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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Did you try reinstalling your program? Are you experiencing any other audio or computer problems? You might also try to reinstall your soundcard.
  2. Hey dude wats up! I'm def liking the feel of this so far. I'd say give it another update and see what you can come up with. If you can get a bitchin melody in this it'll be friggin awesome. The rythms pack a lot of energy and sound nice and phat. The harmonies you got goin on are good.
  3. This fuckin rocks dude. Reminds me of a song from House of Flying Daggers called lovers. Around 1:08 reminds of the climax to the Evangelion opening song. It may be short but it gets it's point across...Beautiful.
  4. Yeah I def agree the drum work is good. I agree with sgx about the dynamics. For a booming bass, you might need to some serious EQ. Cut all midrange except for maybe 400. Cut out 200-250hx completely. Give a lil boost around 3-5khz. Also I'm feeling maybe another lead instrument and some counter melody for some added variation. Def liking the vocals. Besides all that def a good song. A lot of the basic elements are really good some of the others need a lil beefing up.
  5. I've always liked this song blank, congrats on getting it posted dude, you worked your ass off on the resub. This song friggin owns. The stuttering guitar and big beats are m,y fav aspects.
  6. Haha no it's much simpler. Just take your .flp file and delete everything but the rhythms and bass and any fx channels relating to them. Then save it as Time's Memories Rhythms. Then reopen the original .flp and do the same thing except with the melodies and harmonies. Instead of deleting each channel just right click and replace the channel with a sampler. This will allow you to still keep your composition.
  7. Ouch... A good idea might be to make multiple project files. One for rythms, one for melodies and harmonies, and another for whatever. This will allow to you actually still listen to your song as you adjust and tweak. In FL this is the best work around I have found once the dreaded CPU hit starts to kill your song. So when you wanna rip the final version, just rip the 2-3 project files as .wav files then import them in another Master File. You can use the soft clipper there, and any other effects on the master. Hopefully that logic might help.
  8. Well here is what I do in FL. I turn my speakers off then hit the play button. That way I can tell where the volumes are peaking without blowing out the speakers. Use the soft clipper in the FX channel. It's fairly simple. Post will set the level at which the db level won't exceed. Threshold sets the db level where the soft clipper starts kicking in. Go to FL's help section and read up on all the lil shortcuts and things you can do in the piano roll. The piano roll in FL is friggin amazing.
  9. Zircon has a short lil tutorial on compression in the remixing section. It took me a good 6 months to feel comfortable using compression. It's tricky but something def worth learning how to use. In a nutshell compression squishes the sound, making it sound fuller. Compression is commonly used on the kick to give it more presence. You use FL right? Simply go to the piano roll and select to edit the panning of each individual note. Have one go left the other go right back and forth. If you use Reason you can ping pong pan using CV connections on the master mixer. As far as the cracking goes, what is the highest peak your song reaches? -2db is a good decibal level to set the peak at. My song cracked before when the RMS was above -6db for about 8-10 secs. Ain't mastering fun.
  10. More good news Miszou is gonna do 'Lost...Broken Shards' for da Gears disc. Been waiting for someone to take up that one. Oh yeah Foxhull, Leah's remixer name is Villainelle.
  11. Read up on RMS. If the average decibal value is above -6 for a period of time clipping will occur. I had this problem on a mix too. For me it was the compression levels that did it. If your going to get a new sound card you might wanna check out an M-Audio or a EMU card. Zircon has a thread about soundcards in the remixing section. This def sounds much cleaner though IMO. The volume on the kick seems a lil low. Try adding just a touch of compression to it. First section the piano playing the melody and the guitar playing the melody are very different volume levels. At :48 the piano is playing such beautiful melody but it is too soft. Try having the piano a little louder. And then when the guitar comes in a little bit after that have it at a softer volume. That should prob really set the mood. Overall in places have the guitar notes hit left then right then left (ping pong panning). It's always coming through the right hand side the entire time. A little variation will go a long way. The piano kinda of just popped in at 3:51. Get some kinda crescendo leading into it. Volume wise it is a little loud after that. It's distracting the listener away from the melody. Varying up the velocity levels more on the piano there. Have the movements in the velocity correspond to the movement of the melody. On the ending try to get the piano to move a little more it feels static. Also the snare is getting in the way of the piano at the ending section. Def like the update. Keep on going with this one, it's really turning out good. Some ethnic percussion is one or two sections could go really well. It would also allow the snare to get more rest. So when you do use the snare it is fresher in the listener's ears.
  12. Good news, Leah is gonna throw down on a mix for 'Invasion' for da Gears disc. Welcome aboard!
  13. Good stuff, in all honesty I gotta agree DA. Also with all the glitching your doing and all of these elements u need an assload more ping pong panning. Go listen to R3FORGED Tetris mix, or check out his stuff as Reforged on Acid Planet. Your styles are similar. Another thing to watch over for is the release times on all of your synths. You seem to be creating this big massive wall of sound with everything going on. Try to cut back at times and give the harmonies and melodies room to breathe. This isn't easy by any means and is something I personally have a trouble with. This has a assload worth of awesome ideas though. With panning and some very discrete attention to detail you could really make this kick ass.
  14. Haha sweet if I think your style is tailored made for this theme. I'm really digging this. Bad ace homes, every single one of your songs keeps on getting better and better. For the intro this is awesome. The only thing I can pick out is that I hope your gonna come in with a huge breakout at 1:03 in the next version hopefully.
  15. Just find where the soundfont is through Kontakt2's browser. Once you find the sound font, double-click it and there should be another instance of the soundfont there that you can load into Kontakt2. Most likely when you try to save you will get an error message telling you there are volatile samples, click OK and select the folder where the soundfont is and then Kontakt2 will save the patch.
  16. Damn this is hott. I thought I would never listen to anything with Ice Cap again. You guys should have put this on the joke proj just to see what people would have said. I'm with DistantJ on ethnic instrument comments. This def different from your usual lofi feel. The bitching synth solo is icing on the cake. It's def not an easy thing to blend ethnic and electronic sounds together but this def is some hot shitte.
  17. This is the shiznite! Thanks for finishing it dude. Def liking the new ending. Regardless if this gets accepted or not it kicks some serious ace.
  18. I gotta about half of my update finished. It's mostly just the rythms being completely redone. I am filling out the rest of the song how my current version sounds that's in the private wips forum. Oh yeah Wynd_Balduram can do some nasty rock music. He submitted a really good FFMQ mix a little while back. If we're goin for a mainly rock based album that severly narrows the available artist list IMO. Like Pu I'm gonna be hella busy the next month with school wrapping up and also there are some big events coming in for my work. Hopefully I'll get the update out soon.
  19. I'd say go ahead and submit it this is some hot shite! The only thing I'm feeling could use a lil work would be that percussion that comes in 1:45. The volume is just a lil too high. Besides that I'd say go ahead and submit.
  20. If you want a really good read that is entertaining at the same time: http://www.tweakheadz.com/mastering_your_audio.htm Look at the left hand column towards the bottom and you'll find individual sections on EQ, Compression, Panning etc...
  21. There are usually a couple different ways I start off. 1. I write pretty much the whole song in my head beforehand. 2. I take the midi and just start throwing instruments over it to if I can get a collection of sounds that go really well together. Then the arrangement follows after that. 3. This always yields the quickest results. I simply rewrite the chords to something I believe is better. Then I throw the melody on top of the chords and rewrite the melody to fit the chords and also try to improve on the melody. 4. I know I want to do a song in a specific style, so I start listening to lots of songs in that specific genre to get further ideas on how to really make a good song in that genre. Nowadays I pretty much do the entire composition first using crappy sounds. If you can make something sound good and interesting like that once you start using better instruments the shite is gonna sound good. IMO do whatever comes best naturally for you. I'd say rewrite the chords and then work on integrating other parts of the source. Some people sketch out an entire song and then work on adding stuff in. Others work on a section at a time until it's done.
  22. Bwhahaha this is awesome. The Duduk and Alpenhorn are my favorites so far. All of the violin like instruments are def awesome too. Throwing effects chains over these also yields some amazing results. Miszou I have gotten that error using soundfonts in Kontakt2 also. I forget which option I usually pick, but afterwards it asks me to find the folders with the samples in it and then it saves it. Although this won't help with your corrupt .flp file, it might of some use in the future.
  23. That was you!? I tried to record my self doing some whispering before but it came out pretty bad, let alone my recording device sucked. I def think it sits well. I'd say break it up into two sections. If you go for a big climax at the end, then spend the 2nd half of the chant section slowly building up to it. Kinda like how in Pillar of Salt the song is always gradually building up, except your just builing up to one section. That's my idea.
  24. I think that the instrument that you use for the lead in the intro has too much a grated/unison feel. It sounds great later on the mix, but it kind of jumps out at me in the intro. The hats feel a lil loud in comparison to the kick. Try to make the kick a lil more present. 1:00 to 2:18 introduce a 2nd instrument playing the melody. Or have the lead expand dynamically. It's great a sound but its in there quite a bit in those sections. Easing up on the intro will also help it to fresher throughout. Vocal parts FTW! Try to make the ending section a lil more climactic Overall it sounds like everything could be a a lil crisper. Maybe try to pan some of the sound harder left and right. Did you cut out the low frequencies about 150 and below? There is so much going on but they could def have more of their own space IMO. It sounds like you got some faint vocal parts in the first half. I'd turn those up a lil bit, they sound really cool and emotive and would really add more flava if brought into the foreground. This is a wicked good concept, being a lil harsh bc your about to submit. Overall I'd def say it's pretty much done. It just needs a lil more attention to the production to really put it over the top. Where the hell did you dig up those vocals?
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