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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. whoa whoa whoa.... FL studio doesnt clip?... are you serious?
  2. I downloaded it... but I'm somewhat reluctant to run the exe. I just dont want to find out this is some virus or something.
  3. uhh... no idea . But I think were just coming in and sleeping, then leaving in the morning.
  4. hmm cool. I'll keep that in mind. Note: I'm staying in fargo tonight . Half way point.
  5. haha, yea I'm going with my parents to meet some family there (who is from NY, we are meeting half way). Ive been to the MOA once, and it was pretty sweet. lol, my parents made a big list of stuff to buy cause canadian money = <3 . Also, 20,M,Winnipeg? lol Yea, also, I'm not really a roller coaster type of guy. I'm afraid of heights.. or moreso roller coasters. I'm one of those people that calculates every possible thing that can go wrong, and it freaks the heck out of me .
  6. Im gonna be there Tomorow untill monday, so I was just wondering who from here lives there? And, what there might be to do there? Like MOA, but other stuff?
  7. HAHA thats the very first thing I thought when I saw a picture of banjo
  8. haha thanks. Well seeing as Ive never heard the music for either of those games I would just chalk it up to coincidence
  9. anybody? Anyways, i think the next thing im gonna work on is making it sound better, aka mastering and such.
  10. EQ stuff, more likely then not, there are a bunch of frequencies interfering with one another.
  11. So, I have been really busy and havent worked on this untill today. Few minor changes - Removed the bass from the first couple bars. - Added some piano stuff in that string section (before the dark mountain). - Fixed a few note things here and there, slight augmentations to some stuff. - Changed the notes for the bass in the later part - Almost finished my musical ideas. Thing that still need to be done: - MASTERING AHHH!!!!!... yea I havent done a shread of that. Just trying to work out my musical ideas. - Other stuff, like working on transitions. So anyways, do you think there are too many idea switches here? Or does this seem fine. Let me know EVERYTHING you think DJ SBX - DW Remix V6 OH! also, you think there is enough source in there? I arranged the source in a bunch of different ways, is it obvious that the source is being arranged, and not just some random original tangent I went in to?
  12. you know.. I dont want to sound like an ass or anything, but you (1makes2) seem to keep replying to threads and just repeating what everybody else said. You basically took tweek and yoozers posts and formed your own sentence out of them. Im sorry, but im getting pretty annoyed when you do this. Please try to reply if you have something new to say. (Sorry mods and else, about putting this here)
  13. lol OMG compressors take up exponential amount of power!!!! Cause I'm sure everybody here has actual hardware compressors.
  14. ohhhhhHHHH!!H!!H!.. I get it. I never knew somebody so skillful at making music existed!!!.. seriously if 2 compressors can do that, dont tripple it... stick on like 20 thousand compressors.. that would make it sound so good, that it would be crowned the best song in all existence and time!...
  15. uhhh...... wtf?.... Whats with those uhh... lyrics?
  16. He has no fish?
  17. hey... I have a few songs on FFR
  18. Haha thanks for the comments guys As for the low bass around the end.. it sounds right to me :S.. its supposed to be somewhat dissonant, I thought it fit.. but I'll look at some other options and see what I like. As for the beginning bass stuff, I think I do need to use a different synth there, other ppl have told me its somewhat out of place, and I can see that now. As for the dark mountain theme.. it was kind just something I threw in to mix it up a little. I personally REALLY like when it goes from my variation of the mountain theme to that chordy trance stuff with the piano. I like the speed up ... If anybody could give me maybe some suggestions.. cause I kinda like that part how it is, but if somebody can give me an idea that I like, I will try to encorporate that . Again, thanks for the comments, I will probably have some time to work on it on thursday.
  19. Alright so ive added some more stuff (i.e. its longer now). I changed that lofi ish pad to something else. I changed up the glitchy part (though it still might need some more work). Note: Mastering happens at the end so right now its all about the music and interpretation of the source. So let me know what you think ALTTP: Dark Work Overworld Theme V2 (lol the file sais V5) still lots of stuff to fix .. but its getting there
  20. haha wow this is looking awesome. So, Im too lazy to go back and check, but whats this game being programmed in? If wingless doesnt want to expand that much, I might be able to lend a hand later on. Plus this would be a great thing to stick on my programmers resume .
  21. I would love to get in on this, but I dont do metal . My arrangement would probably on the tranceish side.
  22. im pretty sure he is saying he cant find a torrent of it or something. Thats how I see it anyway :S. I need to check my budget and perhaps I shall buy this . The first 2 were definitely very very awesome.
  23. Not sure if I can suggest stuff like this but I figured I might as well just in case. Anyways, im not sure how many people here use ableton live, but perhaps we could use a sub forum for it, just like there is one for Reason and Fruityloops? I guess the one argument against this would be "then we have to make sub forums for everything".. which I suppose makes sense. If this is out of the question, then just lock I suppose, but I would like some people to discuss this. Is there enough interest/use in ableton for it to have its own subforum?
  24. umm no.. that will make the first note you drag twice as far from the beginning but the rest i will keep their relative position.
  25. well I have been meaning to buy some new headphones... this might just be the perfect time From the OCR store thingy of course
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