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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Rama your saying you got Owned right? (Ronaldinho is missing from your list) Dunga did not select Pato or Ronaldinho for the final 23. Here is the 23-man squad as reported at ESPN: http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/story/_/id/785217/ce/uk/?cc=5901&ver=us Brazil squad: Goalkeepers: Julio Cesar (Inter Milan), Doni (Roma), Heurelho Gomes (Tottenham) Defenders: Maicon (Inter Milan), Dani Alves (Barcelona), Lucio (Inter Milan), Juan (Roma), Luisao (Roma), Thiago Silva (AC Milan), Gilberto (Cruzeiro), Michel Bastos (Lyon) Midfielders: Gilberto Silva (Panathinaikos), Felipe Melo (Juventus), Josue (Wolfsburg), Elano (Galatasaray), Ramires (Benfica), Kleberson (Flamengo), Kaka (Real Madrid), Julio Baptista (Roma) Forwards: Robinho (Santos/Manchester City), Nilmar (Villarreal), Luis Fabiano (Sevilla), Grafite (Wolfsburg).
  2. Ronaldinho won't be in the World Cup, he wasn't selected. The new Brasil coach uses more European counter attacking style of play. Can't wait to see what happens at this years tourney. It is pretty wide open but Spain and Brasil are the favorites thus far. There has never been a World Cup where the host country has not advanced to the knockout stage, but South Africa is pretty horrendous so who knows this time around.
  3. Whammo http://www.propellerheads.se/ A new feature introduced for the next 5 days. Finally added reverse options for slices on the new Dr. OctoRex.
  4. Nice one dude! And congrats! Ironic how yu're the only non-blonde in that video haha.
  5. I wuv Record. I use both together as well. Love the sound of the master bus compressor in Record. Although I haven't made a full fledged remix in Reason in quite some time. Use it more so as a sketch pad nowadays. Although I am working on a new remix done in Reason.
  6. Mixing chiptunes with the genre is pure gold! The sound demos are extremely impressive dude! Mad kudos on what sounds to be a job well done!
  7. This video inspired me to write a song in this progression during my lunch break. Ended up with something pretty cool to show my co-worked how simple some basic part of music can be. Thank god I made a mistake and ended up with a different progression. Bwhahaha happy mistakea are the best! Thanks for posting the vid dude!
  8. Would have to agree. For the average OCR musician Pro Tools is not worth the money at all. If you are doing things entirely in the box, i.e. no audio recording, def look for something with the best piano roll that fits your work flow. FL prob has the best piano roll. If its work flow agrees with you it's a great choice. If not there are def alternatives. As always demo's are key. If you try out a demo for a product give it at least an honest week before you decide to spend your hard earned cash on something. FYI Sonar cannot be resold.
  9. Do not be embarrassed I just left some man love on your wall. :)

  10. Ooooh nice one dude Congrats on finally getting this beast posted!
  11. Yaaaaaa damn right http://www.tindeck.com/listen/cwqv (although that was done in Record)
  12. Learn how to write and arrange music first IMO. This is much harder to grasp than mixing/mastering. I agree with Yoozer's point about making sure your compositions sound good on a piano/guitar before relying on an expensive synth/sampler. EXPERIMENT!!! No matter what you do keep on experimenting, trying out ideas, and most importantly having fun. By practicing and working at it over time alot of your other worries in terms of production and song writing will take care of themselves.
  13. Kudos to Vampire Hunter Dan who inspired the idea behind this!
  14. IMO I agree with zircon and palpable about Komplete and Kore. Although if you are only looking to make OCR mixes I personally don't see the need to spend that massive amount of money. How do your current mixes sound? Got an example? IMO learn to build and mix/master a song properly before upgrading your set-up. For example this mix was mixed and mastered entirely with the default Logic plugins: http://ocrmirror.iiens.net/files/music/albums/xenogears/1-01%20Quickening%20(Faraway%20Promise)%20[Avaris,%20Level%2099].mp3 Although I did use Omnisphere for the FX and pad sounds. (despite Level 99's guitars which were modified after the recording using Logic's plugins) I would almost suggest Omnisphere for the money you are looking at spending. Although it does not have the FX and ethnic library you are looking for, It's individual sonic quality far exceeds Komplete IMO. My opinion on this is highly debatable, but IMO take it for what it is worth. Omnisphere does lack somewhat in the ethnic instrument category. Although most people who find ethnic instruments appealing are often looking for unique and captivating timbres, Omnisphere is WAY more capable than most in conquering this realm of sonic potential. While EWQL RA is an excellent library for ethnic sounds, Omnisphere beats the pants out of it 10x over in terms of unique organic sounds.
  15. ...just read this today HAHAHAHA...you've been infected by the intellectual demise of your roomies at Mag finally. I knew it would only be a matter of time. (pulls hood over head)
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