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Everything posted by Darklink42
Don LaFontaine (AKA "Movie Voice Guy") is dead at age 68
Darklink42 replied to Kroze's topic in General Discussion
Wow, I can't believe it. First Carlin, then him? I think the world just died a little bit with him.... -
I think what he wanted was people to kiss his ass and make him feel tall. He wasn't shooting for praise, he was shooting for fans. And he had some at the beginning of this thread, and then he himself started fighting with trolls over a rather foolish point. I understand perfectly why his movie will look the way it does. That is not my beef. My beef is his handling of anything that wasn't straight compliment, and his pretentious attitude about how we all are so undeserving of seeing his most excellent film. I actually wanted to see it, but at this point I've lost most of my interest. People like him always disappoint, and by all indications based on the trailer and the preview, this will be a bunch of teenagers pretending to be serious and failing miserably. Look up the Legend of Zelda movie on google video, great example of what I'm talking about. The only difference between this and the Zelda movie is that they knew they were goofing around. Says so right at the bottom. I see no reason to give this guy support, because the director's attitude is just as much of the movie making process as anything else. I aspire to be a director in my own right, and I've met with several of varying fame. They have all told me some of the same things, and he's failed most of them. The only one he seems to get is the "have fun doing it" rule, but that a good movie does not make. He also needs to be mature in his handling of both actors and fans, be able to understand that he is an independent film director and not someone famous yet, have a good attitude about his film no matter the obstacles, and most important of all, always search for ways to improve. It's clear to me that he only feels good about this movie because he is refusing to accept all of the other tenants. By acting overly defensive and immature, it tells me he knows more is wrong with this film than has been admitted. Like I said before, it sounds to me like he needs to take a couple years, practice with some short films, and really think about what making movies is about. Otherwise, we'll just have another Uwe Boll on our hands. And one of him is quite enough for me.
Fixed that for you. You're welcome. And yeah, you are immature. I was trying to give you a boost, given the situation you've landed yourself in with this thread, but you know what? You deserve every minute of it. You come here, and you expect that us lowly forum goers are going to kiss your ass and praise you because you made a derivative movie based on a video game. I'll tell you something, you're movie will sit on a shelf. And it's probably for the better, because I'm willing to bet that we called it correctly. You're movie probably did copy "The Dark Knight" and you know if we tear you down for it, the rest of the internet will tear it to shreds. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop trying to make movies. Got take five years, grow up, and find out what making movies is really about instead of running around in face paint and thinking you're something special. I've done indie movies too across many different roles, and I've seen more than my share of people like you. You will one day get a role as an extra in some big film, and it will be your crowning achievement forever. Get a life buddy, and don't quit your day job.
To that I ask, what would you do with it if you didn't post it? Not going to do much sitting on the shelf you know. And briefly, you're only making it harder on yourself. I'm not going to hurl accusations of plagiarism at you because it was a trailer and, in my mind, trailers can be anything at all. But that's not what I was making a point about. Your movie is a B-movie. It's indie, and by comparison to a Hollywood professional film, it's crap. That being said, many people will still enjoy it for what it is. There's no sense in getting a big head and going on a rampage over some trolls (and not even established trolls either). It just makes you look immature and it doesn't say much about your movie. Learn to accept that there will be detractors, take what you can use from their opinions, and move on. Some of us want to see what this thing looks like.
COMPLETED PROJECT: Legend of Zelda 'The Story of Hyrule'
Darklink42 replied to Mithius's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
So, it's taken me a while to get back to you on this one, and for that I apologize. I still have yet to really sit down and listen to the soundtrack that I might throw down a track-by-track. By the way, I made a statement about not having the time to do editorial work. This has since been re-considered, given my massive free time of late, and if you'd like, I will take on that task. If you want an example of how I do editing, send me a PM and I'll link you to some work I did. I won't try to take creative control, and am very adaptable with creative visions. Either way, I'll try to get you a better review of the music side beyond my initial thoughts of earlier. -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Sorry Imagery, don't want to let you down so I'll try to get a vote in. -
I take it that you need to be going in order to fulfill said requirements, yes?
Truly the question on everyone's mind.
It's back! >_> Okay, so edit time: Looks like they fixed up the movement underwater, which is nice. I still worry that there are going to be too many diverse elements in this game, but since I do not know anything about the backstory (if any) or the sheer amount of crossover craziness going on, I reserve further judgement. So is there a planned release date for this monster, because it seems like they've been adding a lot of stuff since the last time I played? And the song playing on the 8th scene is neither an arrangement, nor FFT. It's from FF12, and if my memory serves, Giza Plains specifically.
Animation project - SMB - Bowzer's Revenge
Darklink42 replied to electric concerto's topic in Recruit & Collaborate!
I'll do some voice work if you want. I'm recording some voice samples for an audtion for a different animation, but I can post a link to the results here. Probably by the end of the weekend, I'm thinking. I would do writing, but I don't do fan fictions well. -
Game Pops - a challenge to your video game music knowlegde
Darklink42 replied to stevencoltrane's topic in General Discussion
Sometimes, Atmuh, I think you just post replies for the sake of doing so... -
Game Pops - a challenge to your video game music knowlegde
Darklink42 replied to stevencoltrane's topic in General Discussion
Thread necromancy go! Whatever happened to these? I enjoyed the hell out of pummeling my brain trying to get some of them. Will there ever be more? -
I've got to say that I don't really see what the bitching is about. I like the idea of actually being able to see more of what's going on instead of having to guess my way through murky levels. And yes, I did play Diablo 2, and I loved it. I loved playing through just to find out what happened next, but in the interim it got boring as hell looking at the same drab stuff over and over again. Just watched a good section of the game-play video as well, and it's actually got me somewhat excited. It was cool to see more interactive environments, enemies appearing and dying in new ways, and the ability to actually see the visual difference in the armor you put on. In Diablo 2, you wouldn't have been able to see those ghouls crawling up the walls of platform you were on, and you sure as hell wouldn't have been able to see how many there were. On the other hand, I was also noticing that there were plenty of spots in the game that were appropriately darker. Not "I can't see five feet in front of me" dark, but a "In between light sources, it's definitely harder to see" way. Really, the only time I want to have a field of view is when there is no light sources at all. I don't share the concern of the petition that it has taken too many aspects from WoW either. Been playing that for the last month off and on, and this game looks nothing like WoW to me. Instead, I feel like what they are doing is a logical direction for Diablo to go. It doesn't feel too cartoon-ish, nor too bright. I fail to understand how fleshing out a world for a dark story to exist in is a bad thing. And my ability to see that world is a major thing that I like. It's what keeps my focus in the game and not on searching the screen to try and find where the enemy is. The only real concern I see is the move towards a more Gauntlet-type experience with those health orbs and a ton of enemies around every corner. Overall, it just sounds to me like these guys who made the petition are complaining because it doesn't look like the last two so much so that they are worried the game will lose it's "Gothic feel". To me, it still looks just as creepy and full of crazy undead/demonic stuff as it ever did in the first and second ones. Only now you can actually see them. As a side note though, I had to laugh at a couple of things in the petition including: "What we got in Diablo III" - As though they have already experienced most of the game. "Hand made, pastel looking textures with bold lines, defined contours, smooth colors and clean shapes." - This is the first time I've ever heard someone complain about this. "Diablo dungeons were characterized by the combination of a light radius system with shadows, everything that resides outside of the character vision sight is shadowed." - Which is exactly what I saw in the game-play video. The difference being that the character is no longer limited to seeing 8 feet in front of them. I've been in many places lit solely by candles, and I've still been able to see from one end of the room, to the other side of the house, 100+ feet away, just fine. And I wasn't casting an unrealistic sphere of light around myself either. And lastly the perpetual typos failed to impress me. If anything, it made me lose quite a bit of respect for the starters of that petition. If you want to be taken seriously, take more time to go over what you put out there. Couldn't spell the word "Shiny" right even once. Yeah...
"Rollercoaster of Love" is a Red Hot Chili Peppers song (not sure if it's a cover by them or not though). I've only heard the song a couple of times, so I couldn't judge, but it's possible. Other than that, I have no idea.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Contricity's piece is copy-pasta of copy-pasta from somewhere. I've seen it on these forums, but I'd guess it either came from Unmod or 4chan. Pretty sure he's not being serious. -
Thread revival! And the long wait continues. Any further progress been made since May?
Fat Princess = Fat Controversy?
Darklink42 replied to Malaki-LEGEND.sys's topic in General Discussion
The feminists you hear from these days are such whiney, obsolete bitches. First it's that women in videogames aren't representational of the average woman. Now they are insensitive to fat chicks. They're like the kid at the mall who can get one toy and picks three, then cries about it when they can't get all three. The hell with them. It's a step in the right direction for a game to say that porking up to that size is ridiculous. Screw being insensitive, because people that huge are just ridiculous. And other than the 5% of them that have some kind of health condition, the rest have no excuse. And I'm not talking about people that have a belly, or are a little above the average. No, I'm talking about when you get to the point that rolling down the street has become a viable mode of transportation. I don't care what the P.C.'s say either, let them be made fun of. Everyone has equal time in the ring of getting dissed on. I agree with Carlin, they should harden up, get off their ass, throw out the twinkies, and get on a treadmill. Controversy nothing. The only controversy is the one these feminists make because they can't survive without something to make a fuss about. And frankly, it kind of looks fun. I wouldn't buy it, but then it's not my style of game. I'd play it though. -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
I know of this night sickness to which you alude. It's the only way any of my writing gets done. And to correct you, there are two entries from veterns. You've neglected my eternal rival Leon "Hajile" K. If it weren't for him, I might have had a fair chance. Sadly his stuff is always so damn awesome that I somehow always feel psychically compelled to vote for him. -
I wrote two fan fictions. Most of the time my writing is centered on non-derivative works, but I enjoyed the fun of using someone else's universe to explore concepts and character ideas. One was a Legend of Zelda fanfic (of course) split into two parts. The other was a Kingdom Hearts one, kind of a play on the broader concepts explored throughout the series. It didn't really get anywhere though. Like I said in the other thread, it's not about the action of writing a fanfic. There are a lot of good ones out there. But with all the shitty "and Link was like 'take that you' and kissed Zelda, and they had 2 kids and the kids were heroes too" crap out there, it's hard not to discriminate against the practice. Also, I agree with Sephfire, you should not be that good at everything Wingless. It's just crazy.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Indecision Me playing with literary concepts and written stream of consciousness style. Thoughts are scattered. Drifting on a hurricane force wind localized in a small container. There is no escape. Mercury in a concave dish, they drift slowly towards the middle, coalescing into something not currently identifiable. A central idea so abstract that there is no prediction as to it’s meaning until it is finished. A swishpan of concept, left to imagination, but not without a price. Concrete in execution, it prevents the realizations of the everyday from continuing. Hope is lost, time is canned and processed into inedible portions. In murky haze is left a constant state of turmoil, an ineffable twilight maintaining selfish interests through convoluted reasoning. Resolution remains elusive, collared by external forces but not to be found by traditional means. A consistent urge pushes onwards towards it however, and sometimes releases a courteous bubble of reality. Motionless, it must be discovered by crawling, desperate focus. Hunger remains, for consumption does not stave the need for long. Clarity is the objective, whatever the means may be. The cost of peace of mind was not paid out in supposed monetary value. No, the true contract held fine print too drowned in pretty words to be understood. Rejection opened the door, and held it open for chaos. It was discontent for a given situation that led to conviction. The balance swings wildly, a conclusion not forthcoming. Careful silence is the only means of rebellion, but is lost on cretins who built a world of black and white noise. Reluctantly, an awakening begins and consciousness asserts its dominance. Does the fantasy end in calming rose ridden light? Or does it begin in carnivorous night, absorbed in eager shadow whence it sprang from? -
I like the two that make fun of common cart problems: 1st one, and 2nd column, 4th row.
Well, right off the bat, for knight of swords I'd use Altair from Assassian's creed. That description fits the character pretty well. 4 of pentacles could be Wario. He has been in puzzle games, but then most of his games were platformers so... 9 of pentacles could be Phoenix Wright. (You'd have to have played Apollo Justice to know what happened to him.) I won't spoil it here though, given that one of the other posters here is actually still playing it.
Totally awesome. Congratulations to the both of you. Will there be a meet-up/wedding?
COMPLETED PROJECT: Legend of Zelda 'The Story of Hyrule'
Darklink42 replied to Mithius's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Well I'm not sure whether to interpret this as a story or as a script for some sort of movie. I'm not adverse to the idea, and actually it features quite a few good thoughts and nuances, but I'm confused as to where you're trying to go with it. I also like the compilation of lore, and the included artwork/screen shots which give a fairly decent idea of what you're doing with that scene. I would recommend, however, that you find an editor to clean up the writing, especially if you're looking at the 8-12 range. There are some major typos, and a few sentences that need to be cleaned up. Normally I'd offer to do it, but I'm broke as hell and have no time for something that major until I'm not. Outside of that, it's a cool idea and if you're planning to continue with it (this is assuming that it is a script mind you) I'd support that. I'm going to be honest and say that I like that you've taken the initiative to cover or remix 44 songs, but they all have the same instrumentation, and that instrument does not sound right for all of them. I am speaking of that face melting electric guitar work. Don't get me wrong, I love a good shred mix as much as the next guy, but unless this thing featured Link with 80's hair, Ganondorf wearing KISS style face paint, and Zelda in a tight leather outfit, it just doesn't fit as the main sound. This is because, for most people, electric guitar signifies that some crazy awesome action scene is happening. Typically a climax, or a break from the exposition of the story. But when everything from the beginning to the end has that same shredding epic feel, you kind of lose the enthusiasm after a while. Electric rock guitar cannot cover all moods that this kind of story brings to the table. Mix it up, throw in something that fits the mood and tone of the scene you're in. I'll use the great fairy cave as an example. I liked the song up until the guitar came in. It was slower, it had the feel of the song we all know so well without just being a copy and paste (which is what remixing is all about). Then the guitar comes in, and suddenly the mood has changed. Now it feels like I've stepped into a rock opera, and I'm seeing visions of Top Gun. The Great fairy cave, as you described in the story is a place of wonder (which you even say so yourself). Once you get the guitar in there, the music has taken a turn from wonder and plunged into some kind of triumphant afterglow music. Like I should be seeing a jet fly off into the sunset. Appropriate for, say, once he gets the bomb bag perhaps, but not for maintaining a mysterious and wondering mood up until that point. I don't honestly mean to sound too harsh. I like it, and I think it's a unique way of going about things. If anything, I've always liked the Legend of Zelda because it does allow people to make their own stories out of the lore. Miyamoto may be a lot of things, but he's pretty damn good at leaving a story open ended enough that others can play around in his sandbox and make something special themselves. -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Darklink42 replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Wow. No one has submitted anything yet? Guess I'm not the only one having a tough summer creativly speaking. I am working on a piece for this though, but I don't know if I'll be able to hit the deadline.