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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Play with us when L4D2 comes out - we'll help you!
  2. Quoted for emphasis - you're not doing your argument any favors.
  3. I kinda understand IW's decision here - they are right with a lot of their responses in the GI article, as crappy as the journalism is from GI's side. Their response to having a dual option is also correct - you do break up the community with something like that, leaving hardcores to find servers and the more casual to do the matchmaking. There's a lot of issues in terms of the current online experience with a lot of PC games, and IW is attempting to tackle that, which I applaud them for. With most games currently, you'll typically see douches/idiots that you'd expect more from 4chan, NeoGAF, Kotaku, GameFAQs, etc. at too high of a frequency, and it really downs the game experience of online gaming a lot of times. It's a lot of added stress for having to deal with bullshit attitudes when you just want to play the game. However, matchmaking has its flaws, as exhibited by probably the most high profile of them all Warcraft 3. Assigning a player's skill to a number is a fundamentally flawed method of assessing someone's skill and matching people together, since it assumes all abilities to decide and act in a game are equal and constant factors. I think a lack of dedicated servers can work, but it all depends on the UI and how well does the game really cater to it. Matchmaking however is incredibly difficult to pull off well.
  4. I'm usually around Green Street for lunchtime...but then again, my department is right there (Altgeld Hall) - I'd be up for having lunch sometime if you'd like, but it'd have to be Monday or Wednesday as I'm busy usually on the other days to have a normal lunch.

  5. I don't think the listening party would work too well with a radio stream - just as Stevo said, the typical format makes for it to be tough to discuss tracks as you might see in a listening party or disrupts the flow of conversation.
  6. Wait what? You're from Champaign too? Do you also go to UIUC? I'm in the mathematics department myself...and I too lost a night of studying ha.
  7. I have that Symphony X shirt! In fact, I remember wearing it to the VGL DC meetup ha!
  8. Well to be fair, the first tracks I listened to were Nutritious - Dreamscape, Oinkness - In Joy and Sorrow, Abadoss, DA, Nutritious - My Child, and Avaris - The Last Fatima (which was a nice one). I hadn't listened to the whole thing, so it wasn't really a complete assessment. I do love quite a bunch of these tracks, but it'll take me more listens to appreciate the whole thing I think. I think this is pretty good though overall, more than my expectations. Sorry man, but those issues stuck out way too much for me to not comment on it.
  9. Loving the project so far! Some of the tracks I feel are too short, and Oinkness's has production issues, but otherwise great job guys! Some of these tracks are stellar!
  10. Hey, nice job on your Xenogears track!

  11. Word of mouth for me. I don't care for game hype, so if I'm desperate for finding game info after its released that word of mouth doesn't give me enough for, I just go to GameRankings. I also don't like to generally read game related articles by gaming sites because of the sometimes piss poor journalism in the industry (Kotaku I'm looking at you).
  12. Maybe the sidebar is getting axed as mentioned by djp before?
  13. I remember watching this show as a kid . RIP captain!
  14. Haha zircon complained about me picking blacksmith actually.
  15. Uhh Uncharted 2 is made by Naughty Dog, which is owned by Sony .
  16. Meh, first one was mediocre, and I downright hated the second one, so...not going to get fooled a third time.
  17. But guys it's releasing a year after the first one came out, we should boycott it!
  18. This mix gets stale quickly for me - it's too repetitive with the same instruments playing, with new instruments gradually added playing the same part without much change. Not a bad idea, but the execution has left things to be desired.
  19. Kinda amusing seeing such an old noob post of mine. Listening to this mix now though, I feel like there's some creativity, but samples seem to hold back this mix quite a bit. The combination of the voices with the piano following it around 1 minute in is kind of tacky, and I feel like not enough is done to expand on the source - the beat remains steady throughout most of the song, and with the lack of much of a change with the backing tracks, really adds to the impression of repetition here.
  20. Happy birthday Sam! I hope things are going well over there!
  21. You know, this is one of those mixes from way back that still holds my attention. The title is amusing, as the hangover is a rough experience, and appropriately this mix doesn't convey smoothness at all. Not much is changed arrangement-wise from the original, but the back and forth between the two main lead instruments really work well here, and probably helps make this mix stick so well.
  22. Matchmaking isn't without their flaws - Warcraft 3's had plenty of issues too, and let's not get into the matchmaking found in games on the 360 and the PS3. It's anything but a perfect experience.
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