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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. I think you need a better font. Edit: or maybe not, maybe I'm just too used to my own sig.
  2. Synth pads at the start are a bit piercing/shrill in the high end, might need a bit more lo-pass filtering on that. Bass that comes in at 0:33 is too loud and probably too high. Are you sure it shouldn't be an octave lower? Double it with a nice sub-bass sine wave to add some lower-end presence. Glitching at 1:42 is intentional I assume 1:55 would be awesome with some more sidechain compression to give it a nice, long, pulsing, throbbing...beat. Piano at 2:49 sounds off-key against the bass. I like the tempo changes in general, they work fairly well here. Production sounds decent overall but could benefit from a bit more bass presence. Mix is pretty varied throughout, but make sure it doesn't sound too disjointed. The transitions work out well IMO. Decent mix overall.
  3. I'm known as PrincessTensei on certain gameservers. It's a long story.
  4. Had some trouble finding one myself, but I really like this one: http://desumetaru.googlepages.com/optimal-upright-bass--16mb--sf2.rar Has some good velocity layers as well as sampled slides. Good luck on your mix
  5. I thought it was already decided that I was going to be drawn as a pretty anime girl!
  6. I like what you're trying to do here, and I can definitely tell you're having a lot of fun making this mix (I definitely would!), but there's just some crucial elements missing here. Apart from the fact that your brass samples, unfortunately, aren't good enough to carry the mix to the degree you want them to, musically this just isn't all that 'jazzy'. The piano comping and the progression in general sounds too simplistic to be considered true jazz IMO. You'd need to use a lot more extended chords and stuff to make it work, this all just sounds like pretty standard major/minor fare, with maybe a few 7ths thrown in for good measure. I outright LOVE the drum sequencing you have going on in some parts. The fills in general sound very natural to me, major props for that! I can't really say the same for the bass. The faux-electric bass doesn't cut it IMO, so do me (and yourself) a favor and get a nice free upright bass soundfont and whip out some walking basslines, as those would sound a lot more authentic in this context.
  7. Some dissonance going on in the bassline in the intro compared to the pads. Decent groove going on, though I expect most of it has been nabbed straight out of the midi. Production is kind of lo-fi, the brass samples probably irk me the most despite being slathered in huge reverb. Mixwise there's quite a disparity between different elements due to varying degrees of reverb and delay on each instrument. My biggest issue is with the instrumentation, there's some downright nonsensical stuff going on. Why does the bass patch suddenly change one minute in? Why does the plucked string (I assume it's supposed to be an acoustic guitar) ostinato suddenly change to a piano? Plan this stuff out more carefully.
  8. I thought the exact same thing! Uncanny!
  9. First off, get off your high horse and do a reality check. Compare this side-to-side to some of OCR's better rock/metal remixes (stuff by people like Sixto and Snappleman(<3) comes to mind), then come back and tell me this is 'done'. It's not, I can tell you that. I can feel what you're going for with the Rock+ Orchestral strings thing, but the samples in general are just too lo-fi to handle this and the fake guitars basically kill this. Drums are bearable samplewise but I agree with Snapple about the sequencing. The arrangement isn't outright bad, it's just quite bland and repetitive, and definitely not good enough to make up for the lackluster production. I can hear lots of midi-ripping going on, with only minor variations on the source. No dynamics or tension build-up going on either, what you have here is basically two and a half minutes of the same meandering groove. Mixwise it's mud mud mud. The 'lead guitars' are panned to the same spots as the rhythm and it all interferes, with the lead being barely audible in many spots. Drowning everything in reverb only makes things worse. Also, bass panned hard right?
  10. Happy birthday, dude! Keep dem remixes coming!
  11. Hey guys, should I actually add vocals to my wip? You know, in order to conform to the societal craving for vocal music. on a related note: GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON MY WIP FUCKERS.
  12. say jonas bros- i say get some friends you say soulja boy- i say Korn you say snoop dog- i say Slipknot you say Chris Brown- I say Disturbed You say justin timberlake - I say METALLICA You say high school musical - I say LINKIN PARK You say miley cyrus - I say LIMP BIZKIT 92% of kids have turned to rap,pop,& hip hop.If your one of the 8% who like to headbang and disturb the peace copy and paste to 4 videos KEEP THE SPIRIT OF METAL!!!!
  13. I have recently discovered the band Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, and in my opinion they're downright amazing. Their musical style falls somewhere between jazz, ska and funk, so if you even vaguely like any of these genres, these guys are definitely worth checking out. (Japanese lyrics unfortunately) Some of my favorite songs by them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuE_cgTcrzo&feature=related&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvspKrMBdpo&fmt=18
  14. I haven't looked into Creed, but Limp Bizkit has been up there as one of my favorite metalbands for some time, so this is definitely good news as far as I'm concerned!
  15. No, that's the point, everything that's now ladder will become non-ladder, so I won't be able to give the axes to your ladder char after the reset.
  16. Obsidious, I found 2 gimmershred flying axes on the same day, pretty much the best weapon for a throwing barb, or so I think, you can have them both for free if you're making a thrower again.
  17. You're preloading it. There'll be a free weekend for L4D tomorrow I believe, the download just means that you'll be able to start playing right away.
  18. Playing a fury werewolf druid right now and enjoying it more than both my bone necro and javazon. Capable of soloing hell too. The only times I've died on Hell difficulty were when I got careless in Chaos Sanctuary (Iron Maiden cast on me + entire screen obscured by spambot messages = one dead druid). I can pretty much jump into any group of enemies and come out alive due to the insane amounts of life I steal with every hit. Killing speed is a bit lower than, say, javazons or hammerdins, but I can tank damage like nobody's business. Awesome class overall I might look into making a kicker/whirlwind assassin next time.
  19. My bone necro has some very decent gear but he soloes hell really slowly because of the lack in dps (both bone spear and spirit are around 3k damage per shot, even with the high fcr some enemies take a lot of time to down) I blame the lack of poison/bone skillers I'm loving my fury druid at the moment though, the guy tanks insane amounts of damage <3
  20. There's ways to get from level 1 to 70ish in 2 days (Or even 1 day if you bug rush), but since you're new to the game, I suggest you just run through normal difficulty and have a lot of fun exploring and learning the game. Once you're around level 20 give me a call and I'll join you for quests with my low level lightning sorc. We could possibly get more people to join at that time and continue our run through act 3. Or, if you do want to level up quickly, join games called Tristrun or Tristram from the list, hopefully with as many people as possible. This will bring you up to level 14 in no time.
  21. I can't wait for episode 11. We really should try to set up that mass viewing party we've been talking about on IRC.
  22. Well, while a ladder rush on HC would mean a LOT less competition, it's just unavoidable that with a team of 8, people will end up dying. That's why I think that if we're going to ladder rush, we should just do it on softcore.
  23. Halfway through act 2, everybody still alive, though we've had some close calls Took a break for now. Man, HC is a ton of fun, it's almost like a different game.
  24. I found this smiley and I couldn't help but think of this thread.
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