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Everything posted by PassivePretentiousness

  1. I'll go twice. and I suggest moving briefly to offtopic to drum up interest.
  2. djp if you come I will most likely buy you several beers and or shots
  3. my price range is probably no higher $25 a plate and $6 for a decent draft. are you sure that the weekend (28th or 29th) wouldn't be a better option? I could probably make it into the city that night, but I wouldn't be able to make it out until about 7:30 at the earliest. I'll also be coming over a nine hour work day so I'd have some difficulty staying out much past 10ish.
  4. no I moved into new york yesterday and have never been in the city. any place inexpensive and not in a crappy area works for me.
  5. my account is as old as yours hence the reason why I'm not a moderator is backwards racism and nothing else.
  6. yes same here. hypothetically I could meet a weekday night but weekends would be far more preferable. and I insist we meet at a bar/restaurant because I cannot socialize with strangers irl without lubrication. I will be like "JOSE HOW BOUT THEM RAP" and "BAHAMUT HOW BOUT THAT MODERATION" otherwise. like literally.
  7. why do trolling offtopic threads get moved to general discussion and serious threads don't
  8. moar people respond I want to meet celebrities!!! come on who doesn't want to meet passivepretentiousness
  9. the now banned hoboninja stole my handle and cluttered my google searches. THIS SN IS MINE AND IT IS CLEVER AND AWESOME.
  10. have any of you graduates been able to find work in the industry?
  11. I'm kinda tepid on this one myself. It seems to be a throwback to some of your earlier stuff like ancient hero and a deus ex harpa than a continuation of the velvety, synthy style you've otherwise developed (such as stranger in the desert, father of all, torvus clockwork). Maybe that's what you were going for; I don't know. The arrangement to me feels more meandering than wondering, with midna's desperation really dragged out without very much alteration and lots of time with not a lot going on (2:55-3:15, for example). The sound quality and production is fine, although I felt at many points it sounded kinda soupy between the brass, strings, synths, and choir all blending together. Maybe I'm being a little overly critical, especially since you may have been doing all of this on purpose, but I see this as far from your best work.
  12. it gets better after a restart, but it starts eating resources if I leave the computer on for more than a day or so.
  13. What is this S24EvMon and why is it using so much memory?
  14. no u I couldn't think of anything entertaining so I scribbled that and moved on. the only other option was to play the australian card and claim you screw pigs or something. Shall I change it to that? Oh yeah and Dyne I edited the article and now your post is the official reaction of ocr. You should be proud.
  15. yes zircon a less amusing fashion. my way is very amusing. come one hurrrrr centipede filled vagina I'm just writing in the site's style don't get all ornery about it, because that implies a centipede filled vagina. I made fun of unmod, the satellite sites, here, and MYSELF equally, so don't get all pissy.
  16. I wrote the article and I love ocr. this site will get publicity out of it. moron. lulz.
  17. zircon zircon zircon zircon
  18. then make them and submit them you moron. oh yeah gaius baltar kthnx.
  19. there's this notion of irony with which you should acquaint yourself pyrion.
  20. david lloyd must be made aware of this :3. ED gets about twice as much traffic (last time I checked) as OCR, so this is actually significant for our beloved site.
  21. Not to attention whore too much, but the ED article on OCR just got frontpaged. If you excuse me I'm going to jerk off in the mirror.
  22. It's much harder to adapt certain songs than others. When it is done, it is awesome, but it is questionable how well anyone could turn lost woods into a serious love song.
  23. all your base are belong to us
  24. I don't mind the arrangement itself, and the synths are wonderful, but I really think the string and piano samples are terrible. Both sound very fake and for most of the song they just clutter it. I guess I wouldn't notice it if it didn't sound like they were doing the same thing over and over. Blah. The string's presence isn't necessary most of the time they are playing, and something beside the piano would have fit better. A keyboard maybe?
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