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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. Dear Livejournal, I am playing through this game that is not starcraft and is also really terrible. Here, let me make a thread about it and talk about how much it sucks rather than playing starcraft which would be an infinitely better way of spending my time. The End.
  2. But both steel and dustbowl are great maps. :/ They're overplayed. This does not make them bad.
  3. Holy shit, I would go on a rant about how there's too many projects, but I'm too distracted by Megalomania from Live-a-Live. Put me down for that! Edit: registered as Tensei.
  4. The delay is desired, please add a link to the right. I'm not sure how intelligent.
  5. A lot of the comparisons make sense, but some of them might be a bit of a stretch. Very interesting read nevertheless, thanks for posting this!
  6. I only have Longinus (without the 2) Edit: Yeah I don't really see any significant differences between the versions. I guess go with 2 then since that's the more recent and prolly more balanced version then.
  7. I could do commentary on a few of the games if there's interest for that, I have a decent recording setup for both vids and audio.
  8. I think the first episode was definitely the best one (then again I like gore). I kind of lost interest after that.
  9. Fireslash, I tried playing on your server this morning but for some reason, typing 'rtv' wouldn't do anything at all.
  10. Battousai only has been on very sporadically lately and I'm not sure if Neko even has a working mic currently. So yeah, I don't know about commentary.
  11. I was going to come up with an edgy comment on this but I guess I just won't bother.
  12. Your efforts for getting misery on ocr are greatly appreciated!

  13. The part of the intro where the drums and bass come in gets me every time.
  14. The fact that you have an apparent genre bias does not in any way make this particular ReMix 'disrespectful'.
  15. I might pick up Port Town actually. Would sound nice in a similar style as my dkc2 track (which WILL be done by august!)
  16. We now have a somewhat official irc channel, #ocrsc on irc.enterthegame.com, and I'm basically up for 1v1 whenever I'm around, so feel free to drop by
  17. Great vid as always, sephfire, but as a bit of a tomb raider buff, I feel the need to harass you about bringing it up . It might just be coincidence, but when you draw the line between Lara Croft as a sex symbol, and Lara Croft as the attractive, capable, female Indiana Jones, you use footage/artwork from the older games to illustrate her being a sex symbol, but post-legend artwork to make your point about her being the attractive, capable etc. I bring this up because if I recall correctly, Tomb Raider: Legend was supposed to be the game where Lara got 'reinvented' to be a more mature, realistic character, and you'd be hard-pressed to find official post-legend artwork of her that's as risqué as the 'topless' artwork that came with the earlier games. The point I'm trying to make is that I think she's actually a lot closer to Gard's original vision of the character nowadays, and I do believe she's been quite succesfully reinvented as such, being a nice indicator of how the industry has 'matured' and even sort of emancipated women in games. TL;DR Me spergin' out over the emancipation of Tomb Raider.
  18. I was just looking for an excuse to post that pic again.
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