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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I highly recommend StudioOne Free: http://studioone.presonus.com/free/ I've used StudioOne Pro for about 6 months and absolutely love it. Has an excellent work flow and drag n drop. Piano roll with multi-editing is one of the best I've seen. If you really like it, there are 3 other versions you can upgrade too down the line.
  2. Hey dude just wanted to say this game looks great, and the music def fits the visuals. Awesome job!
  3. Mt.Eden http://www.youtube.com/user/MtEdenDnB08?feature=watch Lil more ambient but still heavy.
  4. Got a proposed final version of mine up. Please tear it to shreds.
  5. Updated, getting close. Def need some feedback and thoughts on the 2nd half.
  6. Got a decent update on my track with a breakdown and few touches on the existing sections. Might work on it a bit more before posting.
  7. Congrats you two! Now please paint the walls in ur house!
  8. This song has supreme noodling my good man! Love the leads and solo ideas.
  9. Awesome song dude! Wicked creative use of melding the source and genre together!
  10. Enhance my proficiency of programming languages used for work. Release a song in a modern dance genre. Get ready to go back to school and finish PhD in late 2013/2014. Design and release some type of music software. Design and build something custom for the house. Have fune, and discover some new awesome beers!
  11. Saweet, thanks Jared! Was an awesome Collab to work on.

  12. FREE: Polar, Saturation Know, Pulsar PAID: Echobode, Uhbik-A
  13. Congrats Jordan on the release, btw these songs are wicked cool.
  14. Woot was looking for this thread. Just found a good gym again after moving during the summer. OA where did u go to do the measurements? Also for anyone looking for a cool healthy snack I started mixing Greek Yogurt and Honey Bunches of Oats cereal for breakfast or lunch. FRIGGIN AWESOME! ____On a side note: BTW I have two old gym memberships left for Anytime Fitness (good nationwide) for anyone who is looking for a deal. Don't mean to solicit, but if you are interested just PM me and I can transfer one or two of them to you. Will let you know about the details in the PM.
  15. #3 Plus it is a helluva lot more fun to remix older songs. They are easier to expand upon. Writing an orchestral arrangement from an orchestral source tune from FF XII doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
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