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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Some aggresive and upbeat sax on this one. I was always impressed with the skill on the sax playing on the this one. Reminds of the Cowboy Bebop OST a bit. Congrats on the first solo post dude!
  2. Total awesomeness! I really enjoyed the subtle orchestration and attention to dynamics and pacing. This really had me glued in the whole time. Gets the nostalgia glands goin big time.
  3. Beyatch! I just finished our super awesome track! Thanks Bahamut. We let the remixers pick what songs they wanted basically. There was no way this project was gonna get off the ground when it started unless the remixers had full choice over what to do. The project is too old and I don't have enough time to devote to make sure all of the tracks are remixed. Plus it would be disrespectful to people who finished their mixes over 2 years ago. The front page is not even close to what the final project looks like. There is only one mix left to finish from Jormungand; and it's the Small Two of Pieces remix. I believe there are 26 total remixes. I'll have to talk to you and Tauce about release dates bc basically we are finished. The website has been done for over year and a half, it just needs some text updated. This project has everything from chant to the most baddest sequenced fiddle lead in history to sound clips from hentai films...i shite u not! Any who while not every track got remixed there are some extremely memorable tracks on this proj without a doubt. Thanks for the interest dude!
  4. ur a big gay! Final Fantasy IV and FFTactics get a new breath of life every few years.
  5. Haha no prob dude. Wasn't familiar with the track.
  6. Hey that's my line! BTW Happy birthday dude!
  7. By midrange I'm talking about ~800Hz and below. Cutting the bass on hi-hats and percussion is a given in trance.
  8. Boost a bit of the high end and cut out the midrange on the hi-hats/percussion. It'll help the synths to breathe a bit more. The intro has good pacing! Would of liked a lil bit more of a hint the melody was gonna start. I know you got the bigger transition for when the backing pads come in, but just something small. Timing for the breakdown was spot on. The melody def sits better I don't think it's the best part of the this track, everything else around it is. So def focus on brining out those elements and letting them shine as they're the biggest ear candy. Kudos on a kick ass update dude!
  9. I sadly concur. Maybe if I actually had $...but IMO this project should be on the DS!
  10. Gotta agree with ambient about the lead dude. It sounds good in spurts, but overall it does not seem to gel with the track. The sound choice for it is ok, it's mainly the composition of the melody that doesn't sit right with me. IMO take a listen to Lethal Industry. Maybe go with a simpler composition for the lead like that song. IMO Yahel - Voyage is prob the best example to go with in order to get the melody to sit right with other harmonic elements. Get the transitions hitting harder to fit with the climactic moments in the melody. The breakdown is sounding pretty cool dude! This one def has lots of promise make sure not to forget the simple elements to help support and strengthen transitions and repetitive elements!
  11. Friggin ace dude! The recording and manipulation of the samples is top knotch!
  12. He's one of those dudes who still has Logic Express 7... (i believe EXS24 in Express7 can't load outside samples) P.S. Sonic State is great advertising place as well when ya release.
  13. Awesome dude! The production is excellent, this sounds incredible with some kick ass subs. Beyond all the hoopla I am happy I got to hear this mix on OCR. Friggin sweet dude, keep em coming!
  14. ZOMG can Brad get posted without a direct post!? Haha awesome you two! The synth solo was unexpected but was awesome. It really provided a nice change of pace to the song. The breakout section felt a lil too over-compressed in comparison to the very soft opening section with all its subtle dynamics. This is not a deal breaker by any means. Love the irish flute solo!
  15. One of my favs from the album. At first the expansive and evolving arrangement was both a plus and minus to the overall coolness of the song. But it grew on me over time due to the excellent transitions and attention to varying the timbres and sound design over time while still retaining some sense of familiarity throughout. Good stuff dudes!
  16. Sweetness, one of my favorite VGM songs. This arrangement and attention to detail def does this source justice! Kudos!m:nicework:
  17. Hey thanks dude! I was just about to PM you about something...(gotta go finish this exam first)
  18. Haha Aim has been kept to minimum this semester with school and trying to launch the website. I've been doin preset design a lil over 2 years now. Thought it was about time to start my own thing. It's a lil slow now but that's expected in the beginning. I have three other banks about 90% done. But we'll need sound demos for em, which take a lil time to make. Thanks for the support dudes!
  19. Hey everyone! Sonic Elements is a sound design company that focuses on synths and samples for various software platforms. Our first release is aptly titled "Dragonlfy." Here is some basic info on it: 100 presets for Lennar Digital's Sylenth1. Compatible with Sylenth1 v2.2 PC/Mac. $25 USD Modwheel, Aftertouch, and Velocity mapped on every preset. Emphasis on creating new and unheard of sounds with this VA monster. Dragonfly Product Page Jewbei's AWESOME sound demo. (100% Sylenth1, percussion uses external samples) You can get the demo bank here: click here! We have about 5-7 more projects underway. Expect multiple releases this summer! Other OCR dudes involved are abg and Prophet of Mephisto. For you Reason guys n gals there are 2 definite refills coming your way mid-summer with a possibility of 2 more!
  20. Happy b-day u crazy bastard!
  21. ABOUT FUCKIN TIME! (end of capitals) One of my favorite mixes from recent time. Reignited my long lost nostalgic luv for the Zeal theme. Always knew Tensei had it in him to make something awesome like this; with the prowess of tweek added to the processor this one is a keeper. Kudos on a ridiculous arrangement and general aesthetic.
  22. Just waiting on the wavs for 4 more tracks! Right in the middle of finals so things are not moving as fast as normal. We should end up with 26 tracks I believe. I would really like to thank alot of the artists who have really stuck it out and have come through big time in the end here. Can't wait to see this released! As soon as I get all of the wavs ripped to mp3's I will send all of the mixers a link to download the tracks so they can have a listen. With FFIV also just about finished the timing of the release is still not set in stone. As soon as I get the final wavs from people and the website finalized I'll shoot Dave and mr. Oji a message so we all can finally know when this damn thing is gonna be out there!
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