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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Problem is, every plugin there is for splitting alltalk and teamtalk have problems (serious ones in some instances, and problems with how dynamics are affected with others).
  2. I always had a place for the original song with its heavy strings at the beginning. This sounds fairly coverish to me, with a more dainty direction from the piano usage. Definitely dig the reinterpretation despite it in large part replicating source material.
  3. Waaaay too short. Sounds like a rough WIP where a lot of it is just transplanted wholesale from the original with better instruments.
  4. I remember originally not being a huge fan of this, but listening to it now, it does sound kind of nifty. I don't really have any complaints that come to mind on this one.
  5. Kind of interesting Prot didn't like this mix of his on OCR - I remember liking it, but part of it must be just nostalgia over the game as I don't know anyone else who have played the game. This particular mix is pretty straightforward in following the original melody. It does enhance some parts in some ways. Definitely not a fan of the ending though. I can see some of the complaints about repetitiveness, but that partly follows from mainly following the originally melody.
  6. I'm definitely not a fan of how this quirky mix went - the intro seems unnecessary to me, and the voice doesn't really serve much of a purpose. Samples probably kill the intended effect the quirkiness was meant to have, and which probably decreases its likability a huge amount for me. This was a complete miss for me, and I think it's because the quirkiness just wasn't utilized to much effect.
  7. So from what I can tell, this song is kinda repetitive - nice ideas, just wish there was some more variation and expansion.
  8. This is kinda nifty, but the structuring is weird. It builds up and launches into the melody, and in the middle does some quick changeup in pace, only to switch back to what it was doing before that changeup. It is probably my main gripe, as well as the song screaming for some more expansion to it.
  9. Man, it was quite a long time ago when I played Phantasy Star, and I remember this melody & song. The game memories weren't pleasant, but the music wasn't bad. So I know this was one of the first few songs on the site, but the samples really sound outdated. Some weird thing happens around 0:49-0:50 that I can't place my finger on. Quaint piece though.
  10. The bass in this song treads close to the uncomfortable zone for me - by that I mean the type that literally create headaches for me. This is kinda nice, although I'm not sure how close this comes to the original in progression, but again, the bass is a downer for me .
  11. Sort of a double post, but just a reminder that I did not forget things - I've been recovering from my sickness and catching up on work. This Friday or Saturday I'll think things through and see what I will come to the decision on how things will move forward with revised dates and stuff.
  12. The most surprising thing I noticed with the AI is that one time I was standing on top of the stone wall around the circular "maze" part of the demo, and a charger hit me from behind, and then ran away before the team knew what was happening! Amazing tweaks with the AI!
  13. K this game is crazy fun - soooo much better than the first!
  14. No, the whole reason people prebought is for the discount, especially with the 4-pack.
  15. Or you can load up in my room for a cheap room if you don't mind sleeping on the floor!
  16. Valve's job is to hype the game, plain and simple. Consumers need to keep things in perspective though. It's a tug of war, and those raging people over stuff like a delayed demo are the losers.
  17. It's a demo - why the hell are you going to complain? It's not like the game isn't coming out on the same day it was announced November 17, and it's not like the world is going to end because the demo came out one day late. People have too much of a sense of entitlement.
  18. I think what atma & d-lux said is correct - the server doesn't seem to be as busy as in the summer. Perhaps we could have two servers running when it's summer again, but currently it might be best to keep to one server and have the other for scrims and stuff. Stuff should be set up sometime in the next few days, perhaps tomorrow night when I should be free to help do so if it isn't somehow done tonight. I intend to have the current server locked with OC ReMix Server: Moved to [insert new IP] once this does happen. The suggestion has been made to make ocrtf2.com redirect to the .227 server, and perhaps some other subdomain.ocrtf2.com direct to the second server - sound good?
  19. The decision is solely with me - Arek has divested himself from the project as school has eaten up his time. Can you find a different guitarist though Mokram, like Fishy? No offense to Luke, but I want to see that he can handle his current load before I trust him with taking on everything in sight. I will post more on the project later this week, probably this Friday. I have been going through a myriad of things, including being sick for two days and completely stopping my work.
  20. So just keep in mind, the new server IPs are and We'll need to do some configuring, but what do people want as far as differentiation of the two servers goes? I know a bunch of us discussed having the second server being more custom-map centered, but I want to double check with everyone - what would you all like?
  21. I'm not such a fan of this song - the bass really kills it for me as far as listenability goes. Otherwise, things seem pretty well crafted, but I'm prone to headaches from a huge amount of bass in comparison to the rest of the song.
  22. Odd take on this boss theme - it sounds more like a porn groove than a boss theme! Smooth though - I dig it!
  23. So I dig this - got a nice jazz groove going on here. My only qualm here is that it seems way too short with that unexpected ending.
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