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Everything posted by duskvstweak

  1. Wow. I like this. A lot. The way the song kind of goes from random-ambiance to a well put together mix is nice. I love the original source, and your take on it is great. I'm so used to the darker, harder take on this song that this laid back take is a nice refresher. Thanks for the mix!
  2. Wow. I forgot how much I love this track and how awesome some of the mixes are. This is a cool take. I love the distortion and just the fast-paced nature of this track. Very nice work.
  3. I like this. One of the charms of older OCR submissions is the simpler take on some songs. I like that you can take a good idea and just perfect it on a smaller level without blowing everyone's mind all the time.
  4. Very cool. I can't believe this came from Pacman! It's ridiculous what you can do with so little. This is such an epic track from such a little theme. Very nice work.
  5. Very nice. I don't know how I've missed this song for so long. It's a great take on a great theme. I wonder if it really needs to be as long as it is, but this makes for great ambiance to me.
  6. This is so much awesome I can't describe the joy!
  7. This has me very excited and now, slightly impatient. Also, I've have that Starcraft remix, good stuff.
  8. I am somewhat ashamed to say it; but Bowser and his dumb castle in world 8. Also, freaking Metal Gear in "Metal Gear Solid".
  9. So, beside my ever-present desire for Starcraft and Age of Empire remixes (I know, they're ambient, whatever, I want 'em, I was wondering if anyone knew where there are any good Goldeneye mixes? I have the two from this site, but hot-dang, I want more. Thanks.
  10. So, funny story (depending on who's telling it and who's listening); I had just broken up with my girlfriend and wasn't pretty. I'm cleaning my apartment and listening to my music when she shows up to get some stuff she had over. The topic of the break up comes up again and she starts crying. The moment calms down and she stops crying, and then this song plays on my speakers, full volume. Thank you shuffle and thank you OCRemix. The mundane is always made better with you!
  11. I feel like every time I show a friend the site, they think it's cool and go crazy about certain games ("Oh! Hey! Turtles in Time!") They listen to a few songs, download some, and then leave, never to return again. It's annoying because if they hear me listening to my OCR collection (which is a lot), they ask what it is and think it's awesome. I tell 'em about the site, maybe even show them on their own pc. But, they just seem to lose interest as soon as it came. Maybe they're afraid of awesome, free music?
  12. So, I just introduced a friend to OCR, and I've done so with a few friends over time (though whether or not they stay varies). My question is this; How many friends have you brought over to OCR, how many of them stay, and how many of them just don't get how awesome the site is?
  13. Happy Birthday! I've been listening for 7 years and I'm always thankful that you guys have stayed and shared amazing, free music to the world. Thanks for giving video game music the credit it deserves and I hope you guys stay for the next generation of gamers! -Thanks and Happy Birthday again!
  14. It's a great mix. Has such an epic, lost in the blizzard feel of DKC's winter levels. One of my favorites. Maybe I should review it...
  15. Minute 5:16 answers your question. Man, this video answers everything for me here!
  16. Tetris has made me cry on multiple occasions.
  17. Thanks. The original was pretty freaking epic. I loved seeing Star Wars with Samurai Jack animation.
  18. Hey, Wanted you guys to check this out. I made it a few years back and it's about to hit 10,000 views. I don't have music to contribute to the community so I have to find another way to be part of the crew. Anywho, enjoy.
  19. When I play Baldur's Gate, I play a male character. I just like the story being more relateable that way. But, when I play Icewind Dale, for some reason, I choose a female character (the redhead template). Not sure why. I think I just want Icewind to be a different experience. With Final Fantasy, I just play whatever they tell me to play.
  20. I'll be going as a communistic vampire who wishes mortals would understand how to get things to work correctly. That is freaking awesome!
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