This is the story in Phantasy Star Online, the first RPG...etc." 028Zelda- "An oft-made mistake made by newcomers to the Zelda series is (that) they figure..." -"the series is in fact named after the damsel in distress present (<cut the present out)" 029Nall- "for its high price, until U.S. publisher Working Designs spun its reputation around with the release of Lunar: The Silver Star." ("...for its high price. That is, until U.S. publisher...") 030X(full armor)- "enormously powerful and purple wall of plasma" (the "and" there is not necessary, and could be replaced by a comma) -"new abilities to (<"that" instead of "to") come with the upgrades " 032Fei Fong Wong- "Weltall time and again is almost a part of Fei in how extensively it is tied to and influences his fate." ("Weltall, time and again, is proven to be almost a part of Fei, given how extensively it is tied to, and influences, his fate.")
  17. Obviously I'm a fan of the Legend of Zelda. I've always been a big fan of Dark Link ever since I played OoT and turned around to find him waiting under that tree. It was a cool trick in one of the most frustrating dungeons I've ever played. I thought about it at a later point, and I really liked the concept of the dark side of a hero taking on a physical form. The 42, because somebody else took the regular DarkLink handle, is tacked on there because of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Yeah, I'm a nerd, what can I say.
  18. Well, they solved the problem of her dying of cancer (sort of), so it looks like the writers did their homework. I'm actually kinda liking the show so far. As far as I can tell though, it looks like they are going to totally retcon the third movie out of existence (Probably better that way, I wasn't a fan.) All I can say it's fun watching so far, and since that's all I really expected out of it...
  19. So it's not entirely clear, but can I make my own Dark Link avatar if I base it off the originals? I mean, if those are too dark, and I can make a cool one that is either lighter or looks cooler can I do that? LT: I mean, if it looks cooler sure, you can make your own, but I'm generally low on images made from scratch, because they tend not to look that good. I'd say base it off the original sprite and lighten it or whatever you need to do in Photoshop, but yeah, you could manipulate the original image.
  20. I think, other than the amazing appreciation that OCR has given me for music and the many ways that people can take a song and make it their own, I've really gained a sense of community as well. Sure I don't have the kind of post count that commands respect, but I still always feel like I'm part of a group of people that I can actually understand. (I used to do Gaia, you can laugh at me if you want). OCRemix has also rejuvinated my interest in getting into the art of making music beyond just plunking around. It really gives me a reason to sit down and take it seriously, something I never really did before. I haven't done anything worthy of even calling a WIP yet, but I know when I do get there, I'll have a whole community of professionals to give me advice.
  21. I was going to throw some more edits down, but this is pretty major so I'll make another post instead. I was thinking about this, and I knew that I'd heard something like it before, even before Gertsmann. Then I remembered that I'd read about it in Penny Arcade so I went and looked up. Point being, this isn't the first time EGM, and in particular Dan Hsu, has offended the big guns. (More like kicked them in the nuts repeatedly as you shall no doubt see/recall). I don't know if any of you remember the interview that he did with Peter Moore of Microsoft where he essentially nailed him to the wall on the issue of the 360's lack of backwards compatible games. I went and found it here: Interview with Peter Moore The point I'm trying to make with that is, despite getting hammered, Microsoft has not done any of the tomfoolery that Ubisoft, Sony, and Midway are doing now. And frankly, I'm pretty sure that whatever EGM had to say about Assassin's Creed was nothing to the bombshell that was Page two of the above interview. I don't think it'll take very long for those publishers to grow some balls and put their content back in the magazine. Also, bravo to Dan Hsu. It seems like he's out there doing the right thing, and I doubt that'll stop while he's holding down the fort.
  22. Sadly you're going to see a lot of this. I'm sure it's been going on for years anyways without us knowing about it. Point being, it's still just opinions. If companies want to pay reviewers to blow them publicly, let them. It doesn't mean you have to believe what is written. It does considerably weaken the reviewing system, but that's already the case with movie reviews, sports-casting, and major awards for films/television/music. It's only natural as the videogame scene continues to grow, that there will be people that fall into the old bribe-for-accolades scheme. Let's just hope that some of the magazines decide to hold onto their integrity. Edit: Also what's the point in selling games you've already bought? That's like picking your own pocket. Just boycott future games. It's easier, and it takes money from them, instead of giving it back.
  23. I don't know, Sheik isn't a TP character. And, as that's the basis for this iteration of Zelda, I find it hard to believe that she'd transform into a character that she never was. I won't be disappointed if Sheik doesn't appear either, because that was one of the most over powered characters Melee had. Nevertheless, from a game standpoint, I'd say that it doesn't seem likely. Could happen, but not likely. Ninja edit: They're adding Phoenix Wright.
  24. Hey, I'd like to see some Dark Link action going on, and I've got just the two sprite images to do it. They are from Oracle of Ages, when you fight the last boss. I don't remember if they ever swing swords at you or just walk around like idiots (I think it was the latter), so those are as interesting as those get. LT: Too small, plus you can't really see them well anyway, since the linework blends into the overall dark color. Gotta pass, sorry.
  25. Well, need more info. What kind of program are you running the downloaded video on? That may affect whether you are able to record it. I run all of my videos out of either Window Media Player (Which sucks but works well enough for my tastes) or Winamp (Which is iffy sometimes). Either way, Falchion is right. All you do is got to accessories, got to sound recorder, and hit record. It will record what's coming out of your speakers, I just tried it. Of course, I had to run a search for the stupid thing, but it's there. Another problem may be that you're running Vista, or a Mac. If that's the case, can't really help you. Like I said before, when I record what I'm getting from my speakers, I use this program I somehow acquired called Audacity. Works like a charm. Don't know if it's free because, like I said, I don't even know how I got it. But the sound recorder does work if you're running XP, though you'll have to play with it a little to get sounds longer than a minute. Go try it and see what you get.
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