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so.. anybody wanna transcribe somethin for me?
Darklink42 replied to SenPi's topic in Music Composition & Production
The aircheck version is the instrumental, without K.K.'s "singing" (which is more of a weird "me-oh-wa" thing) in it. For the most part it will sound similar to the original, but some can sound radically different. Looks like Galbadia isn't up right now, but when it is I'll link you to the two you're looking for. But basically in this instance you've got the live version which is just a guitar sound and the "singing" and it's a little more lively. Then you've got the aircheck version which is significantly more complex and made up of bells, some kind of harpsicord/piano instrument, and an instrument that I am at the moment at a loss to name. Some kind of wood wind. -
Apparently he can time travel and has already played the game in the future... On the subject of the drums, if the premium drum set can be hooked up as a legit drum kit, I wonder if it would work backwards for other drum kits. If it could, that means I already have one that I could just hook up and rock with when this comes out.
The lack of cross compatibility is what has held me back from even touching GH3. I wanted to check it out, but have't had the money or even willingness to go out and buy the whole thing when I've got rock band and a lot of awesome songs already. I'm reasonably satisfied with that setlist, if it's true, because that will allow for a mixture of the good songs on that one and the current Rock Band (which had a lot of hits and misses as well). I will be investing in the drum set though. I've come to personally dislike Ion (They sound great but had horrid choice in their construction. Plastic tightners indeed!) but if they are quieter and handle more like a drum set than the current ones, I'm all in. Still, we'll have to wait until Sept. to see if it all lives up to the hype. There's still two months for something to mess up.
Prayers for bLiNd (UPDATE: He's home)
Darklink42 replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in General Discussion
I've never met or talked to Blind either, but I have heard several of his remixes and loved every one of them. His wasn't the remix to bring me here way back when, but his remix of Fear Factory is one of the first I heard while here, and it cemented my belief in this place. My thoughts and well wishes go out to you. Get well soon man. -
so.. anybody wanna transcribe somethin for me?
Darklink42 replied to SenPi's topic in Music Composition & Production
Well I can get the source tune, but I don't know that I'd be able to transcribe it. If no one else does it faster, I'll give it a go. The question is, do you want it based off the aircheck version, or the K.K. live version? -
Kingdom Hearts Simple and Clean Remix
Darklink42 replied to ResidentGeek's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Oh wow. This needs a lot of work. First off, the beginning is fine up until the first instrumentation hits. Overall, I'd say that you need to work on the kinds and variety of instrument voices you're putting into it. I've got to be really honest, that first part scared me into thinking the whole song was going to sound like that. Up the quality on that part, please. Fortunately the rest of the song got a little better in terms of over all quality, but I agree with Pez, you need to deviate away from the source more. This is more of a cover with tempo than a remix. Get away from the keyboard voice, experiment with other stuff and see what comes out of that. Spend some time getting to know the background of the song a lot better as well. Don't just focus on the singer's voice. I'd actually recommend remixing the remix in this case. More to work with over all in regards to sound and depth. The original is really basic and acoustic, and that will prove to be harder to work with. -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Honestly, I had no problem with the piece. Sometimes you have to look at it from a perspective outside of the modern times. In this case, the piece was very stylized and was really shooting for an older feel. (I'm making assumptions based on my interpretation mind you, so I hope I'm not too off.) As a result of that, when I read it, I treated it with the same regard as I would a piece from the evoked era. In this case a time before there was equality of the sexes. Beyond that, there was more. I don't know if it's against the rules to speak of how we voted post round, but in this case I feel it fair to say that I gave some points to Leon. It was a poem well written, and I wish I'd seen more of them when I was an editor for a literary magazine a year ago. He made excellent use of rhyme, and a very rare thing I've found, meter. I say rare because a lot of the time I see poems that all read like Doctor Seuss when employing end-rhyme. edit: there will be more, but I've sadly distracted myself and it's 2:30 in the morning. -
That's not even a good excuse anyways, because if you look at the friggin comments on the Ripped off Audix track, he made the comments about him having done them himself at least 5 months ago. What a jerk. Edit: I hadn't listened to the Torvus Bog track before, it's really awesome Darkesword.
OC ReMix seeking volunteers for interview transcriptions
Darklink42 replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in General Discussion
If any others pop up, I'm willing to help as well. -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Don't forget that there is a writing thread somewhere around here. I've got it bookmarked, but it collects a lot of dust. That's the best place to give and recieve critque. Matter of fact, it looks like one of my poems is still the last thing posted. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6771 -
Well, like I said before, I'm interested in "Myst games, Klonoa, Dungeon Keeper 2, and La Pucelle Tactics" I'm willing to pay between $10 and $15 per, except for the Myst games which I'd be willing to pay $30 all told for all of them save the original because I've already got that one. PM if that sounds alright to you.
Kingdom Hearts 2 "Sacred Moon" Sketch
Darklink42 replied to noTuX's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Maybe it's just me, but I can't get the link for the WIP to work. It just says something about a quick key error or something. Anyone else having that problem? I really would like to hear it though, given that the other one you did was pretty good. -
Uwe Boll = intelligent yet still sucktacular filmmaker?
Darklink42 replied to Kroze's topic in General Discussion
You know, I was never one to bash Uwe Boll personally. There are plenty of people that make shitty movies that are still reasonably intelligent people. Hell, they don't bash Jerry Bruckheimer for having made two of the worst sequels I've ever seen. Pirates two and three are just written off as being a cash-in, but that's kind of unfair. On that same note, he's making "the" Prince of Persia movie as well, which looks like it won't be all that great. (Can't pass judgment until after the film, but based on what I've seen of it, I don't think it will succeed). Are Uwe Boll's movies bad? Hell yeah they are. I had the misfortune to watch the Dungeon Siege movie, and saw every plot twist coming at least five minutes before they did. I wasn't even trying. The acting wasn't horrible, given the number of big stars he managed to get in it, but it couldn't overcome the script and the crazy deviation from the source. In my opinion, if you're going to make a movie based on a videogame, and I mean really based, not just "this is a re-hash made with the disclaimer 'based' put in for safety sakes"; then it should avoid the hell out of using most of the established characters. Videogame universes are usually pretty fleshed out and leave a lot of room for individual stories to come out of them with out treading on the toes of the games already produced. You can do a lot with just the essential characters instead of trying to cram a bunch of in-references so people that played the games will get more from it. We get just as much from it without them. Look at Hitman, while not AAA, it hit a lot more good points overall in balancing source material and its being a movie. Another big problem is casting. That's sort of been reduced over the years, with directors no longer being in such a rush to get them out. Timothy Olyphant made a great Agent 47, though he did look a little young. I'll grudgingly admit that Angelina Jolie made a good Lara Croft. Legend of Zelda wold be a cinch to make if it weren't for the problem of casting. No one would ever be satisfied with a choice for Link, or Zelda. But I think now, if they tried a Mario movie again, you wouldn't get the same overall mistakes, including casting John Leguizamo as Luigi and then choosing to focus on him throughout the film. Bleck... It always seemed to me that the fundamental problem with videogame movies is twofold. The first is that some don't try to tell their own story, and the second is that when they do they don't stay within the universe that was established by the game. I cite several of Uwe Boll's movies on both accounts, but they aren't the only ones. The Mario movie failed because it disregarded the established universe completely (That's not the only reason, but that's not why we're here). It was an interesting alternate view, to be sure. But for one of the first movie adaptations of a videogame, it wasn't the right time for something like that. Anyways, Uwe boll strikes me as the kind of guy who is merely content to do his own thing with movies, and I say more power to him. I don't really support the hacking he does of videogames, but it's his right and if the studios and the creators want to to let him then that's their choice. I don't have to watch the movies, and neither does anyone else. People still do, and so he keeps making them. The interview brought an interesting point though, in that he is trying to go over the top with his films. I wish he would have explained why he chose video game adaptations as his medium to do this with. He catches insane amounts of flak for it, and he knows it. Maybe it was a way to get attention, one way or the other. Or maybe it was that it was an unfilled niche that he has been allowed to tap, unchallenged, for some time. At least until recently anyways. Whatever the case, it worked. I just wish he'd go off and do his own thing. He might have better success with his own creations, instead of someone else's. Summary: Wait until Sephfire does a short movie about this issue, he'll probably put it better and give greater insight. Thank you. -
Zelda, Oracle series – Skull Dungeon and Ending
Darklink42 replied to pUrple's topic in ReMix Requests
Well, it's never going to get off the ground, but I did have an idea or two for the two songs that play when Nayru is singing, and also when Din is dancing at the beginning of the games. Anyways, hope to see more from them than just the one that sounds a lot closer to a remix of the opening of OoT. -
Very well made presentation again. I loved the first one because it talked about something in video games that I care a lot about. This one was just as good, and gave some things to think about even though sex and games aren't really a big deal for me. I did want to say one thing though, in that I, personally, can't think of a movie that was particularly enhanced by the sensual (and/or sexual) content to the point that the movie wouldn't have been the same without it. Perhaps that's because I've seen a lot of films and my brain's not seizing on one. Still, it just seemed a little over generalized to state that everyone knows such a film. That's just me though. I'd give it an A.
Would be interested to know prices for: Myst games, Klonoa, Dungeon Keeper 2, and La Pucelle Tactics
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Masking Tape When you woke up, you were plain Only the veil you put on your face hides the truth. Frame that with dangling decoration and put it above fashion statements which fit the mold people you'll never meet created. How much becomes false when what is presented is manufactured? Impatient attitude? check. Practiced facial expressions? double check. Mirror seems to mock as it breaks the disguise, winking in scattered pieces. Even photographs feel unreal because your eyes refuse to lie. -
*shakes head* Well, the good thing is they aren't pretending to be going directly off the video game. If anything, it almost seems like one of those "inspired by" type movies. Naming the Prince is already a travesty. Dastan indeed... Ah well, maybe I'll rent it or something. Couldn't be worse than the Dungeon Siege movie was. Stupid Uwe Boll.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Voted! Good job everyone, impressive competition this round. Hopefully I'll be back next month. -
I'm the same as Taucer, I play everything by ear. I can read a little bit of music, but it doesn't translate into my head unless I'm playing it on the keyboard. As for the songs themselves, pretty much anything from Ocarina of Time, and a couple of other bits here and there.
Just donated in the form of a shirt. Been meaning to get one anyways, so there you go. Long live OCR
The only problem with this being a reality Steban, is that they don't make Big time movies "just for the fans". It is a very rare occurrence, with few notable exceptions (Snakes on a Plane, the insertion of "I'm the Juggernaut Bitch" in X-men 3). If anyone really took a swing at making a Zelda movie, Nintendo would have a huge say in it, and it would not look half as ridiculous as this. And I highly doubt Miyamoto wouldn't be involved given it's his IP for the most part. That being said, if it turns out to be some kind of strange indie project, I wish them well. I can live with cheesy indie movies, because at least I can take them as they are. Wonderful joke either way, I like it. The other thing I wanted to point out is that, if it is a serious attempt by gamers to make a movie based on a video game, than their ambition oversteps their ability. Why choose something so easy to mess up? Why not go a little less mainstream, or even just a little less high profile? Seems odd to me that, if they wanted to be taken seriously (assuming this is no joke) they would choose one of the hardest videogames to translate to live-action film (I give you Mario Brothers as a shining example of this. While not a total loss movie wise, for what it was attempting it was a massive failure.) You go the route of say a Castlevania movie, you get all the fleshed out universe, but unlike Zelda, you get a decent amount of wiggle room within which you can create your own unique tale. The other problem I have is that it's a re-hash. You can only get away with a film re-hash (we won't go into Zelda as it's own series) when it's better than the original. From what I'm looking at right now, while cool, it would not prove to be the case.
I was kind of wondering what happened to this. Will we ever be seeing the proposed picture links, and has DJP been kind enough to grace us with his thoughts yet? In regards to errors, I'm satisfied with my comb through, so I'll leave anything I missed to the eager masses when they eventually get to check this out.
So I just got a chance to listen to the Nintendo remixed version of Tal tal Heights.... Not exactly Disco Dan, is it? Honestly, it's not that bad, but I'm listening to "Braving Tal Tal Heights" for comparison and it's still above this one. Eh...
Actually, people's faces do grow similar to that. It looks weird as hell, but it does happen. I saw a guy the other day at a parade that had a very similar head shape. That picture was the first thing that popped into my head too.