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Everything posted by avaris

  1. If you're wanting to sell a VST make sure to check if there is a transfer fee and if you can resell it. Then def make a listing on the market place at KVR.
  2. Ho damn I didn't know Christmas fell on a friday this year!!! Ok that makes my chances of going close to certain. Unless for some reason I choose to go Ireland instead to visit my family.
  3. Just saw this on the accepted songs: (2009/04/21) Final Fantasy 4 'Rhymes With Elixir' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my
  4. ZOMG the title of this thread changed for the first time in prob 2 years hahaha...hahahaha (thanks Larry)
  5. Hello sir! U gots WIP?

  6. Woot! I might be there, i'll have to see how work goes. Broken just put me at Southern Rhode Island......Providence is a piece of shite. Thanks dude!
  7. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that mix to everyone haha. It was a late addition. Ziwtra was just working on something for fun and managed to finish it up. Big thanks to Siamey for picking up an old track at the end to balance out the discs. 33 Total tracks. Not too shaby lads! SMILEZ FOR EVERY1Z! P.S. Stevo and I are planning on maybe doing a listening party in the Baltimore area at his place. If the timing of the project goes as planned. The more the merrier!
  8. Tracklist: HUMANS DISC: Quickening ( AVARIS / LEVEL99 ) Faraway Promises Of Sea and Fire ( ZIWTRA ) Bonds of Sea and Fire Cybernetic Love ( PROMETHEUS ) Lost...Broken Shards When the Smoke Clears ( GEOFFREY TAUCER ) The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen Ship of Emotion and Song ( VAMPIRE HUNTER DAN ) Flight, Emotions, The Ship of Regret and Sleep Take Flight ( POCKETMAN ) Wings The Last Fatima ( AVARIS ) Aveh, the Ancient Dance Echoes ( FISHY ) Shebat: the Wind is Calling The Treasure That Must be Seduced ( ROETAKA ) The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen Shattered Dreams ( THE LEVIATHAN ) Shattering of the Dream Egg New Day ( ZIWTRA ) Singing of the Gentle Wind / Flight My Child ( ABADOSS / DRAGONAVENGER / NUTRITIOUS ) In a Dark Sleep In Joy and Sorrow ( OINKNESS ) The Sky the Clouds, And You First Meeting -The Shadowed Forest ( JORMUNGAND ) Forest of the Black Moon The Human Race ( JOHN REVOREDO / PAUL WEAPS ) Stage of Death Akkadia Rising (Solo Sax Edit) ( THE PROPHET OF MEPHISTO ) Awakening A Trace of Tears ( JOREN DE BRUIN / DRAGONAVENGER / OA ) Stars of Tears GEARS DISC: Zeno Paradox ( E-BISON ) The Light from the Netherworlds Daijiru (Too Hot for Clothes) ( ANOTHER SOUNDSCAPE / AVARIS ) Daijiru: City of Burning Sands Crash + Restore ( ZIWTRA ) Emotions Dreamscape ( NUTRITOUS ) Leftovers of the Dreams of the Strong Wounded Soldier ( KIRA OF TRANCE ) The Wounded Shall Advance to the Light Sleeper Dreamer ( SIAMEY ) Back to Sleep Smooth Criminals ( THE VAGRANCE ) Invasion October Rain ( AVARIS / NUTRITOUS / SKRYPNYK / OA ) June Mermaid Devil Flare ( ROETAKA ) Knight of Fire Omen (R3) ( R3FORGED ) Omen Binary Chain ( WINTERMUTE / TROY LAWLOR ) Bonds of Sea and Fire Akkadia Rising ( AVARIS / THE PROPHET OF MEPHISTO ) Awakening Of God and Man ( NATHAN RICH ) Graaf, Emperor of Darkness Dogma ( ABOUT:BLANK ) One Who Bears Fangs at God Defective ( AVARIS / BLUE MAGIC ) The One Who Is Torn Apart Shit on Citan ( CHIPP DAMAGE ) Tamasu Man of the Sea
  9. Yeah anyone on the project who wants to know just PM me.
  10. I am not the biggest Halo fan, but I love playing the games the campaigns with friends. The campaign KICKS ASS. Firefight, omg need sleep, is awesome. Def fun to just dick around and cause massive carnage. To echo Hy Bound, the friggin soundtrack is breathtaking. This game beats the shite outta halo 3 with a bad mofo stick. P.S. if i am online on the 360 and you invite me and a I don't respond it's bc my roomate is playing under my online account. Just in case people are looking to play a "serious" match...haha. I am always willing to play. BUT, I am pretty decent at offense, not stellar. Although I am really good at staying alive.
  11. YES Don't know if we can publicly say it yet? It's fairly soon.
  12. Will be posting the final track list tonight for those who are interested. Talked with the pretzel last night. Things are all set.
  13. What happened to your Nord dude? Will try to take a pic of my set-up next week once something new and cool arrives bwhahaha.
  14. and sometimes...

  15. Damn that was impressive! The friggin vocals on the opening page were incredibly haunting.
  16. Thanks Fishy! To be honest if any noobs were looking to start projects I can give you an honest opinion about what it takes to run one, from the point of view of being someone not too established in the community. Honestly it's damn near impossible. You should at least hang around the forums for 6-12 months and prob have a mix posted. It took 3 years to complete this project. I had previous professional experience as a Conference and Meeting planner prior to my participation in this project. I was already familiar and comfortable with the "grunt" work required to run a project over the long haul. This and what fishy said helped tremendously. But anywho if anyone wants advice just PM me! P.S. Yuh damn right Brad! Good luck on ur recital dude!!!
  17. Yes. Serious Monkey Business will be released shortly after.
  18. Hahaha The KVR music cafe might not be a bad place to look either.
  19. Haha well there isn't any external EQ or compression to butter up the sounds. There were two patches in the middle of the demo where he literally just held down one key. But hey you could always bleach ur hair and get a pair of sunglasses and see if that does the trick.
  20. I remember when I first met Stevo, I thought "damn this dude is crazy!" Not much has changed!
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